Jason Silver

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John 14:12-14
Album: Scripture Songs: The Gospel of John

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 22 times)


Album cover for John 14:12-14
Most assuredly,
I say to you,
He who believes in Me,
The works that I do
He will also do;
And greater works than these

Most assuredly,
I say to you,
He who believes in Me,
The works that I do
He will also do;
And greater works than these

If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.
If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.

And whatever you ask,
Ask in my name, and that I will do.

That the Father may be
Be glorified
Be glorified in the Son.

If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.
If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.
If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.
If you ask anything in My name,
I will do it.

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Released 2022

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