Be Praised (Edward Caswall) (4:24)
Album: Hymns Reimagined
by Translated:Edward Caswall, Music by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 132 times)
Original Title: When Morning Gilds the Skies
When morning gilds the sky,
Our hearts awaking cry:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
in all our work and prayer
We ask his loving care:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
To God, the Word on high,
The hosts of angels cry:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let mortals too upraise
Their voices in hymns of praise:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Then let us join to sing
To Christ, our loving King:
Sing, Jesus Christ be praised!
Let earth's wide circle round
In joyful notes resound:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Let air and sea and sky
From depth to height reply:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Then let us join to sing
To Christ, our loving King:
Sing, Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this, when day is past,
Of all our thoughts the last:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
The night becomes as day
When from the heart we say:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Then let us join to sing
To Christ, our loving King:
Sing, Jesus Christ be praised!
Released 2018
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- Live Video at released August 14th, 2018