Ways You Can Help
Keep me in Prayer
It sounds like a trope, but it's true! Prayer is so critical and can make such a difference. I am so eager to have you pray for me, my family, and this ministry!
Reach out to me if you'd like some personal requests to pray for. I'd like to pray for you as well!
PayPal Donation or Membership
Some people may choose to make a one-time, or recurring donation to me via PayPal. Depending on how you prefer to set it up, PayPal can charge your credit card, or withdraw from your bank automatically every month. They take a percentage of the transaction as profit for themselves.
Patreon.com Membership
Patreon is a place where I upload videos and articles regularly for members-only. I try to balance it out so that members on Patreon and members on YouTube and members on this website will all see the same content at about the same time.
Buy Me a Coffee
Buy Me a Coffee is similar to Patreon in that I can create things for people to access and people can set themselves up to do a one-time or recurring payment. So far I only have had one-time donations in this way.
Social Sharing
If you can't afford to make a donation to support my work, you can make a big difference by being a 'sharer' of my videos and songs to your social network. Leave a review wherever you see an opportunity, tell your friends and associates about the impact my scripture-music ministry has had on you; these actions can have a long-reaching effect!
Thanks again!