Not To Us (Psalm 115) (4:22)
Album: Love the Psalms, Volume 8
by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 149 times)
Not to us, O Lord,
Not to us,
But to Your name be glory.
For the sake of Your loyal love
And faithfulness.
Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?"
Our God is in the heavens, He does what pleases Him.
Their idols are silver and gold
The work of human hands
They have mouths, but do not speak
They have eyes but do not see
They have ears, but do not hear,
They have noses, but do not smell,
They have hands, but do not feel,
They have feet, but do not walk.
They make no sound in their throats,
Those who make them, and trust them,
Are just like them.
O Israel
Trust in the Lord,
He is their help and shield.
O House of Aaron,
Trust in the Lord
He is their help and shield.
You who fear Him,
Trust in the Lord
He is your help and shield.
Not to us, O Lord,
Not to us,
But to Your name be glory.
For the sake of Your loyal love
And faithfulness.
The Lord remembered us,
He will bless us.
Bless Israel and Aaron
And those who fear the Lord
May the Lord cause you to flourish,
Both you and your children
May you be blessed,
Blessed by the Lord
Who made the heaven and earth.
The heavens belong
They are the Lord's
But earth, He's given to us.
The dead do not
Don't praise the Lord
But we will bless the Lord!
From this time on
And evermore,
Yes, we will praise the Lord!
Released 2017
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- Nature Video at released February 27th, 2021
- Youtube Music Video at released September 13th, 2019