Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary


January February March April May June July October December


Monday, December 29th, 2008

Jamming, Country Style

Tonight was a suprise party for my uncle Clair, mom's brother, who is retiring. It was one huge jam session and a packed house of country-music lovers ready for some great times!

What a lot of fun. I took along a few instruments but ended up just pounding the ivories -- well, the plastics I guess. :)

I saw a lot of people I had not seen in a long time, and that was great too. I'm so glad to be living back home where I can run into family members all the time.

It's sure curious to me that the Abram's are all so musical. I wonder where it comes from?

Speaking of the Abram's, Wayne Abrams, who is grandfather to the "Abram's Brother's" blue grass band, said he wanted to get me playing piano for them. They're traveling all over the place -- the world? -- right now, so not sure if that would work, but it would be neat to do music for a living!

I've got to play more-- I sure miss it! Uncle Clair said he'd be having me over for a jam session soon, and that I could sit in with his band anytime! So I might have to dust off my cowboy hat, and take him up on that!


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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Finally Can Scrobble My Streamed Music Collection

Last.fm is a neat service that "watches" the music you play every day, day in and day out, and figures out your musical taste. It can then use that information to recommend music you might like and connect you with people you might like. I've been using Last.fm for about a year. But about six months ago or so, I decided I wanted to be able to listen to my music collection wherever I happened to be-- whether that's at home, in an airport or hotel room, at work, or while visiting my out-of-town relatives. I installed a Linux server, connected my 500 gig external drive to it, then set up "GnuMP3d" to stream my music to me anytime, anywhere. Only problem-- Last.fm doesn't want to Scrobble streams! Who knows why, but all of the players I've tried (and I've tried a lot) disable scrobbles to Last.fm if I'm listening to a streamed MP3 file. It has to reside on the computer in question for Last.fm to count it. Until now! I accidentally stumbled onto a registry tweak for Winamp that will scrobble streams, so I'm happily counting music again!! Yay! Just one of the silly little things that makes a geek like me happy. ~Jason update:
I've had some questions, so here is the answer. Go to:
My Computer/HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Audioscrobbler/Winamp-Plugin/

Add a new DWORD key-value pair:

(right click, choose New->DWORD. Name it allowhttp, and set the value to 1.)

Have fun! Send me money! ;-)

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Friday, July 11th, 2008

Playing for Jacqueline

Last weekend I had a lot of fun playing in a Hamilton back yard... I did mostly cover tunes, rather than a lot of originals. It was fun to add to the experience of the partiers. I did a few requests, made up a song for the host (which as usual, was quite bad!) and even had a glass of Kilkenny, which I think is my favourite brand.

I've got another backyard party to play at tomorrow night-- I'll try to get some pictures and maybe even a video uploaded (if I can get Joanne to come along and record it for me!)


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Monday, June 30th, 2008

Addicted to RSS Feeds

I've made another custom RSS feed - I love these things. :)

Facebook has a few good feeds, but I've always been annoyed that when new posts were made to groups I own, I wouldn't be alerted in anyway. So I created a new feed today which includes new wall posts, posted items, photos, and more.

So now I can subscribe to the groups I make or are interested in, to stay up-to-date with what's going on in a quick, easy way.

Here's the Jason Silver group:

And here's the Pipe:

Just enter in your group numeric ID.


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Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Getting Your Site in Search Engines

A friend of mine asked an important question today, which I get a lot. I thought I should post my response here to benefit as many people as possible:

The way most search engines work now, is to rate how important your page is by how many people are linking to it. It's called site "popularity."

The best way to start getting higher in the search engines for your topic, is to comment on lots of other similarly themed sites, with the hope that they will, in response to your comment, find your content and link to it because of it's intrinsic value.

There are all kinds of ways to get links back to you by devious means, but they tend to have either short-lived, or harmful effects. Search engines recognize these sorts of links as being a type of spam-- you can possibly have your site blocked by search engines.

My trick? I subscribe to custom search engine RSS feeds for various keywords, so that when posts and articles are made anywhere on the Internet about these keywords, I can go and leave a comment. Often comment boxes will allow you to leave a URL, and so always leave yours when you respond.

By doing this, a link from sites relating to your keywords will be pointing back to you, and if your comment is informative, actual visitors might follow your link when they read your comment.

Just remember: don't make your comment look spammy, or advertisement based at all.

For marketing on the Internet, location, location, location is better said as "Content, content, content."

Hope this helps!
Jason Silver


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Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Not Worlds Apart - Music Video

This is a video of me singing "Not Worlds Apart" live at the FRWY in Hamilton, Ontario. The cello is played by Jennifer Lewis, the violin by Kristen McMullen, and some percussion can barely be heard-- that's Zach Oaster.

Did you enjoy?


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Sunday, June 22nd, 2008

The Freeway - She Loves Me Not

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Thursday, June 12th, 2008

Cello and Violin at Gig Tonight

Last night's rehearsal was just so awesome. My music takes on a completely powerful dimension when a cello and violin are accompanying it! It was unbelievable.

Jenn Lewis is amazing on that cello. And Kristen McMullen rocked on the violin too.

We even had Zack Oaster playing percussion on some inverted pails... believe it or not, it sounded tres cool. Tonight Zach is going to record the night on video.

We decided to rehearse on the front lawn, since it seemed kind of stuffy and humid in the house. I also wanted to get a feeling of how it would carry with acoustic instruments outside. So we set up the piano and mic, and then Jenn on the cello sat on my driveway with the post of her cello resting on a tree root. Kristen sat on the front step with Zach.

I hope you're thinking of coming to the gig at Freeway tonight... I know you'll have a great time! It's at the corner of King and Wellington, near the big "DOWNTOWN" sign.

See you there?


Update: a video from that night, Lover's Road...

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Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

The Delicate Art of Noise Pollution Podcast

The Delicate Art of Noise Pollution Podcast is a pretty cool podcast with some great music featured... including a song from my Sunny Days CD called "The Story."

Give it a listen, you'll enjoy the other tunes too.


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Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

Cool Fan Page

A fan named Vinuthomas has created a fan page for me, and posted an article on "Sites and Sounds."

Thanks Vinuthomas!

Tags:music 0 likes
Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Playing at Coffee House

I've been invited to return to Buchanan Free Methodist Church's coffee house to do a set from my new CDs. I hope you can come.

I'm taking requests for any of the songs I've written, so please leave your requests in the comments box.


Tags:music gigs 0 likes
Saturday, May 17th, 2008

Magnet URL

Jason Silver torrent download: Click to Download In Azureus Bit Torrent Software
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Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Do You Like This?

This is absolutely awesome. It's where I want my music to go:

Emm Gryner sings live

Do you like this?


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Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Music and Emotions

I read recently that musicians aren't in the business of selling CDs, or tickets to concerts-- they're in the business of selling an EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE.

It made me think: what is the emotional experience people get when they listen to my stuff? How can I reword my invitations for people to "have a listen" so that they're drawn into the sensation potential my music can have on them?

I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this. What do you "feel?"


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Tuesday, May 13th, 2008

Christmas CD

I'm thinking a lot about how to monetize the Christmas CD I'm getting ready to release.

As you likely know, I've been giving away my last two "scratch tracks" CDs over at Last.fm. It's been cool to see a huge increase in downloads and plays over the last four or five weeks. And in the process I've sold a few more copies of my other projects via iTunes and other outlets.

But I'm thinking of other ways to creatively "sell" the ChristmaSongs CD.

I thought I'd throw it out there: do you have any ideas? What's a new, creative, thinking-outside-the-box way to make a bit of money from this music?

One thought: go around to churches and play evening concerts of music and either give the CD away free there (and get paid to play) or play for free and get paid for the CDs.

What's your idea?


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Sunday, May 11th, 2008

Podcast Played Sunny Days

A week ago I uploaded both of my new albums to a site called "Podsafe." I gave permission for anyone doing a podcast to use my songs in their shows for free.

So today I was informed by email that Sunny Days was used here, on iPadre Catholic Podcast. How cool is that!?

Thanks to the priest who found it, and included it!

And thanks to my dear heavenly Father for gifting me with a language of emotion. ~Jason

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Thursday, April 24th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 41 - Happy Birthday

 Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday
by Jason Silver
4/23/2008 10:17 p.m.

I wish for you a happy day
To remember the year that's passed
I'll take this time to sincerely convey
A blessing that's unsurpassed

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
To you
And blessings the whole year through

You are a special person to me
We think that you're so fine
I know the whole wide world will agree
We'll sing out in perfect rhyme

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 40 - Stranger


by Jason Silver
4/21/2008 11:30 p.m.

I miss your reflection,
I long to see you smile
Upon introspection it's been just like this for a while.
Are you who you think you are
Honestly enquire
Look the devil in the eye and face your evil fire

Hello stranger, are you coming home?
How long do you plan to stay away?
Do you live for hope or hope for life so faraway
Hello stranger, hope you find your way

I struggle to remember
You hardly look the same
Sometime last September we began to take the blame
Now we look for happy
But seldom find release
Want to leave the war behind; discover quiet peace

Talk like you're a stranger
Like someone I don't know
May be a sign of danger, but it's how I cope you know
Inside complicated
Outside lesser so
Chaning would be better than just going with the flow

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 39 - Home Again

 Home Again

Home Again
by Jason Silver
4/20/2008 1:47 p.m.

Home again,
Wonder how long I will stay?
Home again,
Nothing's the same.
All the pictures are gone,
And my friends have moved on
It's a shame.

Home again
Feeling fond memories and pain
How I wish
Nothing would change
If you set out to roam
You can never go home

Home again.
"Please don't go," family will say.
Who is my
Family today?
In another small town
I've a life I miss now
Far away
I remain.

© Copyright 1992,2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 38 - Believe


by Jason Silver
4/19/2008 9:57 p.m.

Late in the night
After the moon rise
People come down
Down to the shore let's
Lift up our heads
Look to the new skies
Always profound
Who looks anymore

Stars in the sky
Too many to number
Make us feel small
How can we count when
We count for nothing
In light of it all
In light of it all

Do we perceive
Are we naive?
Does anyone does anyone
Still believe?

Here in the dark
We stand in shadow
Blackness that's made
By this ball of earth but
Still we can see
Eyes have adjusted are
We in the way?
Shading the day?

If it was just me
I'd give it all, I don't care
What do we have to lose to love
Could we give it all?

© Copyright 1988,2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Friday, April 18th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 37 - For You

I originally wrote this song back in 1988 (20 years ago!) after reading a book by Larry Crabb, called "Love Must Be Tough." I submitted it as a book review addendum for college... I can't remember now what the professor said about it.

It appeared on my first project, called "Wait for the Rain," which I recorded and released in 1989. I think I sold 1000 copies of that cassette tape (or was it 500?) though I think I have about a dozen left in some box in my basement.

I still like this song, so I thought I'd re-record it tonight since I wasn't up for writing a new one.


For You
by Jason Silver
4/17/2008 10:28 p.m.

All I can remember is that starry night
On those trembling seas, just a shattered peace.
Time will not restore the love I tore apart
For a foolish fling, now I'm nothing.

I walked upon a rope when it could not hold tight
It sent me reeling down, like a foolish clown.
Pierced now with these wooden spears I can't get up
I'm in a pit so deep, in a deadly sleep.

Why do you seem so much more beautiful
When I can't have you? I wish that I'd been true.
The thrill was just to get away from fingers tight;
From our love so rare. I thought you'd still be there.

I don't want to beg, I doubt if that would help
But please come back to me, I feel so lonely.
I know you're self-sufficient, and you've got to live
But you're still my wife; I need you in my life.

The other now is left behind in sheer disgust
But I'm so dirty now, I hope that you allow
Me back into your arms, into security.
Won't you please just say that you forgive me today.

© Copyright 1988,2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

Ways for Fans to Help

I've been thinking recently of ways that fans can help to spread the word, and even ways to motivate them to. Here are some of the things I've come up with.

  • Fans burn CDs and give them away. 100 points per CD
  • Fans invite listeners who like similar artists on Last.fm to listen to Jason Silver. 10 points per "shout"
  • Put up links online (link sites, message boards etc) 50 points per link
  • Put up physical posters about Jason Silver's free CD "Sunny Days." 150 Points per poster
  • Start and maintain threads on message boards that generate interest in Jason Silver.
    for example:
    1. Mention the song "Lost" on Lost message boards; post video from YouTube
    2. Mention the song "Amber" on beer lover web sites.
    3. Your idea... connect a song with a potential fan or site
    4. (100 points per mention)
  • Ask online DJs to include Jason Silver's music in their playlists. 50 points per request
  • Make requests at real radio stations for music by Jason Silver 100 points per request

These are just a few ideas I have had... perhaps the points could be used to get a free house concert, a signed tee shirt, or something else you want...?

Any takers?


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Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 36 - You Enrapture Me

 You Enrapture Me

You Enrapture Me
by Jason Silver
4/14/2008 10:39 p.m.

I see you flipping pages
Brush a hair out of your eye
That look of concentration
And mild irritation
With your magazine

Could sit like this for ages
Like an undercover spy
Utter fascination;
You are my one temptation
You enrapture me

And then the moment's over;
Maybe our kids they start crying, or the telephone rings

You are still the woman that I love
You will always be the one for me
If I could take us back
I'd do it all again
I would not change a thing.
You are still the woman that I want
And time just helps me see how much I need
There's nothing that you lack
You're my woman, that's a fact.
And you enrapture me.

Sometimes when we're walking
And we stop to get a drink
Overcome with admiration
When I see you in creation
You are so lovely

Late at night we're talking
And you bite your lip to think
Just a moment's hesitation
As you seek an explanation
How it moves me

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Friday, April 11th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 35 - Calming Down

 Calming Down

Just didn't want to write words tonight-- I just played for a while, then recorded some ideas. I called it "Calming Down."

Calming Down
by Jason Silver
4/10/2008 9:17 p.m.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 34 - Welcome Home

 Welcome Home

Someone named LostDUI on the "LOST Message Board" had a baby recently, and his friend, "Mountains_Gandalf" suggested I write a song for him-- so I did! If anyone else out there wants me to write a song for them, just ask. I need all the ideas I can get! LOL


Welcome Home
by Jason Silver
4/9/2008 11:25 p.m.

Incredible, you're finally here
We've been waiting now for almost a year
Impossible, beyond belief
A moment ago you were only conceived

Welcome home, come in baby
We're so glad that you are here
In the home where you'll grow up
To crawl, and walk, and run, and drive my car
And even reach the stars
Welcome home

Fantastic, I'm blown away
I was there on your real birthday
Extraordinary, I'd go that far
Time to pass out the expensive cigars

Amazing, you make me so proud
But sleep is rare over top of the loud
Marvelous, so tiny and pure
Let me protect you; I will keep you secure

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Tuesday, April 8th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 33 - Afternoon is Haunting

 Afternoon is Haunting

This is another case of recording a song that wasn't properly recorded before-- I didn't write this one last night, but back in 2007. Still, I think it fitting it goes on the "Ghost Town" CD, don't you?


Afternoon is Haunting
by Jason Silver
4/7/2008 11:26 p.m.

Midnight comes, I'm waiting, wondering
Why you haven't called?
One o'clock now, I must close my eyes
Two a.m. goes by, then three, four, five,
Still you are no where near
Sleep would be great, but it's already eight,
And the afternoon is haunting.

Every afternoon I think about that place
I remember how the moon, it shone upon your face
I can still recall your eyes; they burn into my mind
And I can't forget the lies, but baby,
How I want to.

I can't believe the time, look
It's already half-past nine
I fell asleep at ten, just closed my eyes
I'll wait until noon, then one and two,
Has it been three years?
Four o'clock, I go for a walk
But the afternoon is haunting.

© Copyright 2007-08 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Monday, April 7th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 32 - Ghost Town

 Ghost Town

This is the first song for my "next" CD. Yep, that's right, I've decided to finish the Sunny Days CD at the current 18 tracks as seen on Last.fm. By the way, the whole CD is a free download there right now. (Follow the link and get it all! Burn it, share it, love it!

I've pretty much decided that this next CD is to be called Ghost Town, and I've even come up with a CD cover. You'll also be able to see that at Last.fm



Ghost Town
by Jason Silver
4/6/2008 10:39 p.m.

There's no one seen here anymore
All the windows are doors
It's a ghost town
Remember how we loved to laugh?
What we used to have?
Now it's a ghost town

I keep on hoping for a change
And now it strikes me as strange
Try to write down
But words just can't describe the pain
The icy stare of your disdain
Your dark frown.

I called the wind to blow
And now the tumble weeds roll

We're all alone here
We'll never see the sun
Lost in our home dear,
It's only just begun
This is our frontier
Our battle can't be won
So come to me, let's take a step down
Away from this ghost town

I can't remember what it's like
To look into your eyes
Before I lied.
You gaze back empty like you feel,
You don't bother to conceal.
You already cried.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Sunday, April 6th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 31 - Dragon Blood

 Dragon Blood

Dragon Blood
by Jason Silver
4/4/2008 9:06 p.m.

Early morning see a warrior
Leave his galley for the shore
Watching vigelent for movement with the sunrise
His jaw was set for war

High upon the tallest mountain
In a castle made of light
She was waiting in her prison for a saviour,
Looking for her handsome knight

Dragon blood
For tender love
It's a costly price
A final sacrifice
Dragon blood
For gentle love
When you give it all away
And risk everything, you may
Lose it all

Found his path through darkened forests
Fighting evil all the way
Seeking our imprisoned lady in the tower
And the monster he must slay

Did she dare to call out to him
Far below the castle gate
He seemed lost and hopeless, yet her beckon might just
Rouse the dragon's hate?

She remained within her silence
Yet her eyes beheld it all
Helpless to protect her suitor from the dragon
As the two began their brawl

Only one was left before her
For the other had been slain
Glassy tears were for the victor and the moment
Greater love had seen the gain

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 30 - Stay a While

 Stay A While

Stay a While
by Jason Silver
4/2/2008 11:11 p.m.

I'd like to lead you
Upstairs to our room
To kiss your face
Each tender place
Our afternoon's free
So make love to me
Passion revealed
As our love is sealed
Soft in my hand
You understand
What makes me go
When we're moving slow
We've just begun
To move as one
Just close your eyes

No better time
So Sweet sublime

You are my girl
The light in my world
You make me smile
Let's stay a while

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 29 - Land of the Living

 Land of the Living - 2008

OK, Update... Originally I wasn't too happy with this one. But I re-recorded it tonight and added some bass, and pulled back and just let it breathe some. It's better now... still not a favourite, but I see potential here.


The Land of the Living
by Jason Silver
4/1/2008 10:35 p.m.

Passing each other now faster than ever
Careen down landscapes of iron and steel
What makes us human? What makes us alive?
Except for the emotions we feel?

Lately our senses are dull to the screaming
Struggle to notice the pain in their eyes
We've seared our conscience, and stared down the devil
Accepted the pattern of lies

I want to wake up in the land of the living
Open my eyes to a world of peace
Stop dreaming and live it all now
If God will allow
In the the land of the living

Saw a man die, like something we're dreaming
Heard a babe scream, we watched with one eye
Disgusted amusement, or curious fascination
Perverted: it's hard to deny

Stretching to fit our suits of conformity
Daily reminded to play by the rules
Want to escape but we're hostage to pleasure
Reliving the glory of fools

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 27 - Four O Clock

 Four O'Clock

Instrumental Jamming-- just a silly improvisation which turns into a TV theme at the end. :) At least I'm writing "something."


Four O'Clock
by Jason Silver
3/31/2008 10:12 p.m.
© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured
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Monday, March 31st, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 28 - Ivory


This was the first to come out in my little instrumental improvisation this evening.


by Jason Silver
3/31/2008 10:12 p.m.
© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured
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Saturday, March 29th, 2008

New Indie Site for Hamilton

I've been featured on a new independent bands web site for Hamilton, Ontario-- it's a very nice looking site, so be sure to stop by, and check out any of the other bands that are featured there as well!


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Friday, March 28th, 2008

Lost Song - Music Video with Pictures from the Show

The folks at the abc.com Lost Message Board suggested I make a video from my Lost song. Just photos, but I think it turned out pretty good. Enjoy!


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Thursday, March 27th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 26 - Are You Leaving Me?

 Are You Leaving Me

Another cheat-- I wrote this last year, but this is a much better version of it. :)

Truth be told, I'm getting low on inspiration lately... any ideas out there?


Are You Leaving Me?
by Jason Silver
3/27/2008 7:44 p.m.

So tired, but I can't keep my eyes off of you
So alone, though we've been sitting here for an hour or two
Afraid that this is not a dream; that I'm awake
Amazed that you would call our love a big mistake

And I never thought I'd lose you, I always thought we'd try
But things have just got busy, we've been passing in the night

Where you going? Are you leaving me?
Are you knowing what you mean to me?
My love.

You cried but tears can't find their way down my face
We tried but we're both gonna lose in this race
You said that all you ever wanted was to fly
I know that we could not get closer to the sky.

I'll never leave I will always be here
Waiting for you and to wipe every tear
Stronger than romance and bigger than fear my love.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured

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Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 25 - Family


Update: I redid the vocals on this song -- the compression was too high and the "esses" were killing me.

by Jason Silver
3/25/2008 11:50 p.m.

Daddy told me, "Son,
"Look after your girl,
"Show her lots of love,
"Offer her the world."
Mamma said, "My boy,
"Treat her with respect,
"Keep her in your heart,"
"Cherish and protect."

Family has a way
of knowin what to do
So I'll follow their advice,
And I won't let go of you

Come on, let's start a family of our own
We will, find a house- and turn it to a home
With babies on the floor, and sunlight streaming in our eyes
It's you I want, it's you I need
And I want nothing more than our love to succeed
Our love will last, hope you agree.
So come on, let decide to be a family

Uncle winked an eye,
An elbow in my side
Nodding at your smile
It filled me up with pride
Grandpa hugged you tight
A tear welled in his eyes
Remembering his own girl
And tearful last goodbyes

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 24 - Lift Your Head Up

 Lift Your Head Up

Lift Your Head Up
by Jason Silver
3/19/2008 11:35 p.m.

lift up your head; don't let your chin hang down
Look at the trees, holding up the sky
Lift up your head, I don't want to see that frown
Cause all around
There is beauty to see.

Lift up your eyes, look at the mountain peaks
Take in the valleys stretching below
And if you try, you'll hear that nature speaks
Cause all around you
There is beauty to see

Almost everyone among us
has a life that won't slow down
And the easy way to win the fight
Is just to look around

Lift your head up,
And don't forget to smile
Make a stranger happy
Put frowning out of style
All our little problems will shrink down in a while
Just lift up your head,
And smile.

Lift up your face, put a smile out there
Twinkle those eyes, giving us your love
Hold out your hand, to show the world you care
Cause all around you
There is beauty to see.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 23 - She Loves Me Not

 She Loves Me Not

OK, I know I'm cheating a bit-- was a busy night, so didn't write a new song. Instead, I decided to re-record this song with just piano-- I think it just suits it better than the synthy arrangement I did before. Comments?


She Loves Me Not
by Jason Silver
3/18/2008 11:11 p.m.

I’m not able
To take these roses off the table
It’s been three long months of watching
Every tender petal dropping

Red is the colour
Of firey passion for a lover
Scarlet’s turned and walked away now
Like this flower, I’ve lost my way

She loves me, she loves me not
She wants me, or she’s moving on.
There is just one petal left and I can’t call it
And I dread the day that this last one is falling
She loves me or she loves me not.

The dust has settled
It’s covered eighty crimson petals
But eighty-one has got a hold,
And like my heart, it won’t let go

Time has frozen,
And I feel my heart closin’
The flower dies, the moment’s gone
But in my eyes, the memory lives on

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Monday, March 17th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 22 - Lost

YouTube video cover for Lost

by Jason Silver
3/16/2008 9:05 p.m.

I'm scared; I made a wrong turn, now I'm lost here-- alone.
Life spared, so allay your concern. Just my fear of unknown.
I opened the door to see what's inside
Not alone anymore, but there's no where to hide

I am Lost, or maybe I'm dead
Faced with demons of smoke, and a jungle of dread
All my memories they taunt me
My past actions they haunt me again
I am lost.

I try. Yeah, I'm doing our best, got a long way to go.
Won't cry, and I won't get depressed though the days move so slow.
The memories of pain; each moment's regret
We cannot explain but we'll never forget

Stranded, I wait on the shore, fire burning so bright
Remanded, I will beckon once more, hope to see you tonight
If help doesn't come, if you never arrive
Then I pray I become a man who survives

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 21 - Time Will Tell

 Time Will Tell

Update: Instead of writing a new song, I redid this one tonight.

Missing some days but we've had company, and I went swimming with the kids yesterday. More important than writing a song, if you ask me! :)

Hope you like it-- enjoy!

Time Will Tell
by Jason Silver
3/11/2008 11:22 p.m.

Late in the evening
Darkness at home
Hardly believing
That I'm all alone
And I'm alone

Stopping this moment
Frozen in time
Lost in a torment
Of my own design
Only mine

Time will tell
If I
Get out of this hell
If I can leave this pain
If I can breathe again
Where are you?
Tell me,
What am I going to do?
Am I still alive?
Can I survive?
Time will tell

Gone for a stroll from
the bath to the room
Out of control when
I smell your perfume
I need you now
Need you now

Days into nights and
Darkness to day
Rehearsing the things
That I wish I could say
I wish that I could say

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Friday, March 14th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 23 - The Story

 The Story

The Story
by Jason Silver
3/14/2008 12:26 p.m.

Once upon a time in a land so far away
Lived a happy man -- yeah that's what they used to say
Had a pleasant life full of hope and happy days
That's the way the story was supposed to be

Fairy tale love, just two kids a wedding day
I close my heavy eyes and i dream of yesterday
But Goldilocks has broken; all my life's in disarray
Is that the way the story was supposed to be

Once upon a time
Love was so sublime
Like a nursery rhyme
That's the way the story was supposed to be

Thinking of Jack Horner who I heard pulled out a plum
As I wait on the highway and I'm holding out my thumb
Too bad I can say that it's the man that I've become
It's not the way the story was supposed to be

Feeling quite contrary all about this whole affair
Cause Mary's lost her sheep and see now my cupboard's bare
Times I live in peace; they have become all too rare.
It's not the way the story was supposed to be.

© Copyright 2007 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Thursday, March 13th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 22 - In Simplicity

 In Simplicity

Not technically part of the "Song-a-Day..." This is an old song I actually wrote last year for Forty Days of Growth at Philpott Church. Kristen was here recording until 10:15 so I didn't have the energy to write a song-- so I just recorded one that I hadn't made public yet.

It's in the "Christian" genre, which I don't do much of anymore. If you don't dig Christian tunes, just skip it. If you do, feel free to download, share, burn, and leave a comment! :)


In Simplicity
by Jason Silver
3/12/2008 10:34 p.m.

Early in the morning, rising with the sun
I see you are waiting to meet with me
Late into the evening, underneath the stars
I know you are waiting to meet with me

And I will grow as I seek to know you

I want to be part of your story
Wan't to be godly, seeking, growing,
I want to see Jesus inside me
Living His life in me, Oh, in simplicity

Lost in meditation and seeking you in prayer
Studying the scripture to know you more
Bowing down in worship and rising up to serve
Submitting to each other to know you more

And I will grow as I seek to know you

I will learn to trust my brother
In a community of grace,
Confessing sins to one another
So we can see Your face!

© Copyright 2007 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Monday, March 10th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 20 - Chance


by Jason Silver

3/9/2008 9:35 p.m.

I don't believe in you
You cannot be for real
Sure, I can see that you are standing here -- but
Come on-- we all can see
This living Universe
How to explain that it is all a freak of

Chance? That you can breathe?
Happinstance; How can it be?
Explain it all away, you won't persuade me - I
Believe it more each day, you can't disuade me, I
Hope that I convey that there is something more (so much more?)
More than chance

I've heard my babies cry
Gasping for primal breath
That's all the proof that I need to have -- but
Look all around you now
Water and earth and sky
How can you believe that it is all a freak of

Now that's what I call faith
You choose your own way
That's the chance.

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Friday, March 7th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 19 - Not Worlds Apart

YouTube video cover for Not Worlds Apart
 Not Worlds Apart
Not Worlds Apart
by Jason Silver

3/6/2008 10:56 p.m.

Day after day I
Follow the same road
Where does this pathway go?
Passing these people
We're walking the same way,
But don't even say hello

We're goin nowhere
Looking for happy
Buying our life of pain
I see in the eyes all
hollow and hopeful
despair we can hardly contain

So let's get out of this place
Let's not delay
Cause it's madness to chase
All your dreams away
Come on, do something crazy
Someone has to start
We Gotta live our lives
Like we're not worlds apart
Cause we're not worlds apart.

People are shadows
Lost in the darkness
Can't find our way back home
Hungry for kindness,
Hating our blindess
Thinking we're all alone

Moments are treasures
Like smiles and babies and breath
And I will cherish each moment
Like it's the last

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Edit Content Script

I've been rebuilding the Browser Page Editor script over the last few weeks... it's actually getting pretty cool.

Here are some features:

  1. Automatic installation: just drop it in the cgi-bin, and open it in a browser. It creates all the subfolders it needs, and warns you if there is anything wrong.
  2. One page editing: Confirmations for creating new pages, deleting pages, and editing messages all appear in an iframe, so no need to press back on your browser.
  3. Template control: the script can now be completely style-sheet based, so you may change the look of your entire site by clicking on a thumbnail. Upload as many templates as you want. Or use this for giving your customers their own sites, which they can customize completely.
  4. Button and Menu Customization: When you create a new page, you can now opt to include it in the menu along the top or on the sides of the content. Give menus their own title, change the sort order of the menu, or remove pages from the menu. Complete control!
  5. Instantly change the type of button in the menu. Using style sheets, your buttons can be mouseover image changes, plain text, cascading menus, and more!
  6. Login Memory: login once, and stay logged in until you log out. No more entering passwords every time you perform an action.
  7. You can still put an edit link at the bottom of every page on your site. Clicking it will take you to the edit view.
  8. Customize the header and footer of your site from the one edit page.
  9. Turn off controls by disabling delete, new pages, changing templates, modifying the button-menu, and more.
  10. The header of the edit script display can be customized for your own company.
  11. The edit script display has a side banner for displaying ads to your customers while they're logged in. You can change the image in the ad, and the address of the link they click remotely.
  12. The edit script display is based on a CSS file. Host the CSS file on your own server, so that your customers see the ads and banners you want them to see.

As you can see, this is a very powerful, easy-to-use script. I'm adding new features, and improving install-ability every day.

If you're interested, get it now at Intelliscript.net. When the script is released, existing users will get it for free. New users will have to pay a higher price for this script, so now is the time to get in on the deal.


Tags:webdesign perl_scripts 0 likes


Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Scrape Yellow Pages

A couple of days ago I completed a script for someone which scrapes the contents of the YellowPages site. It builds a spreadsheet on any category automatically.

This is great for people who want to find clients in a specific industry. In this instance, the customer wanted to contact landscape contractors and similar industries to propose building them a web site. This script collects web site address, listing link, phone number, business name, and email address.

I'm probably not going to sell this one on Intelliscript.net, so if you want it, send me an email with a PayPal donation and I'll email you back the script.


Tags:webdesign perl_scripts 0 likes
Thursday, March 6th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 18 - You're So Groovy

 You're So Groovy
The other day I told my friend Brian that he was so cool. His response? Jokingly, he said that should be his theme song. I thought, hey, that might be a neat song idea afterall... it developed into this sarcastic thing... I think it came out pretty good.

Brian, you really are cool, so don't take the sarcasm of this song personally. It just kind of came out that way.
You're So Groovy
by Jason Silver

3/5/2008 10:17 p.m.

You're so groovy, you're so fine
This is where I'm gonna draw the line
You too cool, and you're on top?
Let's get real, this has gotta stop!

I can't take another grimace
I don't want to see them roll
Your eyes are saying way more
Than I ever want to know

It's is certainly no secret
We all know that you're so bored
Are we underneath your highness
Is that why we're all ignored

There's a story in your shoulders
And your fists they tell it all
You're so cool on the outside
But you're barely five feet tall

So get real, hey let's see it
Drop the game and let it go
Life's too short and you'll be lonely
At the end, and all alone

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Four Days

Don't like to beat myself up over it, but it's been four days since I wrote a song. My sister-in-law was visiting since Friday, and I wasn't feeling particularly inspired anyway.

A couple of times today I had some ideas to write something, but I'm so busy with web work that I'm just not making it happen. After work all day, I come home and work until at least 11 p.m. every night. :( I'm getting tired.

The good side is that I'm very busy!

I have an idea to write a song about a widow-- I read about a widow in Reader's Digest today. I think it will be a metaphor for something... being alone, or something.

I know, I know, cheerful. That's me!


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Friday, February 29th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 17 - Nostalgic

My friend at work told me that a year ago today her mom passed away. Her words and description of the feelings really moved me to write a song. I hope it doesn't seem trite at all. This is such a hard topic.


by Jason Silver
2/28/2008 11:40 p.m.

It's that time of year when I think of you
But you're no longer here
Maybe in my dreams at night
Can you see me now, As I am sitting here?
Do you hear me cry
Oh oh

How I miss you.
How I miss you.
Can you see me?
Can you feel me? Here I am,
I'm nostalgic.

Remember on that day, you looked up to the light,
Heard you breathed your last
You finally closed your eyes

And then I kissed you.
Now I miss you
Can you see me,
Can you feel me? Here I am
I'm nostalgic

I can't forget that day,
When I said good bye
I wish that I could hold you
One more time
Someday I may see you again.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 16 - Singing

OK, I recorded this tonight-- it's okay... not one of my favourites. Hey, they can't all be great! (Though that would be cool!)

by Jason Silver
2/27/2008 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.

I am hungry for the inspiration
I'm searching for the stirring of my soul
I'm breathing in the air of new creation
This is my new goal

I'm always looking for a new sensation
I've got a taste that I sure can't control
To let it loose on my imagination
To move the world with love and freedom

Oh I'm singing for the world
Bringing songs of love for us to share
Give me a melody and sing out in harmony
In-clude everybody

I want to author "just" the perfect lyric
A metaphor to maybe make you cry
Out of this world, something stratospheric
More than earth and more than sky

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 15 - Motel

I didn't write a song last night, so I did one this morning, as quickly as I could. My voice wasn't quite awake yet, so I'm a little off here and there.

I hope you enjoy it!
by Jason Silver
2/27/2008 8:00 a.m.

There are some rooms here with people inside
Doors and small windows all side-by-side
The plaster is broken, the walls are too thin
No question how many are happy within

What makes me laugh, what makes me cry
Why do I weep? What's that imply?
Who am I now? What can I say?
I'm not the same as I was yesterday.

There is a vacancy
We've got a need
Look at the crowd lost, with no one to lead.

Fill that big hollow, empty inside
One moment it's back just like jeckyl and hyde
It's like a puzzle, pieces are gone
This world is lost oh everything's wrong

There is a vacancy
We've got a need
Look at the crowd lost, with no one to lead.
Stuck in complacency
I will concede
Searching for something that will please.

No satisfaction with pleasures around
I drink the cup but the thirst is profound
I cannot breathe, as I lay in my bed
Sometimes I wonder if I'm really dead

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Monday, February 25th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 14 - Let It Go

 Let It Go
OK, I know the song I released a few hours ago was pretty bad, so I wrote another one tonight-- kinds of makes up for missing a couple of days when my computer was broken... :)
Let It Go
by Jason Silver
2/26/2008 12:23 a.m.

On my word, I didn't know
Well it must be so hard
I see you strugglin with the day-to-day
And you never drop your guard

So why do you want to be this way
Just who is getting hurt?

Thunder in your heart
Lightning in your eyes
The storm of yesterdays revenge
Hides tomorrows new sunrise
So let it go

Acid on your tongue, you drugged
Yourself with bitter hate
It's a bad trip dear that never ends and now
You will not recriminate

Why would you want to be this way?
Resentment's not so fine

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Monday, February 25th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 13 - Sometimes

Somehow, number 13 seems appropriate for this weird song. I spent a long time trying to perfect a song that would sound the same backwards as forwards, but it just wasn't Melodic enough, so I scrapped it, but kept the backwards lyrics for the beginning of this song-- it sounds a bit like Gaelic, or maybe German. :) Hope you enjoy it, but I won't be offended if you think it's as weird as my wife does! ~Jason
by Jason Silver
2/25/2008 10:46 a.m.

Raw yaeth taw erdnoew Eea neth
Snossel eth nerl rerven eeah kyle sleef tihh Zmiachmus --
Ertarns ng-ettek' ton my taith -- sad-wquab-gmeevum
Mia' 'k eayal lee fia z-miachmus

Sometimes I feel like I'm moving backwards
That I'm not getting smarter
Sometimes it feels like I never learn the lessons
Then I wonder what those lessons are.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Friday, February 22nd, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 12 - So Naive

 So Naive
So Naive
by Jason Silver
2/22/2008 12:27 a.m.

I am gullible
I am green
Cute and lovable
So spoon feed me

Don't like thinking
Hold my hand
Make it easy
To understand

I won't wait
I'll tell you straight
That I think I know it all
So naive
And can't perceive
That I can't make the call
So Naive

I am foolish
So naive
Completely lazy,
Or just deceived.

© Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Thursday, February 21st, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 11 - Jump the Moon

 Jump the Moon

Jump the Moon
by Jason Silver
2/21/2008 12:30 a.m.

Tonight I saw a blood-red moon,
And it made me think of you.
Red is the colour of love and the colour of anger
Tonight I saw a blood-red moon
So I had to write this tune
Cause red is the colour of fire, and the colour of danger

If you will lift your eyes
And look into the skies
Keep your gaze away from all things blue
We can improvise
Severing bad ties
It it's true for me, it's true for you
Come on, jump the moon.

Tonight I felt the cold
Shiver uncontrolled
Look heaven in the eye and face my demons
Cause crying has grown old
So lets break out of the mold
Calling war on me and facing treason

They say just don't look down
So high above the town
Keep your eyes on me and on the sages
Hear that crying sound?
The scream of lost not found
Terror grips the weak all through the ages

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 10 - Lovers Road

 Lover's Road

Went to a Hedley concert tonight with Lucas-- quite a change from Hedley to this, but had to write a song tonight when we got back. So now I'm going to bed at 1:30, and will be SO TIRED at work tomorrow. :(

Lover's Road
by Jason Silver
2/20/2008 1:10 a.m.

Hop in, let's go for a ride
I want to take you to a place I've heard of
Don't take too long to decide
Cause I'm leaving soon
This afternoon

Your smile, the shine in your hair
Marry me now cause I love you baby
Let's throw a gala affair,
You dressed in white,
Party all night... we're

Driving sun in our eyes
Surviving as one
Well it might take a while
Just a thousand more miles to go
As we travel the lover's road

Hold on, we're takin a curve
It might be hard, but we'll stay on the highway
Don't cry, and don't lose your nerve
Cause me and you,
We'll make it through

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 9 - Amber

by Jason Silver
2/19/2008 12:10 a.m.

Had moments seem so full of life
Had thoughts too deep to say
Together we've borne bitter strife
And drank the pain away

I've raised my glass to toast a time
To hold you in my hand
Bitter, still I call you mine
Facing reprimand

I am falling for you Amber
You may have a home in mine
Kissing sweetly in the evening
And leaving pain behind

The first day we met in Ireland
Galway's shore at night
To soon become a loyal fan
Full draught with hops delight

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Sunday, February 17th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 8 - Siren Eyes

 Siren Eyes

No idea where this one came from-- I know, it's kind of weird... but it was fun to do!!

Is it just me or am I getting worse at this? LOL

On a side note, this is a recording of my newer 17 lbs piano-- doesn't record as nicely as the expensive one, but I've sold the expensive one -- and they're coming to pick it up soon, so I figure I better get used to the smaller one!


Siren Eyes
by Jason Silver
2/16/2008 11:20 p.m.

The clock it struck at one, the moon I could not see
Dark clouds were shadowing, and evil upon me
I shivered in my cloak and pulled my collar tight
To ward away the cold; and to supress the fright

My shoes upon the stone, a sound to welcome me
But I was too afraid, so turned toward the sea
Where echos from the bay, and cries of pure delight
Began to drown the gloom, on this midsummer's night

Calling me... to come
Tempting me... to rise
Luring me... to gaze
Into their deadly, lovely, siren eyes

Three ladies on the shore holding out their hands
Singing that sad song, that no one understands
I'd heard of this before, I recognized my plight
But could not pull away, to end this lovely sight

I see the heads of men; their bones are all around
But focus on her voice, I center on the sound
I'm drawn into my death, I'm facing my demise
But join into the song with painful, haunted, cries

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music 0 likes
Saturday, February 16th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 7 - Preacher Man

 Preacher Man

So, the question I have is, does this qualify for tomorrow's song, or tonights??!! :)


Preacher Man
by Jason Silver
2/16/2008 12:13 a.m.

Oh preacher man
What in hell you talkin about
Oh preacher man
You hold up the measure but I see you chickened out
Oh we are waiting
Don't you have something that you want to tell us about
Cause it ain't rainin'
And we're prayin for the day when we're all gonna scream and shout!

Cause we've listened to the stories
And we've heard about the glories
But the tale just isn't enough
No, we're huddled in the tower
And we never feel the power
We just talk about amazing stuff
So we're asking really nice
For a bit of advice
Come on, live up to the standard you tell
We'll be honest with you now
Sure, you might a made a vow,
But a hypocrite is all I smell

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Saturday, February 16th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 6 - Runaway Train

 Runaway Train

OK, not exactly written tonight, but this song is intended for the Sunny Days CD, and so I thought I'd put it up tonight. I recorded it exactly like the other ones in the "Song-A-Day" series: set up a mic, hit record, and start singing. They're all live, off-the-floor.

Hope you enjoy!


Runaway Train
by Jason Silver
2/15/2008 10:24 p.m.

I've got my ear to the rail, I can hear the train coming
Like a rumble in my chest just a-pounding and a-drumming
Hear the calling of the night, thunder waking up the town
There's a flash of light but this engine's not slowing down

I can't stop, I can't slow down
I cannot turn this train around
I have lost my baby, now she's gone
I said some things that made her cry
I could see it in her eye
Disbelief that I would cause her pain
Now it's a run-away train.

Roaring down the track at ninety miles an hour
With the wind at my back, I can feel the power
If you want to make your stop you got to jump this train
‘Cause I'm not slowing down, and I'm not going back again.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Friday, February 15th, 2008

Moved Blog

I just was thinking that maybe some people are subscribed to my old blog at CrookedBush.com, and don't realise that I moved my blog to JasonSilver.com.

If that's you, then please feel free to subscribe to this new feed:
Jason Silver's RSS Feed


Tags:webdesign 0 likes
Friday, February 15th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 5 - One More Kiss

 One More Kiss

I like certain aspects of this song-- especially the chorus and the bridge. The verses are a little inconsistent, but what do you expect for writing it in an hour! :)

Hope you enjoy!


One More Kiss
by Jason Silver
2/14/2008 11:37 p.m.

Knock at the door
It's a uniform
Out of the blue
Nightmare come true
Grim in the face
Bad news to share
Holding my head
Fall in my chair

One more hour
Two more minutes
A never ending moment where we remain
Just one more kiss
Holding you forever
When will I awake and leave this pain

Asks how to help
I shake my head
Eyes cannot see
Just misty blur
Time in slow motion
Time whipping by
I close the door
And cry

Yesterday I fought with you
Pushed away your point of view
Words exchanged in heat and fire
Contradict our heart desire
If I could take it all away
It wouldn't help this disarray
'Cause you are gone

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Update: I recorded this again this morning.
Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Song-a-Day Broken Already

Last night I was so tired-- I fell asleep with the kids at their bed time, and then had to do some final work on making a wooden flute someone had commissioned from me. I didn't get a song written at all. So maybe tonight I'll have to write two!

Boy, it's too bad there aren't more hours in a day! Or less working hours! Play is so much more fun!

On another note, I'm wondering if anyone even comes by this site! Never any comments anymore. If you're out there, say hi.


Tags:music 0 likes
Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 4 - History


I'm not so sure about this one-- I don't really like the title-- but part of the exercise of writing everyday means that some songs aren't going to be great. Would love to hear your thoughts!

by Jason Silver
2/12/2008 10:05 p.m.

I cannot stand you
you reek of ommision
I hate there's so much you won't say and don't do
Oh you disgust me
You deal so injustly
All of the time what you say is untrue

You are history
We'll end the mystery
And I'll disagree today
No more disavow
We've got progress now
Kill the sacred cow
This way

Stuck in a rut and
No hope to escape it
Dare not admit that I'm hopelessly lost
Hold to the one path
The road to perdition
Left nor the right, terrified of the cost

Yes, I am sound of mind,
And leaving it all behind
Everything's redefined
Lives that are intertwined
Embracing the unconfined
I know it is much maligned
And you may be disinclined
But abandon the daily grind

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

On The Radio Tonight

Very cool-- not sure if it's the first time or not, but it's the first time the DJ has sent me confirmation: my song was played on FM radio!

The Wild Wild Westmar Show in Montana -- which is apparently broadcast on about 25 FM stations and Internet stations in the United States-- played "Until the Train Comes" for their listeners! Here's an audio excerpt directly from the show!

Funny thing is, it's a comedy show-- not sure how the song would fit with that genre, but I hope their listeners enjoyed it!


Tags:music 0 likes
Tuesday, February 12th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 3 - Satisfied

by Jason Silver
2/11/2008 9:04 p.m.

Spend it on your wishes
Yeah go waste it on your dreams
Get yourself that something
That you know you need
Satisfy your hunger
And consume all that you want
One more purchase then you're wealthy
You can be a debutante

I'm not satisfied
Without love inside
It can't be denied
That money won't buy what I really need
It's been clarified
And I am terrified
But we'll be justified
To find somehow to give it all away
We've got to find somehow to give it all away
No I'm not satisfied

Win a million dollars
Get a million bucks for life
A pool, a car, a treasure
It's a bloody butcher knife
Comsuming all around me
Find another thing to use
Deplete the whole damn world
We are left with no excuse

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Sunday, February 10th, 2008

Song-A-Day Number 2 - Screaming

by Jason Silver
2/10/2008 10:48 p.m.

I want to step into that painting
Be the guy that won’t walk by
I want to make you feel like laughing
I want to change your orangey sky
If I could hold onto the railing
And calm the crayon sea
A messiah for your memory
And a saviour in your dreams

But you keep on screaming
As people pass you by
Can you hear me dreaming
To be your love supply
Nightmare in the morning
Silence in your eyes
You keep on screaming

I know what causes terror
What makes a shoulder hunch
The lie that life is fairer
That leads to Edvard Munch
Pull you to my world of pleasures
Live in creamy blue
Never take defensive measures
Or standard points of view

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Saturday, February 9th, 2008

Song-A-Day - Didn't I

 Didn't I
So I've decided to write a song a day! The guy who has agreed to produce my next CD suggested I put that goal out in front of myself... that I'd need at least 40 songs going into this project to come out with ten for the CD. It's a little overwhelming-- a song a day seems like an awful big mouthful. But a bite at a time, I think I can handle it. Last night's song actually came out quite cool, I think. And tonight's was even better. Rather than chart them out, I just record them-- it's easier for me I guess. ~Jason
Didn't I
by Jason Silver

Didn't I tell you? Maybe I didn't.
Didn't I warn you? I thought I did.
Didn't you see it? 'Cause you weren't smiling...
I thought you knew then. I really did.

When I look to the sky I can see the world falling
When I look in your eyes "we" are gone
And I see lonely days looking back at lonely memories
To the tune of an old forgotten song

Didn't start walking; just to trip up
I can't accept that. No, I'm not that bad.
Why are you still here? We've got to leave it now
And in the morning I will be gone

Copyright 2008 Silver Ink.- All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Saturday, February 9th, 2008

ESC - Excel Shopping Cart

I've just created a great little shopping cart script. I've called it ESC (for Excel Shopping Cart). It's quick and easy to set up, and all products are added by uploading a tab-delimited spreadsheet. Easy!

What about customization?

You can have as many fields as you want, all customized exactly the way you want them. As long as there is a Price, a Name, and an ID column, everything else is automatic.

It's got integrated templating and CSS, and is very fast. It learns how to use your database automatically! Hardly any setup is necessary to get underway.

Any payment solution can be integrated into the script with a minimum of effort-- or you can just opt to get an email upon each order completion.

I've worked with some pretty big shopping carts, and I usually walk away frustrated. This is quick, easy, and headache free. You've got to try it!

Tags:webdesign perl_scripts 0 likes

Monday, February 4th, 2008

New Song - Sunny Days

Hi there!

I wrote this song last night, and thought you might be interested in hearing it.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

If you have Facebook, dedicate this song to your friends using iLike. Just search for Jason Silver, Sunny Days.


Download Sunny Days
Tags:music 0 likes


Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Giving Away Album for Free

Back in 1998 to 2000 I recorded a bunch of music that never got released. I used crappy equipment, including a little condenser microphone for vocals (attached to headphones, no less!) But the songs sound pretty good, all things considered. I decided to give them all away for free, so please download and enjoy.

Here's the link: Download "If We Can" from Last.fm

Let me know if you like it!

Tags:music 0 likes

Monday, January 28th, 2008

Old Songs Have New Life

Here it is one a.m., and I've got to work tomorrow. Terrible. I really prefer to live the night-owl life, though. I don't feel that terrible. It's this late because I've been remastering a bunch of old songs, mostly stuff recorded from 1998 to 2000. These songs aren't bad, but the original tracks are all lost (from an old recording platform I don't use anymore) so all I have are these poor mixdowns. At ten p.m. tonight, I thought I'd give a go to equalize, compress and tweak a few to see if I could make anything half-way listenable out of them. It turns out that I can! They're not half-bad! There's a few places where some peaking distortion just can't be removed, and other places where I'm singing a little out of tune. Stuff like that. If I could do the tracks again, I might mix out an instrument here or there. But overall, I'm pretty happy-- considering that otherwise these are just lost songs and wasted time. So now, it's one a.m., and I should go to bed, but I've got 10 songs remastered and e.q'd, and almost ready to be put together into a CD master. I will just give these songs away for free- they're maybe not worth selling... I hope someone gets some enjoyment out of them. There's a couple of frivolous songs on there too. I'll upload them when everything's ready to go, so keep an eye out! ~Jason
Tags:music 0 likes
Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Band Really Gels

Tonight the band came to my studio and we practiced the four songs we're doing Friday night at the FRWY. What a blast! Glen Brown on drums, Herman Pardo on bass, Shawn Gallea on electric guitar, and me on piano.

If you're not doing anything else on Friday, come on by and listen. The evening starts at 8 p.m. and I go on at 10:30.

Hope to see you there!


Tags:music 0 likes
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

Jason Silver Ringtones for your Phone!

More ringtones from Jason Silver at Myxer!

music 0 likes
Sunday, January 13th, 2008

Shawn Gallea to Play Guitar

I've been looking for musicians who can commit to my music, and are willing to gig regularly with me... a bass player, a drummer, and a guitarist.

Yesterday I met with a nice guy, Shawn Gallea, who is a fabulous guitar player. He will be joining the band-- so everyone give a welcome to Shawn!

Thanks Shawn, I look forward to working with you!


Tags:music 0 likes
Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

RSS Feed for Jobs in Hamilton

I have just finished using Yahoo Pipes to build a giant RSS feed containing all of job postings from most of the job sites I could find. These are for jobs in Hamilton, Ontario.

Pipes is cool, because it's a free tool for creating RSS feeds for sites which don't have a published feed. I have combined many of these types of sites, along with a few RSS feeds from other sites I've found to make a giant resource.

Jobs in Hamilton Ontario

This includes the following job search sites:
Workoplis.com - Hamilton

The next thing I'm going to do is recreate a GasBuddy feed. They can't shut Yahoo down! (They tried to shut me down for creating my own feed and making it available on Intelliscript.net)

I will add more job sites as I discover them. Hopefully this will be useful to someone besides myself.


Tags:webdesign 0 likes
Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

RSS Feed for Jobs in Hamilton

I have just finished using Yahoo Pipes to build a giant RSS feed containing all of job postings from most of the job sites I could find. These are for jobs in Hamilton, Ontario.

Pipes is cool, because it's a free tool for creating RSS feeds for sites which don't have a published feed. I have combined many of these types of sites, along with a few RSS feeds from other sites I've found to make a giant resource.

Jobs in Hamilton Ontario

This includes the following job search sites:

The next thing I'm going to do is recreate a GasBuddy feed. They can't shut Yahoo down! (They tried to shut me down for creating my own feed and making it available on Intelliscript.net)

I will add more job sites as I discover them. Hopefully this will be useful to someone besides myself.


Tags:blogsRSSFeeds 0 likes
Friday, January 4th, 2008

House Concerts

My wife and I have been talking lately about the possibility of holding house concerts in our living room. We'd like to invite a few of the great artists we know, like Scott Orr, David Corsello, Tom Johnson, Steel City Rock, Zach Oaster, Dave Edwards, and others who we've connected with over the years.

If this sounds like something you'd like to perform at, or something you'd enjoy coming to, to hear great music in an intimate setting, then let me know... leave a comment on this post or send me a message
Tags:music 0 likes