Jason Silver

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Thanksgiving and Praise (Psalm 138) (3:49)
Album: Love The Psalms, Vol. 10

by Jason Silver (0 likes, played 138 times)


Album cover for Thanksgiving and Praise
I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;
Before the gods I sing your praise;
So I bow down towards your holy temple
And give You thanks for your steadfast love
And your faithfulness;

For you've exalted your name and word
Lifted above everything.
Above everything.

And on the day I called, you answered me,
And you increased my strength of soul.
All the kings of earth shall praise you Lord, O,
For they have heard the words you speak.

They shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
For great is the glory of God.
For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly;
But the proud he sees from far away,
From far away.

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Lord,
You save me from the wrath of my enemies;
You stretch out your hand, yes, your right hand, O
Yes, your right hand delivers me.

The Lord fulfils his, his purpose for me;
Your steadfast love, it endures forever.
Don't forsake your work.

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Released 2015

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