Claimed (Ephesians 1:11-14) (3:03)
Album: Songs to the Church In Ephesus
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 122 times)
In Christ we have been claimed
As God’s own possession,
In Christ we have been claimed
As God’s own possession,
Since we were predestined
According to one purpose
Of him who accomplishes all things
According to the counsel of
His will so that we, who were first
To set our hope on Christ,
Would be to the praise of his glory.
In Christ we have been claimed
As God’s own possession,
In Christ we have been claimed
As God’s own possession,
And when you heard the word of
Truth (heard the gospel of your
The gospel of your salvation)—
And when you believed in Christ—
You were marked with the seal of
The promised Holy Ghost,
Who is the down payment of our inheritance,
Until the redemption of God’s own possession,
To the praise of his glory.
In Christ we have been claimed
As God’s own possession,
In Christ we have been claimed
As God’s own possession,
Released 2022
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- Artist Video at released February 5th, 2022
- Youtube Music Video at released January 16th, 2022