Jason Silver

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You Received the Spirit (Galatians 3:2-5) (2:50)

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 82 times)

Featuring The Arctic Special thanks to Laura Dawson on fiddle, Seth Silver-Black on drums


Album cover for You Received the Spirit
Tell me this one thing:
How did you receive the Holy Spirit?
Did you receive the Spirit
By following the law?


You received the Spirit because you
Heard the Good News and believed it
You began your life in Christ
By the Spirit.


Now are you trying
To make it complete by your own power?
So foolish. Were all your experiences wasted?
I hope not!


You received the Spirit because you
Heard the Good News and believed it
You began your life in Christ
By the Spirit.


Does God give you the Spirit and work
Miracles among you
Because you follow the law?
He does these things
Because you heard the Good News
And believed it.


You received the Spirit because you
Heard the Good News and believed it
You began your life in Christ
By the Spirit.


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Released 2024

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