Jason Silver

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Renewed (Ephesians 4:17-24) (1:51)
Album: Songs to the Church In Ephesus

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 52 times)


Album cover for Renewed
So I say this,
And I insist in the Lord,
That you no longer live as the Gentiles do,
In the futility of their thinking.

They're darkened in
Their understanding,
Alienated from the life of God
Because of ignorance due to hardened hearts.

For they are callous,
Given themselves over to
Indecency for the practice of all
Impurity with greediness. But

You did not learn
About Christ like this, if
Indeed you heard about him, taught in him,
Just as the truth is in Jesus.

You were
Taught to put away
Your old
Way of life
To lay aside
The old man
Corrupted and deluded by deceitful desires,
To be
Renewed in the
Spirit of your mind,
And put on
The new man
Created in God’s image—in righteousness
And holiness
That comes from truth.

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Released 2022

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