The Purpose of Our Life (3:01)
Album: Seek
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 21 times)
We begin with forty days
We know it's not the end
It's a way for us to love
And see our God again
We all want to grow
We all want to know
The purpose of our life.
It all starts with God
And we know he made us right
We're the pleasure of our Lord
We long to see him smile
Become best friends with him
Though he seems far away
It's the purpose of our life
Every day I will seek
I will pray, though I'm weak
I was made for serving you
So make my life new.
He intended us to be
A community of grace
Where we live our lives as one
We have found the place
To give our gifts away
We offer them to you
It's the purpose of our life.
Released 2004
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- Cover Art Video at released March 24th, 2010