Jason Silver

Refreshing blog

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, February 27th, 2021

Pedestal Idolizing

YouTube video cover for Not To Us
 Not To Us

Take a minute, and reflect on this: do you have anything in your life that takes up more of your time or attention than it should?

Some examples that come to mind are exercise, work, friends, food, and even less obvious things like stress or worry!

The reason I ask you this, is because today's psalm addresses idolatry. In a poetic manner, we're asked to consider the futility of worshipping idols. In ancient times these manufactured gods may have had eyes, ears, and feet, but they could not see, hear nor walk.

We may not live in an era where people worship statues, but we have other blind and deaf obsessions to which we give our time and adulation. The most common of these focuses seems to be money and fame.

Our modern-day sacrifices at the altar of success are little different than the actions of idol worshippers. Too often we are giving our best time and attention to status, power, wealth, notoriety and even the pursuit of pleasure. Social media has increased our ability to compare ourselves to others, and so many of us are more aware than ever before of what we don't have, and what we could have.

Did you know that studies have shown a direct correlation between time spent on social media, and depression? I suspect that these apps stir up feelings of jealousy and discontent as we contrast our own situation against the glossy version which our neighbours portray. But worshipping at these man-made temples will only increase our thirst for something more. They will never truly satisfy.

Rather than putting our trust in these blind and deaf gods, we should trust in the Lord. Only He will be our help and shield! He blesses both great and small, and we will find our lives more full when He alone becomes our focus of worship.
