Jason Silver

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Better Is One Day in Your Courts (Psalm 84) (4:04)
Album: Love the Psalms, Volume 6

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 301 times)


Album cover for Better Is One Day in Your Courts
How lovely is your dwelling place,
O Lord of hosts! O Lord of hosts!
How my soul longs, indeed it faints
For the courts of the Lord;
My heart and my flesh
Sing out for joy
To the living God.

Even the sparrow finds a home,
And the swallow finds a nest,
Where she may safely lay her young
At your altars, O Lord,
My King and my God.
Happy are those
Who live in your house,

Happy are those
Ever singing your praise.

Selah (rest and think on that)

Happy are those whose strength's in you,
Their hearts are highways to Zion.
As they go through the valley sad,
Make it a place of springs;
The early rain falls,
Filling the pools.
They go from strength to strength;
The God of gods
Will be seen in Zion.

O Lord God of hosts, hear my prayer;
Give ear, O God of Jacob!

Selah (rest and think on that)

For just one day within your courts
Is better than a thousand gone.
And I would rather keep the door
Than live in tents of sin.
For the Lord God is
A sun and shield;
He gives favour and honour.

No good thing does God withhold
From those who walk uprightly.
O Lord God of hosts,
Happy are all who trust in you.

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Released 2019

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