Guided (Ephesians 5:1-7) (2:45)
Album: Songs to the Church In Ephesus
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 43 times)
Follow God’s example, therefore,
As dearly loved children
And walk in the way of love,
Just as Christ loved us and gave himself up
For us as a fragrant offering
And sacrifice to God.
But among you there must not
Be even a hint of
Sexual immorality,
Nor any impurity,
Nor of greed, because these
Aren't proper for God’s holy people.
Follow God’s example, therefore,
As dearly loved children
And walk in the way of love,
Just as Christ loved us and gave himself up
For us as a fragrant offering
And sacrifice to God.
Nor should there be obscenity,
No foolish talk nor
Coarse joking, which are out of place,
But rather have thanksgiving.
For you can be sure that
Such a person is an idolater.
No immoral, impure, greedy person
Has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Let no one deceive with empty words, for
Because of such things God’s anger comes on the disobedient.
So don't be partners with them.
Follow God’s example, therefore,
As dearly loved children
And walk in the way of love,
Just as Christ loved us and gave himself up
For us as a fragrant offering
And sacrifice to God.
Released 2022
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- Youtube Music Video at released July 31st, 2022