Same Love (Philippians 2:1-4) (3:10)
Album: Hey! Philippi
by Jason SIlver (0 likes, played 110 times)
If you have any
From being
United with Christ,
If any comfort from his love,
If any common sharing in the Spirit,
Any tenderness and compassion,
Then make my joy complete
By being like-minded,
Having the same love,
Being one in spirit
And one in mind.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition
Or vain conceit.
In humility
Above yourselves,
Not looking to your own interests
But to the interests of the others.
In tenderness and compassion,
Oh, make my joy complete
By being like-minded,
Having the same love,
Being one in spirit
And one in mind.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition
Or vain conceit.
By being like-minded,
Having the same love,
Being one in spirit
And one in mind.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition
Do nothing out of selfish ambition
Or vain conceit.
Released 2023
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- Youtube Music Video at released April 22nd, 2023