Jason Silver

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As the Deer (Psalm 42) (5:24)
Album: Love the Psalms, Volume 3

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 152 times)


Album cover for As the Deer
As a deer longs for flowing streams,
So my soul longs for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God,
For the living God.

When shall I see the face of God?
Tears have been my food day and night,
While the people say,
“Where is your God now?”

These things I remember,
As I pour out my soul:
How I went with the throng,
Led them in procession to the house of my God,
With glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving,
A great crowd keeping festival.
Why so downcast, my soul,
And why so depressed?
Hope in God; for I shall praise him again,
My help and my God.

My soul is cast down within me;
Therefore I will remember you
From the land you gave: Jordan and Hermon,
Hear the deep calling to the deep
Thunder roar of your waterfalls;
All your waves have come,
Billow over me.

These things I remember,
As I pour out my soul:
How I went with the throng,
Led them in procession to the house of my God,
With glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving,
A great crowd keeping festival.
Why so downcast, my soul,
And why so depressed?
Hope in God; for I will praise him again,
My help and my God.

By day God commands steadfast love,
And at night his song is with me,
His song is a prayer to the God of life.
I ask God, “Why you've forgotten me?
“Why must I walk out mournfully
“Cause the enemy, he oppresses me?”

These things I remember,
As I pour out my soul:
How I went with the throng,
Led them in procession to the house of my God,
With glad shouts and songs of thanksgiving,
A great crowd keeping festival.
Why so downcast, my soul,
And why so depressed?
Hope in God; for I shall praise him again,
My help and my God.

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Released 2018

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