Jason Silver

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Because of My Chains (Philippians 1:12-14) (2:34)
Album: Hey! Philippi

by Jason Silver (1 like, played 137 times)


Album cover for Because of My Chains
Now I want you to know,
Brothers and sisters,
What has happened to me
Has actually
Served to advance the gospel.
And so, as a result,
It has become clear
Through the whole palace guard
And to everyone else
That I'm in chains for Christ.

And because of my chains,
Most of the brothers and sisters
Have become confident in the Lord
And to dare all the more
To proclaim the gospel,
To proclaim the Good News without fear.

And because of my chains,
Most of the brothers and sisters
Have become confident in the Lord
And to dare all the more
To proclaim the gospel,
To proclaim the Good News without fear.


And because of my chains,
Most of the brothers and sisters
Have become confident in the Lord
And to dare all the more
To proclaim the gospel,
To proclaim the Good News without fear.

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Released 2023

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