Stars (Philippians 2:12-16) (2:53)
Album: Hey! Philippi
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 127 times)
Therefore, my dear friends,
As you have always obeyed—
Not only in my presence,
But now much more in my absence
Continue to work out
Your salvation
With fear and trembling,
For it is God who works in you
To will and to act
In order to
Fulfill his good purpose.
Do everything without
Grumbling or arguing,
So that you become blameless
So that you become pure,
“Children of God without
“Fault in a warped and
“Crooked generation.”
Then you will shine
Among them
Like stars in the sky
As you hold firmly
To the
To the word of life.
Then I will be able
To boast on the day of Christ
That I did not run or labour in vain.
Then you will shine
Among them
Like stars in the sky
As you hold firmly
To the
To the word of life.
Then I will be able
To boast on the day of Christ
That I did not run or labour in vain.
Released 2023
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- Youtube Music Video at released April 22nd, 2023
- Members Song Preview Video at released April 3rd, 2023
- Youtube Music Video at released April 2nd, 2023