My Journal and Diary
Friday, January 31st, 2020
The Deer Is In Danger

"As the Deer" is a popular English worship song I sang as a teenager. It was also based on Psalm 42. I think it's a pretty little tune, and it really helps me express my longing for God.
However, it doesn't communicate the distress that Psalm 42 contains.
Look at verses 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10! We see phrases like, "My tears have been my food day and night," "Why are you cast down, O my soul," "[God,] Why have you forgotten me," and "Why must I walk about mournfully?"
Don't let the image of a majestic and solemn deer throw you off. This Psalm is the cry of someone desperately thirsty, perhaps even DEHYDRATED for God!
Unfortunately, many of us know exactly what it's like to drown in one's own tears, and to hear the voices of mockers saying, "Where is your God now?" It's the plight of being human, actually! Suffering is at the core of the meaning of life!
Scripture is our guidebook, and so we can see hope in these verses! We must tell ourselves the same thing this writer said in verse 5 and 12: "Hope in God; for I shall again praise him... [he is] my help and my God."
You see? The waters of life, those rivers of satisfaction, are found in God. They're found in praise! They're found in fellowship with other believers!
It's true: the Psalmist says in verse 4, when he's in the throng of worshippers, making their way to the house of God, shouting in joy and thanksgiving, then the distress becomes just a memory. We may not forget, but we can find help in God.
So don't push your pain away. Don't think that Christians mustn't suffer! Rather, find hope in Him as you worship Him! HE is your help, and your God!