Jason Silver

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My God In Whom I Trust (Psalm 91) (3:45)
Album: Love the Psalms, Volume 6

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 262 times)


Album cover for My God In Whom I Trust
You who live in the shelter of the most high,
Who abide in the shadow of almighty God,
Will say to the Lord:

“My refuge, and my fortress
“My God, in whom I trust.”

He'll deliver you from the hunter's snare,
And he'll save you from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you under His wings.
You will find refuge in His faithfulness.

“My refuge, and my fortress
“My God, in whom I trust.”

You will not fear the terror of the night,
Or fear the arrow that flies by day,
Or the pestilence that stalks in the dark,
Or the destruction that waits at noon day.

A thousand may fall at your side,
Ten thousand at your right hand,
But it will not come near you.
You only look with your eyes,
And see the punishment of the wicked
'cause you made the Lord your refuge
The most high is your dwelling place
No evil shall befall you,
Nor plague come near your tent.

For he'll command his angels concerning you,
To guard you in all of your ways.
On their hands, they will bear you up
So you will not dash your foot against a stone.
You'll tread on the lion and the snake,
You will trample them underfoot.

I will deliver all those who love me.
I will protect those who know my name.
When they call me, I'll answer them.
I'll be with them in trouble, I'll rescue them.
With long life, I'll satisfy them,
And show them my salvation.

“My refuge, and my fortress
“My God, in whom I trust.”

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Released 2019

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