Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary



Saturday, December 19th, 2020

Fantasy and Reality

YouTube video cover for Thanksgiving and Praise
 Thanksgiving and Praise

Psalm 138 describes those who live close to God as living in reality, and those who dwell far from Him as living in fantasy. Is that opposite to how you usually think of it?

To assign the descriptor "reality" to that which cannot be seen, and "fantasy" to its opposite, is like turning the world upside-down.

The average person may think of the world of religion as a bit of silly imagination. They might view their own perspective of logic and reason as the ultimate truth.

I think I understand why this has come to be. In many ways, our spiritual beliefs in this post-modern era, sound like an episode of Star Wars or the TV show, Supernatural. We like the stories, maybe even wish they were true, but understand they are just a sham. Faith has been set up as a complex fiction, a pretend, make-believe world on which the naive and uneducated depend, in order to escape reality!

Those of us who seek to align ourselves with spiritual truth believe all kinds of fantastical, non-earthly facts. We know there are angels and demons; we orient our lives toward ancient scripture; we await the fulfillment of foretold prophecy; we pray to, and worship an invisible force. Truly, we think that what is touchable is temporary and what is untouchable is eternal. Many would say that those of us who would call ourselves believers, are deluded by wishful thinking!

What an impasse! From our perspective, the opposite is true! We are the ones who see the world as it really is! We are the ones in touch with reality, while denouncers live in their own fantasy of arrogant, egocentric atheism.

There are many things which cannot be seen, much that cannot be known. At the heart of wisdom lies quiet humility. The lowly are regarded by God, whereas the haughty are far away. And in the end, the one thing which will outlast all others is love.

O Lord, Your steady, faithful love endures for all time. Though many have forsaken You, do not forsake us, for we are the work of Your hands.

If you, dear reader, have turned your heart from Him, can you stop, and call out his name now? He will hear and answer you, and you will find yourself living in the real world. You will find an increased strength of soul! You will be delivered by the strength of His love.


