Israel As His Possession (Psalm 135) (4:21)
Album: Love the Psalms, Volume 9
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 76 times)
Praise the Lord!
Praise the name of the Lord;
Give praise, O servants of the Lord,
You who stand in the house of the Lord,
In the courts of His temple.
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
Sing to his name, for he is gracious.
For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself,
Israel as his own possession.
For I know that the Lord is great;
Our Lord is above all gods.
Whatever the Lord pleases, so he does,
In heaven and on earth, in the ocean deep.
It is He who makes clouds to rise
Makes lightning, wind, and rain
He struck down the firstborn of Egypt...
Against Pharaoh and his servants.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the name of the Lord;
Give praise, O servants of the Lord,
You who stand in the house of the Lord,
In the courts of His temple.
Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;
Sing to his name, for he is gracious.
For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself,
Israel as his own possession.
He struck down many nations and
Killed many kings and rulers
And gave their land as a heritage,
A heritage to God's people, Israel.
Your name, Lord, endures for ever,
Your fame throughout all time.
The Lord will defend his people,
Have compassion on his servants.
The idols of the nations are silver and gold,
The work of human hands.
They have mouths, but do not speak;
Have eyes, but do not see; have ears, but do not hear,
Those who make them, who trust them
Shall become like them!
O house of Israel, bless the Lord!
O house of Aaron, bless the Lord!
O house of Levi, bless the Lord!
O you that fear the Lord, bless the Lord!
Blessed be the Lord from Zion,
He who resides in Jerusalem.
Praise the Lord!
Released 2019
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- Youtube Music Video at released December 5th, 2019
- Nature Video at released November 15th, 2019