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Jason Silver

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The Faith He Tried to Destroy (Galatians 1:17-24) (3:35)

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 63 times)

Featuring Matt LeFait


I did not go
To Jerusalem
To see those who were
Apostles before I was.
But, without waiting,
I went away
To Arabia
And later went back to Damascus

After three years went
To Jerusalem
To meet with Peter and
Stayed with him for fifteen days.
I met no other apostles, but James,
the brother of the Lord.

God knows that these things I write are not lies

Later, I went to
the areas of
Syria and Cilicia.
In Judea
The churches in Christ
Had never met me

They had only heard it said about me:

“This man
“Who was attacking us is now
“The same faith he once tried to destroy.”
“This man
“Who was attacking us is now
“The same faith he once tried to destroy.”


“This man
“Who was attacking us is now
“The same faith he once tried to destroy.”
“This man
“Who was attacking us is now
“The same faith he once tried to destroy.”

These believers praised God
Because of me.

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