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Jason Silver

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The Plans I Have For You (Jeremiah 29:11-14) (4:00)

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 196 times)


For you know the plans you have for me
You have said
For you know the plans you have for me
Plans to prosper me and not harm me
Plans to give me hope and a future

Then I'll call on you, come pray to you
And you will listen
Then I'll call on you, come pray to you
I will seek and I will find you
When I seek you with all of my heart

You will be found by us, this you have promised
And bring us back from captivity
You'll gather us from the nations and places
Where we've been banished by you
You'll bring us back from exile

For you know the plans you have for me
You have said
For you know the plans you have for me
Plans to prosper me and not harm me
Plans to give me hope and a future

ISRC: QZFYY2488238

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