For the Way You Created Me (Psalm 139:1-5,12-17) (4:06)
Album: Love The Psalms, Vol. 10
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 104 times)
I praise you for the way you created me,
I praise you for the way you created me.
You've looked deep into my heart, Lord.
And you know everything about me:
You know when I am resting;
You know when I am at work;
And from heaven you discover my every thought.
I praise you for the way you've created me.
You notice everything I do Lord,
And everywhere that I go.
Before I even speak it
You know what I will say.
Your strong arm protects me from every side;
I praise you for the way you created me.
You see into the darkness:
Light and dark are all the same to you.
You put me all together
Inside my mother's womb.
I praise you for the way you created me,
I praise you for the way you created me.
Everything you do is marvellous,
Of this I have no doubt.
Nothing about me is hidden from you.
I was secretly woven together
Deep inside the earth below.
With your eyes you saw me, I was being formed.
I praise you for the way you created me.
Even before I was born, You
Had written in your book
Everything that I would do, Lord,
Everything I would do.
Your thoughts are beyond all that I understand,
Much more than I could ever imagine.
I praise you for the way you created me,
I praise you for the way you created me,
I praise you for the way you created me.
Released 2013
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- Youtube Music Video at released April 9th, 2020
- Nature Video at released March 27th, 2020