Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

Yeshua Jesus (3:00)
Album: Old Singles

by Samuel Brewer & Jason SIlver (0 likes, played 12 times)


Album cover for Yeshua Jesus
You are the Son of God with all power and might.
The Word made flesh to manifest God's love and light.
Drawing near the far...
The bright Morning Star...

Because of You we do make it through the night.
Your healing hands have restored man through many plight.
I'm no exception Lord...
We need you more and more...

You are the way, You are the truth You are the life
You are the Man, God's perfect lamb, you paid the price.
On Calvary...
Where you died for me...
Yeshua... Jesus.

Because of You we do make it through the night.
Your healing hands have restored man through many plight.
I'm no exception Lord...
We need you more and more.

You are the way, You are the truth You are the life
You are the Man, God's perfect lamb, you paid the price.
On Calvary...
Where you died for me...
Yeshua... Jesus.

Released 2017

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My Devotionals / Blogs for This Song