Jason Silver

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Romans 8:9-11
Album: Scripture Songs: Epistle to the Romans

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 50 times)

Live recording, taken from Piano Hands Video


Album cover for Romans 8:9-11
But ye are not in the flesh
But in the Spirit,
If so be that the Spirit of God
Dwelleth in you.

But if, but if any man
Hath not the Spirit of Christ,
He is none of his.

And if Christ is in you,
The body is dead because of sin;
But the spirit is life
Because of righteousness.

But if the Spirit of him
That raised up Jesus
From the dead dwelleth in you,
Dwelleth in you

He that raised Christ from the dead
Shall give life to your bodies
Through his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

And if Christ is in you,
The body is dead because of sin;
But the spirit is life
Because of righteousness.

And if Christ is in you,
The body is dead because of sin;
But the spirit is life
Because of righteousness.


Taken from the American Standard Version

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Released 2020

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