Love the Psalms, Volume 5Stream on Spotify
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This is the fifth release of the Psalms as a group, and there will be five more albums, each with 16 songs.
Be sure to check the other volumes as well!
Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy.
< Love the Psalms, Volume 1   Love the Psalms, Volume 6 >
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- 1. O God, You Are My God (Psalm 63) (4:13)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 2. Oppressed But Rejoicing (Psalm 64) (3:59)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 3. Praise Is Due to You (Psalm 65) (3:18)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 4. Praises To Your Name (Psalm 66:1-12) (3:03)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 5. Come and Hear (Psalm 66:8-20) (3:19)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 6. Let the People Praise You (Psalm 67) (2:47)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 7. Let God Rise Up (Psalm 68) (5:49)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 8. Deep Waters (Psalm 69) (7:00)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 9. Help Me (Psalm 70) (3:30)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 10. Proclaim (Psalm 71) (6:10)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 11. Give the King Your Justice O God (Psalm 72:1-14, 17-19) (3:23)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 12. Bitter (Psalm 73) (4:22)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 13. O God, Why? (Psalm 74) (4:50)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 14. We Give Thanks (Psalm 75) (3:59)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 15. You Indeed Are Awesome (Psalm 76) (4:16)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
- 16. I Cry Aloud to God (Psalm 77:1-2, 13-20) (3:26)Buy Sheet MusicBuy Song on AppleStream on Spotify
Scripture in these songs are based on the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Oftentimes the awkward words and usages in this version have been replaced with the general consensus words from other translations. I check the New English Translation, The Revised Standard Version, Today's English Version, The Message, The New International Version, among others to use the general consensus or best fitting alternative word.