Jason Silver

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His Steadfast Love Endures Forever (Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29) (4:41)
Album: Love the Psalms, Volume 8

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 211 times)


Album cover for His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

His steadfast love, it endures forever
Open up gates of righteousness,
That I may enter through them now
And give thanks to the Lord

This is the gate of the Lord, and the righteous
And the righteousness shall enter it
I thank you that you've answered me
And become my salvation.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

This is the stone that the builders rejected
It's become the cornerstone
This is the Lord's doing, it is,
It is marvellous to our eyes
This is the day that the Lord has created
Let's rejoice and be glad in it,
Save us, we beseech you O Lord,
O Lord, give us success.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

Blest is the one who
Comes in the name of the Lord
We bless you from the,
From the house of the Lord
The Lord is God and,
He's given us the light
Bind the procession
With branches to the horns of the altar.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

You are my God, and I'll give thanks to You
You're my God, I'll extol You too
Give thanks to the Lord for he's good
For His love lasts forever

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

O, give thanks
To the Lord, for He is good,
His steadfast love endures forever.

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Released 2014

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