Jason Silver

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Walk In a Manner Worthy of the Lord (Colossians 1:9-14)
Album: Colossians

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 100 times)


Album cover for Walk In a Manner Worthy of the Lord
And so,
From the day we heard
We've not
Ceased to pray for you

Asking that you may be filled
With knowledge of his will
In all spiritual wisdom
And understanding still

So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
Fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in
Every good work
And increasing in the knowledge of God
Strengthened with all power
According to his glorious might
For all endurance
Full patience with joy

We give
Thanks to Father God
He has made us fit to share
Share in the inheritance
Of the saints in light.
He's delivered us from darkness
And transferred us from night

So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
Fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in
Every good work
And increasing in the knowledge of God
Strengthened with all power
According to his glorious might
For all endurance
Full patience with joy


God delivered us
To the kingdom of
His beloved Son,
In whom we have
Redemption, we're
Forgiven for what we've done

God delivered us
To the kingdom of
His beloved Son,
In whom we have
Redemption, we're
Forgiven for what we've done

So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
Fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in
Every good work
And increasing in the knowledge of God
Strengthened with all power
According to his glorious might
For all endurance
Full patience with joy

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Released 2023

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