Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

Just Breathe (2:48)
Album: Old Singles

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 10 times)


Album cover for Just Breathe
Do you realise
That you advertise your pain?
You know, I empathise;
I'd never criticise or blame.

Would you like to find peace,
To see the struggle decrease,
To let it all drift away?

Do you agonise,
Feel paralysed and cry?
I'll help you hypnotise
So we can visualise blue sky.

You hold onto your tears,
You're feeling trapped by your fears,
Take a breath, let it go.

Close your eyes and breathe,
Just let it fall.
You hold on to what you can't

Your life is bigger than what you can see
Let's loose those chains, you can be set free:
Just breathe.

Released 2017

Videos and Social Media

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My Devotionals / Blogs for This Song