Jason Silver

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The Spirit and Human Nature (Galatians 5:16-21) (3:34)
Album: Galatians: Paul Writes to the Celts

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 43 times)


Album cover for The Spirit and Human Nature
So I tell you:
Live by following
The Spirit
Then you will not do
What your sinful selves want.

Our sinful selves
Want what is against
The Spirit
And the Spirit wants
What is against our sinful selves.

The two are against each other,
So you cannot do just what you please.


But if the Spirit
Leads you, you are not
Under the law.
The wrong things the
Sinful self does are clear:

And sexual sins
Witchcraft, and hate
And causing strife

Jealousy, rage and rivalries,
Dissensions, factions and heresies
Envy and drunkenness, orgies
And doing anything else like these

I warn you now as I did before
I warn you now as I did before
Those who do these things
Won't inherit
The Kingdom of God.

I warn you now as I did before
I warn you now as I did before
Those who do these things
Won't inherit
The Kingdom of God.

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Released 2023

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