All My Heart This Night Rejoices (3:55)
Album: ChristmaSongs
(0 likes, played 15 times)
All my heart this night rejoices
As I hear, far and near, sweetest angel voices.
“Christ is born,” their choirs are singing
'Til the air everywhere now with joy is ringing.
Hark! a voice from yonder manger,
Soft and sweet, doth entreat, “Flee from woe and danger;
Pilgrims, come from all that grieves you
You are freed; all you need I will surely give you.”
Come, then, let us hasten yonder,
Here let all, great and small; kneel with awe and wonder.
Love Him who with love is glowing;
Hail the star, near and far Bright with hope is burning.
Thee dear Lord, with heed I'll cherish
Live to thee, and with thee, dieing shall not perish
But shall dwell with evil ever
Far on high, in the joy that can alter never.
Released 2009
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- Nature Video at released November 25th, 2009