Jason Silver

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My Deliverance (Philippians 1:15-21) (3:36)
Album: Hey! Philippi

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 177 times)


Album cover for My Deliverance
Some preach Christ out of envy
Out of rivalry,
Others goodwill.
The latter do so out of love,
Knowing I'm put here for the defence of the gospel.

The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition,
Not sincere, knowing they can stir up trouble
While I'm in chains.

But what does it matter?
The important thing is that in every way,
Whether false motives or true,
Christ is preached.

And so I rejoice.
Yes, continue to rejoice,
For I know that through your prayers and God’s provision
Through the Spirit of Jesus Christ
What has happened to me
Will turn out for my deliverance.

Eagerly I expect that
I'll in no way
Be ashamed,
But will have sufficient courage
So that always Christ be exalted in my body,

Exalted by life
Or exalted by death.
Mmm, for to me, to live is Christ
To die is gain.

And so I rejoice.
Yes, continue to rejoice,
For I know that through your prayers and God’s provision
Through the Spirit of Jesus Christ
What has happened to me
Will turn out for my deliverance.

And so I rejoice.
Yes, continue to rejoice,
For I know that through your prayers and God’s provision
Of the Spirit of Jesus Christ
What has happened to me
Will turn out for my deliverance.

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Released 2023

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