Joined (Ephesians 2:17-22) (1:54)
Album: Songs to the Church In Ephesus
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 58 times)
And he came and preached peace to all who were away
And he came and preached peace to those who were near,
So that through him we both have access
In one Spirit to the Father.
So then you are no longer foreigners
And aliens,
But you are fellow citizens with the saints
And members of God’s household,
Because you have been built upon the foundation of
The apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ
He is the cornerstone. In him
The whole building, being joined
It's joined together, so it grows into
A holy temple
in the Lord, in whom you're being built
Built together into a dwelling place
Of God in the Spirit.
Released 2022
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- Youtube Music Video at released June 7th, 2022
- Artist Video at released April 16th, 2022