Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary


January February March April May June July August September October November December


Sunday, December 29th, 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello dear brothers and sisters! I hope you've had a meaningful holiday so far! It's so easy to get caught up on the world's take on Christmas--whether through commercialism or nostalgia--but I want to encourage each of you to look beyond the tinsel and lights and see into the hope of a savior for the world.

Thank you for your faithful generosity over the last while. God is so good! He is a God who brings healing, a God who makes a way, oh God who provides, a God who protects. May we all worship him this season and on into 2025.

Yours in Christ

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

New Vocalist Collaboration

On Thursday night I met with a new vocalist over Zoom. Her name is Londa Larmond, and I'm hoping that she will be joining me on my next Galatians song!

She doesn't have her own mic or studio set up, so if we work together, I will have to pay for her studio time. I would love to include her, so pray that God will provide the finances to hire the studio. As it says in Psalm 50, God owns the cattle on a thousand hills! He is more than able to meet our needs!

Please take some time to follow her on social media, listen to her music on your favourite streaming platform, leave a comment wherever it's possible, and generally support her in her ministry! It's so important that we brothers and sisters in Christ care for one another, carry each other's burdens, and pray for one another. It's one of the many benefits of being part of the family of God! We are not along on this earthly journey!

You can find her in the following places:

She's got an amazing, soulful voice. One leader in the Canadian music industry told me recently that she may be the best female vocalist in Canada! What an honour it is that she agreed to be involved in my little project!

Monday, December 16th, 2024

Video Release - Snowy Days!

YouTube video cover for

Here's the video for The Promise, which features my friend Cyndi Aarrastad. Check it out, check out her social profiles and youtube channel, and be sure to follow her as well!

Find Cyndi Aarrestad online:
WebsiteXYouTubeSpotifyApple MusicInstagramFacebook

Sunday, December 8th, 2024

Upcoming Artists

CD Cover for The Promise
 The Promise

I'm excited to let you know that another scripture song singer named Cyndi Aarrestad has joined me on my next Galatians song. We're done the recording now, and the song is scheduled to be released on December 14th.

I found Cyndi while doing a deep-dive, looking for other Christian Canadian artists. It's surprisingly hard to find other Canadians who are amateur singer-songwriters, and I've been looking for a long time! It's even more of a bonus that she puts scripture to music, and is from the same province my wife is from (Saskatchewan).

Please be sure to follow her on her social media profiles, and to stream her music. Any bit of action helps musicians in the fight against obscurity, so you'll be doing her a favour.

Here are some of her social media profiles:

I also have an amazing artist playing guitar on this track. This is a young man who went to school with one of my sons, and he's extremely talented. His name is Sean Patterson, and his band is called nü Clarion.

Here is his social medial presence - please follow nü Clarion!

After that, a gospel music style vocalist named Londa Larmond will be highlighted. She has agreed to sing on an upcoming scripture song, but we're still in dialogue about one would best suit her voice. I hope to release that information soon!

Thanks to each of you who have donated time, money, and prayer to this ministry.

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Friday, December 6th, 2024

Playlist Feature

A couple of years ago I created a playlist feature on this website for creating your own favourite lists of my songs, but have never really made it public.

Here's an example: clicking here will load a test playlist I made a long time ago.

Today I was thinking it makes sense and might be helpful to people to just get a random selection of scripture songs in a single click, so I made a 'random' feature to the playlist, which you can find above under the "music" menu, or by clicking here.

Thanks for your support!

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2024

O Come, Emmanuel by Dave Edwards

This video is an arrangement and performance by my dear friend Dave Edwards (who, you may remember if you're following along, played drums on some of my Ephesians album, Songs to the Church in Ephesus).

This is one of the most talented individuals I've ever worked with. I love him dearly, and I hope you listen, like, subscribe to his channel, and leave a comment to bless him today!



Saturday, November 23rd, 2024

Recording and More

Here in my part of Canada, November is the time when we start seeing a big change in our weather and sunlight exposure. Our clocks have changed, and now with the combination of near-constant cloudiness and the later sunrise, it feels almost like it's dark all day. I need to make a concerted effort to go outside, to get some exercise, to let that old vitamin D build up behind the eyes. I try to push the idea of "warm-enough" as long as possible. I even went for a swim two weeks ago!

I know, kinda crazy.

Yesterday was rainy all day, and the sun didn't come up until after 7:30. It was overcast, slightly chilly, and wet. Joanne and I decided to drive out to the nearby conservation area, and go for a walk in the woods. I was thinking that I'd get colder and wetter than I actually did, but we had a lovely time. The trees provided some cover, even in their leaveless state!

We saw a friendly porcupine, who looked wet and cold. We heard deer barking at each other, and the flash of a tail as another one leapt off into the denser woods. We enjoyed the calm serenity of being in nature, despite the conditions.

I hope I can keep the momentum going, and force myself to unwind in nature even when the snow covers the ground and the wind rips through. It seems to play such a critical part in my mood.

Do you like nature? What are some things you do to unwind and relax, and connect with God?

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Saturday, November 9th, 2024


Good morning brothers and sisters! I thought I'd leave a quick post to say hey, and to give you a bit of an update.

Things are going well in our family, and we've felt God's presence so often lately, and also really felt Him as part of our lives. Our church has been growing, God has been moving among us, and we've recently hired a young couple to be our pastors of children and youth.

At home, Joanne has had two close friends from her childhood visiting over the last three days. I've enjoyed hearing the stories of all the shenanigans they used to get up to, and enjoy giving them tours around the area. Yesterday we took them to a nearby town called Westport, and hiked up to a high overlook point to view the whole village. They did some shopping, went out for food, and talked until my male ears were exhausted. These ladies love to talk.

It's been exciting to watch the election of Trump in the USA this week! Already there have been a number of important changes in the world as a result, and I seriously wish we could have a similar change in Canada. Unfortunately for us, I think Canada is further along the woke-path than the United States, so I'm doubtful we'll ever be able to come back from the abyss. I pray that God seriously breaks through into our country.

Anyway, God bless you, and thanks for your friendship and interest in my ministry.



Sunday, October 27th, 2024


YouTube video cover for

Hello brothers, hello sisters.

This is the last Galatians song I'll be releasing for a little while. I need to take a bit of a break, and my Christmas album is coming out November 1st.

The angelic voice you're hearing here is Caroline Bootland, who is on the worship team at my church. She lives just a block from my house, and so we were able to be in the same room while recording-- not something that happens usually on this project!

She felt too shy to be on camera, so I have been struggling with an idea for a lyric video to use with this song. I found this footage and heavily modified it to fit with the timing of the song. Yes, it's copyrighted, so I may be asked to take it down. I reached out to the YouTube channel which posted it, but I doubt they'll get back to me. At least the video is a placeholder for this song until I find out either way.

It's not really a perfect fit, because in this video you watch the story of Abraham being given a promise of as many descendants as there are stars in the sky, or grains of sand on the ground... right through to his son being born to him in old age, and then leading him up the hill for the sacrifice. But in Galatians, Paul is telling us about the way the law came after Abraham's faith, and that even without the law, faith made Abraham righteous in God's eyes... it's a bit of a fit, but maybe a bit of a stretch.

In any case, I find the video moving to watch. The acting and videography is quite good! If you're interested in watching the source, the link is here:
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - Genesis on YouTube

I want to just say again how appreciative I am of you. Thanks for watching and listening to my creative endeavours, and for your encouragement all along the way! I pray that everything I do brings glory to God, and God alone!


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Saturday, October 12th, 2024

Driving Through the Past

For our date-night Thursday, Joanne and I did a few local errands, and then went for a long and languid drive to enjoy autumnal colours. As we came to intersections, we'd often decide together: left or right? We chose roads we hadn't travelled in some time, looking for fresh landscapes to enjoy.

While we drove, we listened to some beautiful music. The playlist was a combination of older, favourite tunes like "Dust in the Wind," or "The Living Years," as well as newer songs that also pull the heart-strings.

In that perfect setting, I found myself reviewing my past. If you've followed me for any amount of time, you've likely figured out that I'm a bit melancholic. I'm sentimental. I enjoy remembering, and I struggle a bit with the progression of time: our grandparents have passed away, our parents are aging, and our babies have grown up and don't need us. Why does this bother me? Maybe because every year that passes is one year closer to my own end.

As the evening progressed, each road we chose was less paved, less travelled. Trees grew closer to the shoulder, and dust rose up behind us.

As the roadways became more and more rusticated, I imagined how they would have looked 50 years ago. Many of these lanes are the same ones my ancestors used. I found myself wondering what grandpa would think if he could travel this same path today. Where once a field, now a forest. A rail fence has decayed almost into the earth. I pictured him, with his thick white hair. His smiling face kept appearing in my mind. He always wore a hat. People loved him. He liked to sing. He'd sway a bit, front-to-back, while reaching for those high notes. He loved babies. His light blue eyes would tear up easily. He'd quickly shake his head side to side if he couldn't quite hear. I can see him in his seventies-style, orange chair, looking through the bottom of his glasses at some new book, manual, or Princess Auto catalogue.

I miss you, bop. I'm 25 years from 80, the year you passed into eternity.

I thought of the drives we have taken together. Typically there would be some accompanying story. I'm afraid many of those stories will die with me. Have I passed these family accounts on to my own children? Unfortunately, not. That's a loss I struggle with. My children will have their own special memories.

We stopped the car at the end of Kingsford lake, at the Devil Lake creek dam. I wandered around, looking at the old mechanism to lift the dam. As the warmth of the evening sun started to set, I sat on the shoreline, and took a book-and-pipe slowdown.

Life is good. God is good. Whatever happens is good.

I let it all go.



Saturday, October 5th, 2024

The Curse, Featuring Quinn Throneness

YouTube video cover for

Good morning, dear brothers and sisters!

I'm so excited about this song. Quinn has such a lovely, girlish voice, and in my opinion her style suits this ballad so well. Even the arrangement, brimming with anticipation and wonder, communicates the mystery of the scripture.

These verses from Galatians are truly full of mystery! They describe exactly why Christ needed to take on the curse of the cross: his submission to such humiliation is a gateway through our own brokenness into the perfect love of God.

11 Now it is clear that no one can be made right with God by the law, because the Scriptures say, “Those who are right with God will live by faith.” 12 The law is not based on faith. It says, “A person who obeys these things will live because of them.” 13 Christ took away the curse the law put on us. He changed places with us and put himself under that curse. It is written in the Scriptures, “Anyone whose body is displayed on a tree is cursed.” 14 Christ did this so that God’s blessing promised to Abraham might come through Jesus Christ to those who are not Jews. Jesus died so that by our believing we could receive the Spirit that God promised.

I am so thankful that Jesus willingly submitted himself to the curse of crucifixion! I'm so thankful for his message. It's not the law which saves us, it only condemns! No one can keep it, no one can meet it's perfect standard!

Rather, it's through faith in Christ that we are saved.

I hope you enjoy the song!

Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

Pitching a Christmas Carol to Spotify - I Need Your Help

Hello brothers and sisters. I have a small favour to ask!

Christmas Round the Piano
Last year I recorded a piano instrumental Christmas album, but released it only to patrons. This year I plan to release it on iTunes, YouTube, and Spotify.

One of the cool things about Spotify is that if you get on a playlist, your song can get a lot of attention, and your followers can increase dramatically.

I can only pitch one song from the album, so I am asking for you to please pick your favourite. I'm unlocking the album here on my website, and asking for people to heart their favourites. Hopefully one or two will rise to the top, and I can then pitch it to the playlisters at Spotify.

Christmas 'Round the Piano

Thank you!

1 like


Saturday, September 28th, 2024

1000 Spotify Followers!

Thanks to everyone for helping me hit this new milestone! On Thursday Spotify emailed me to congratulate me on 1000 followers.

Here's to the next 1000! To God's glory.

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

Should I Just Stop?

As I see more and more people cancelling their memberships, I am getting a sense that what I'm doing isn't quite enough to hold that value to people. I'm worried that I've broken something here. More and more, posts are going without comments or likes on Patreon, and video views on YouTube are dropping off as well. I'm wondering what your thoughts are, dear reader. I'm wondering if you may think I've lost my way in what I'm doing.

Today, our morning devotional was about the true mark of success. It reminded me that when we look to the world for approval, or think of views and likes and shares as an indication of success, we get further away from the truth of what God asks of us. In fact, maybe those indicators show us that we are further from what God wants.

It was so timely, because I've been questioning these things already. Am I getting further away from my Lord's purpose for me?

What do you think? Should I start giving all of my music away for free? Maybe I should close down this Patreon account. Maybe I should be drastic in my faith in God's provision? Maybe I should stop working on scripture songs? Maybe I should keep writing but give them all away?

I can be so single-minded, and even stubborn to accomplish a purpose. Initially I felt confident that I should put scripture to music. I was sure that this was a creative outlet that had an important purpose. I was talented to do it, and had a vision that got me out of bed in the mornings.

But in the past, one of the common issues I have had is pushing things beyond the point of completion. I don't always see the sign that it's time to stop.

If you're still reading this far, then maybe you're one of the people who God wants to speak through. I would love to hear from you. Do you have an opinion? Do you sense God's purpose and will? What do you think I should do?

Saturday, September 21st, 2024

Next Galatians Song

YouTube video cover for All Nations Will Be Blessed
 All Nations Will Be Blessed

Meet David Klob, who has joined me from Calgary to sing on the next Galatians song!

David is a music director and worship leader at FAC (First Alliance Church) in Calgary. They have some amazing worship songs that you're going to want to check out. Here's a link to one of their recent albums called Fill the Room.

David is singing on Galatians 3:6-10, "All Nations Will Be Blessed." In this song, Paul reminds us that the Old Testament scriptures outline faith as being the defining characteristic of those who are children of God. This faith in non-Jewish people is affirm in the Old Testament where it says that all the nations of the earth will be blessed through Abraham!

Thank you, Lord! Thanks for sending Jesus, and making it possible for us to be part of the family of God!

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

Another Artist Change

Well, I have had another cancellation from a vocalist for my next Galatians song. This project is getting harder and harder to complete in time! I find it such a challenge to not become overwhelmed with anxiety. What in the world is going on?

I wonder whether God is just trying to tell me something. Maybe I need to stop including others in this project? Maybe I need to try even harder! I honestly do not know.

Fortunately, I have come across someone else who is willing to try to sing on this track, and so I'm taking another shot at it. His name is David Klob, and he's a worship pastor in Calgary. I'm so thankful he's going to try to help me out on this!

Dear reader, if you are seeing this and know of Canadian Christian artists who might like to participate, please reach out to me. Ideally, they will already have a singing ministry.

I am still aiming for the same release schedule, but wanted to let you know I may not make the date if it doesn't work out with David.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 8th, 2024

Galatians 3:2-5

CD Cover for You Received the Spirit
 You Received the Spirit

Here it is, the much-delayed Galatians 3:2-5 song!

Oh man, the stress this song has caused! I kept trying to keep my patience, and assure myself that maybe God has plans for this song that the evil one wants to block... but whatever the reason, I am just so happy to be finished it!

The future can only improve, right? I pray to God that it will!

Thanks to everyone who believes in me, who is committed to this ministry, (despite me!) I'm doing my best, but I'm painfully aware of my shortcomings. I really appreciate you for sticking with me for as long as you have!

Much love, and blessings to you!


Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Our World Needs Jesus

Lately I've been feeling discouraged about the state of the world. Maybe I'm spending too much time on X.com. Despite trying to follow Christian accounts, and exposing myself to positive messages, I can't seem to escape the disgruntled and angry people, who are so often complaining about the state of the world.

If it's not the mass migration/invasion of Muslims into Europe, it's lawsuits against Pfizer by the Kansas, Texas, and other states in the U.S. because it cases sterility, miscarriages, myocarditis and pericarditis.

Are you like me? Despite trying to keep my eyes on the Kingdom of God, I start to feel hopeless and depressed. I drag myself around the house, obsessing about the future for my own children. I cry out, Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Something has to change.

I'm not comfortable with blaming sites like X. It's not access to information that's the problem. I'm experiencing the natural stress response of cognitive dissonance. The solution isn't to close myself off from information, as eager as I am to do that. Rather, I suspect I need to renew my commitment to worship and prayer! I confess that this is not my natural response. Is it yours?

Rather than putting our heads in the sand, I'm thinking we should reframe our paradigm. We are soldiers for Christ in a war against the forces of evil. The powers and principalities of this evil age will not be satisfied until it destroys everything that is good. We should not be naive. We should fight with the tools of the Spirit against the war of the Spirit.

So how do we fight? We fight with prayer. We soak in worship. We posture ourselves as living sacrifices, set apart as holy and made for a purpose.

Lord, awaken your people. Remind us of the true nature of this battle. Empower us with your strength. Help us to stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around our waists, the breastplate of righteousness in place, our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. May we take up the shield of faith, so we might extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Help us to put on the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.





Saturday, August 31st, 2024

Update on Galatians

CD Cover for You Received the Spirit
 You Received the Spirit

I've finally finished the Galatians 3:2-5 song! That was one of the hardest songs to find musicians for, to mix, and to be satisfied with the final results. I'm exhausted now, lol!

The song is now uploaded to DistroKid, a website which distributes music to online music stores. The release date has been set to September 7th, which is only a week away. Unfortunately this means that the song won't likely be added to any playlists, or get noticed very much by the "instrustry," but these scripture songs never get added anyway, so what difference does it really make?

I'm just glad to get it finished, uploaded, so we can continue with this series!

I still have no tracks from other artists for the next few songs, but at this point, I've mostly given up on working with other musicians. It's just too hard to get them to really commit, and to even reply to messages and emails.

Thanks for your support and prayer! Whatever else is going on, we can be confident that God is good.

Friday, August 30th, 2024

To Toronto And Back

Today we're driving back to Toronto to take my son and his wife to the airport. They're off on their honeymoon to Europe! Last week, stuck in traffic, Joanne and I promised each other we'd never drive to Toronto again.

Maybe that should teach us to stop making promises we can't keep, but it's a lesson I can't seem to learn.

I really hope that the traffic (the LONG WEEKEND TRAFFIC, EVEN!) won't be too bad.

Thursday, August 29th, 2024

Nature Videos

When I was recording all the Psalm videos out in nature, I wanted to have a backup of them all, but in a raw form. I wanted backups of the videos without the scripture and music overlaid. I found this was helpful when I had to demonstrate to YouTube that I wasn't infringing on anyone's copyright, and when I needed to fix a typo or something similar in a video.

So to back them up for free, I began uploading them to a new channel. I thought maybe they would bless someone, or be of benefit from someone, and maybe the channel would even take off, and be another source of income.

Unfortunately, the income didn't really work out, but I found out from my sister that she often plays these videos for her kindergarten students. The calm and natural environment soothes them! How cool is that?

Today I spent some time on that channel, watching the old videos, and enjoying the views of nature. I thought I'd share it with you, in case you found it interesting or useful.

Relax in Nature YouTube Channel

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Back from Stephensville

Worship In The Wild was a wild experience! I was so nervous about how everything would go, and intimidated by the people hosting, and the other musicians I might encounter. I felt inadequate.

As it turns out, I didn't need to be intimidated. Everyone I met were loving Christian people, and the other performing musicians were talented amateurs, just like me.

Getting there was a real hassle though. The four hour drive ended up taking 7 hours (to get there, actually 8 to get home!). Our Jeep kept overheating while pulling out camper, and so we travelled at slower speeds, took alternate slower routes, and stopped frequently to let the engine cool down. Plus the big highway in Ontario (the 401) ha many traffic accidents and slow-downs. Thank you God for keeping us safe.

I wasn't paid to play, but I am fine with that: I expected that the exposure would be beneficial to my ministry. Unfortunately there weren't very many people there in the time-slot I was given, so I'm trying to look at it as a sacrifice for the Kingdom. More often than not, God uses our efforts and sacrifices in ways that we can't understand, and may never see- at least this side of eternity.

A dear friend made a donation to me this morning which covers our fuel expense. See? God is always at work, and we can trust him to provide.

Thank you for your prayers! We had an opportunity to meet and care for a lot of interesting and Godly people.

God is good, and God is at work!

Friday, August 23rd, 2024

Worship In The Wild!

Today we're heading out to Stevensville Road, near Niagara Falls to attend the Worship In the Wild festival! It's at "Safari Niagara," and I've been asked to lead worship for a 40 minute set.I'm extremely nervous about it, but trying to just throw myself into it and trusting God to work. I'll do my part (and I've been practising for a few months now), but I am definitely not leaning on my own strength: I feel out of my element, and nervous that I'm going to embarrass myself.I guess that's just pride.Joanne and I have booked a camping site to take our teeny trailer (a Boler, for those who know what that is). If nothing else, we're trying to think of this as our summer vacation. I've managed to find someone to lead worship at our church on Sunday, and I'm going to try to just relax and have fun.Apparently there will be a merchandise table, so I've put together a few CDs. Some of them are really old- who buys CDs anymore??!! If I am able to sell a few to offset the cost of the trip that would be great. Camping doesn't seem to be the cheap vacation anymore, haha!

We've selected a number of my top scripture songs, but I imagine most people won't know them. I hope that they'll recognize the Word of God, though, and that will open their hearts to worship.

Please keep us in prayer. Pray that God keeps us safe, helps us to honour him and not to make it about me at all. Pray that HE is glorified.Thanks friends!~Jason

Sunday, August 18th, 2024

Reading Scripture in Church

Who else has noticed that when scripture is being read out in church, they are singing along with the verses in their head?

My wife and I often look at each other and smile during the scripture reading time. This isn't because we find anything particularly funny about the Bible passage, but rather because we are both hearing the melody and instrumentation. We smile because we're able to recite along with the reader in our minds.

There have been lots of times when I question whether my obsession with creating scripture songs has any significance. It's not going to make me famous, probably won't win me any prizes, and I'm not likely to get rich. But of course, this isn't why I do it.

I do it because I want to be part of enabling God's word to germinate in the hearts of his people. Just imagine the effect on one's subconscious! I wouldn't be surprised if many of our actions and reactions are influenced by the word of God planted deep in our hearts.

I thank you for your involvement in this ministry, and your prayer for me as I use my gifts for God's glory. It's not easy. I'm putting myself in a place where the evil one is resisting my efforts. Your prayers are immeasurably important to me and to the success of this work. Thank you.


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Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Worship In the Wild, August 24, 2024

It's getting close! One more week until the Worship in the Wild event at Safari Niagara, on August 24, 2024!

Although I've been leading worship nearly every week for as long as I can remember, I'm actually quite nervous about this whole experience!

This is partly because I'm not sure what to expect. I've been asked to participate because I received the Worship Artist of the Year Covenant Award from the Gospel Music Association in 2023. This was a result of my work putting scripture to music, but I'm nearly certain that most people who attend will have never heard of me. They won't know my music; music I feel I must use. I'm uncomfortable because it's that awkward place between performance, and authentic worship?

I pray that as I sing a few of my scripture songs, God's Spirit will move among his people. I pray (and ask you to join me) that my listening brothers and sisters will sense God's presence, and, more importantly, engage themselves in His adoration.

Joanne will be singing with me, and I've rented a nice electronic piano. If you're in the area of Stevensville, Ontario, then please come out to sing along!

The songs I plan on singing are:



Friday, August 9th, 2024

Carnivore Diet - I Made it to Three Months!

Today marks three months of eating only meat, eggs, and dairy. I feel pretty good, actually. At first I was nervous that I might be doing harm to my body by not eating any fruit or vegetables. I researched scurvy, concerned that this might be a problem if I were to persist.

In actuality, I feel really good! Much of the joint pain I felt in my hips is gone. I sleep more soundly. It seems like my mind is quicker, as if I'm able to access memory and vocabulary better than before.

I also have quit taking all my medication. No statins for cholesterol, no antidepressant SSRIs, not even the baby-aspirin I've been loyally consuming for a number of years!

Instead, I am taking fish oil every night, and drinking lots of water.

I'll admit it seems kind of wacky. Maybe I'm being naive. Maybe I'm being a conspiracy theorist. After COVID, I just don't trust the drug industry and the medical establishment. It goes beyond not trusting them, actually. I have come to believe that most medicine is over prescribed, with the ultimate goal being to make money, not to do what's best for the individual.

Friday, August 2nd, 2024

Galatians 3 Song

I've been really struggling with the Galatians 3:2-6 song. I wrote a melody for this years ago, but it just isn't very good, so over the last two days I've tried to set my hand to it again. Despite my best efforts, it's just not working! I am beyond frustrated.

If I was just throwing anything together, it wouldn't matter... but I am determined to make these songs an accurate representation of the actual scripture verses, to be melodic and singable, even catchy... and perhaps even more importantly, to help illuminate the meaning in the verses.

I'm not sure what to do now. I think I have to sit with it longer, and let things ruminate. Pray that God gives me a melody that works!

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

Breaking the Schedule for Galatians

Since March 23rd of this year, I've released a new song every two weeks, mostly the Galatians project. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to keep up that schedule, because I've been having a challenge finding artists to sing with me!

I guess part of the problem is the genre. Not everybody is identifying with the Celtic thing, unfortunately. But I'm having fun!

So I want to apologize to you for not keeping it going as consistently as you have come to expect. I'm going to try to take the opportunity to just rest a bit, and I'll be back at it as soon as possible!




Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

New Like Feature

Hey brothers and sisters, today I've added a new "like" feature to blogs and songs. I'm hoping that it ends up being useful to me to see what things I say in my blogs are appreciated, and what songs people love the most.

I see people listen to my music and visit my site a lot, but there isn't a lot of engagement other than that. I'm surprised to see how often my songs are listened to here! Perhaps this additional way to engage people will end up being useful to everyone!

My next plan is to add Likes to albums, and to put comments back on blogs. I took those off a long time ago because they weren't being used, but I miss having a way to know if anyone is even out there!

God bless!

1 like
Sunday, July 28th, 2024

My Faith Testimony

When I was a kid, I often thought to myself, "Someday I'll show them. I'm going to be famous!" I remember thinking this in my grade four classroom. That would have been Mrs. Steele. "I'll be someone important, and then they'll wish they had been nice to me."

That's quite the thing for a kid to say, and certainly not very godly: there's some pride in that statement, and I was trusting in my own strength. Come on, I was eight years old.

But I want to take you back to those days, to show you how God uses the weakest of us for His glory.

You see, I was what you might call a misfit. I was a scrawny kid with big buck teeth. I wanted to be invited to birthday parties. I wanted to be picked "not last" for school teams. If I had been born in 1989 instead of 1969, perhaps I would have been given a diagnosis of ADHD. Social interactions didn't come naturally to me. I was hyper-focused on the things that interested me to the exclusion of all else. I didn't really fit in, so that would make me a misfit.

I didn't know why other kids liked to beat me up after school. I guess because I was different. I'd stay in the classroom at the end of day, waiting for all the buses to leave so I could walk home without being chased down the street. Even girls beat me up.

Yes, it's a bit embarrassing, and I'm sorry to drag you through this sad story; but I am not looking for sympathy. Rather, I am trying to showcase the way God so often chooses the outcast in this world to do His work, because for some amazing reason, God uses me!

Part of the purpose of a personal testimony is to be vulnerable enough about oneself, so that people who are in a similar situation can see a pathway for themselves to be used by God, and brought into a restorative relationship with Him. If that person is you--if you also feel like an outsider, or if you can relate to some of my experiences, then I hope you leave here knowing that God loves weaklings. God chooses misfits. God uses outcasts.

Back to my childhood.

I think my strangeness was a little embarrassing for my dad. I think he wanted me to be more self-aware, more normal, to try to fit in with my peers. I understand. Wouldn't any person want the best for their child? I'm sure it distressed both of my parents that I was bullied at school. A parent wants their kid to be liked.

Dad tried to teach me how to fight; how to stick up for myself, but I just couldn't imagine hitting back. He tried to encourage me to be good in sports, and put me on soccer and baseball teams. He took me to the diamond to practice batting and throwing and catching. If you've ever seen the baseball movie, "Bad News Bears," then you might get an idea of my skill level. I was more likely to trip over my own feet, than to catch a ball.

I attended Harrowsmith Free Methodist church in the 70s and 80s, so some of you remember me when I was a kid. You may recall my geeky awkwardness. Somehow God has used me despite my many shortcomings. He's chosen to fill this broken vessel with the power of his Spirit for His glory, and not mine. I'm a nobody apart from the work He's done in me. I'm an outcast. And yet this outcast who is standing in front of you has influence he didn't earn, and is part of God's work in the world!

How humbling!

By the way I describe it, you might think I was depressed all the time, but it wasn't all bad. I was the kind of kid that would rather create Lego gadgets and Mechano machines anyway. Lots of solitary activities appealed to me, like reading, designing board games, sketching, or building a tree-house, even making maps of my own worlds. My imagination was quite entertaining! The rejection I felt was often the inspiration for all kinds of creative outlet, even song writing.

Still, the inner part of me wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be important. I wanted to be loved.

Of course, I knew God loved me... and I didn't realise it until years later, but God also had a plan for me. That has become really obvious in review of some events in my life.

In the summer before grade five, I think it was 1980, I fell out of a tree and badly dislocated my arm. We were an hour from Kingston General Hospital, and my elbow was in really bad shape, and the bones were all busted up, the nerves torn out of place. I had a full arm cast and two pins placed in my elbow to hold things together. I didn't find out until I was an adult that doctors warned my parents that I may never use my right arm again.

I hope that causes you to worship God! Look how he has healed me so that I might spend a lifetime worshipping him at the piano! Every pounding chord is a testament to his work in me! God had something planned for me, even from those early, nerdy days. God has something planned for each of us! God has something planned for you, even through you pain and difficulty, even in your trauma and darkness.

High school was a lot better for me, partly because there was a bigger pool of students to choose from. The computer room was full of geeks just like me. I met other non-sporty kids in the arts department. There was even an Inter-School-Christian-Fellowship group I joined.

But at home, the friction with my dad increased a lot. I was lazy. I would break things and hide the evidence. I fought with my sister. I forgot to do my chores, "disappearing," right when I was needed. I was a typical difficult teenager.

Dad was under a lot of stress too, and our relationship got volatile. He faced financial strain, marital strain, and his own difficult childhood didn't give him the tools he needed. As many of you may know, it's really hard to break those generational cycles. Things got violent at times.

Fortunately, our relationship is now restored, and I love my dad dearly. Jesus brought healing to both of us, and this experience has also been an indication of the power of God to transform lives.

For some reason, rather than make me blame God for my pain, this conflict drew me deeper into relationship with Him. I embraced God as my actual Father. When I felt discouraged and disappointed, God spoke words of encouragement to me. When I felt lonely and hopeless, I found hope in God's perfection. When I made mistakes (and I've made a lot of mistakes), God forgave me.

Jeremiah 30, verse 17 says: For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast...

You see, God loves the outcast. He loves the overlooked, the downtrodden, the misfit. His heart goes out to those who are suffering. He wants to restore and heal us, especially because we are outcasts.

This is important to God, so much so that Jesus asked us to love outcasts just as he did, and to look for opportunities to love the unlovable.

In case you need more evidence, the Bible is full of stories in which God selects the outcast in which to frame his glory! Consider the following misfits:

Rahab, the prostitute was obviously not a high-status person, and more importantly to the people of the time, she was not part of God's chosen people of Israel. Still, she was saved from destruction, and used by God when she helped God's spies in the land escape over the wall.

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

The Samaritan woman who spoke with Jesus at the well - although she had many failed marriages, and was currently living with a man who was not her husband, Jesus showed love and compassion to her, offered forgiveness to her, and this transformative experience brought many people from Samaria to faith.

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

Joseph, seems to be full of pride and self-importance, self-aggrandising, and not accepted by his own brothers! He Lorded his favoured position over them. He boasted of his dreams in which all his brothers would bow to him! They were so tired of it all that they first threw him in a well, and then later sold him into slavery. His faithfulness to God, and his dedication to integrity allowed him to be the reason Egypt, and his own family were saved from famine.

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

Or consider the bleeding woman who was healed when she touched Jesus' cloak. She had been unclean for years in the eyes of the religious, which would have meant she would not be welcome among the holy and righteous who were careful to keep the laws of cleanliness. Her faith in Jesus brought her healing, and her story has been remembered and retold ever since then!

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

There is also Leah, the despised wife. Her husband Jacob was tricked into marrying her, when he really was in love with her sister! I can't imagine bearing the insult of that experience, and I'm sure she felt like an outcast. Despite this, she was nevertheless blessed with many children who were the first people of Israel!

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

Don't forget Esther, who was an orphan. Despite being without parents, she eventually became the King's favourite concubine, then his cherished wife, and later, through her bold bravery, became the path to redemption from exile for all of the Jews.

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

Of course, there are dozens more. I don't need to layout their stories, because you all know them. Consider adulterous David, tax-collecting Matthew, arrogant Samson, weasley Zacchaeus, disbelieving Thomas, headstrong Peter, murderous Paul, the list goes on and on.

There's a theme here. God chooses the outcast, the lowly, the broken, the hurting, the overlooked, the failing, the mocked, and even the judged to bring glory to Himself!

Don't think of yourself as too weak or too broken to serve him! Your weakness puts you exactly where God needs you to be so that you may best reflect his glory!

An outcast, used to reveal God's glory!

We look to these Biblical characters as heroes, but in many ways they are anti-heros. They aren't remembered because they were virtuous. They are remembered because despite their weaknesses, God used them as vessels to bring about His plan for the world.

Let's look honestly at ourselves. Are any of us virtuous? Maybe, but our virtue is not worth very much. God is glorified when he transforms our weaknesses into his strength!

God is building an army of outcasts. He wants his glory to be magnified throughout all the earth, so that everyone can worship Him! He wants the humble and rejected to turn to him for help so he can display his grace and mercy in us.

Isaiah 56:8 says, "The Lord God, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, declares, 'I will gather yet others to him besides those already gathered.'"

...and in Psalm 147:2, it says, "The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel."

That's us. Because really, we're all outcasts. Who among us here isn't weak? Are we loved and accepted by the world, or mocked because of our testimonies of faith?

For those who don't see yourself as an outcast, or who think you've been spared a lot of the personal heartache and pain, let me talk to you directly for a moment. Maybe you understand the way society works, and have found a way to be an insider in a world that creates these partitions. Can you see any ways you have fallen short of what God has asked of you? Recall that Jesus told the insiders in his day that he came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.

If we cannot see the places we need Jesus, then we can become almost deaf to his call.

I'd like to encourage all of us to get in touch with the way we need Jesus. Yes, it may be shallow at first, but start there. He will give us His grace to cooperate with salvation. If you are to follow him, you need to begin walking, so start to walk in His way.

Identify your weakness. Begin to work out your faith with fear and trembling. When you are weak, He is strong.

I invite you to look differently on your shortcomings. Think about the ways you have failed, and instead of hiding them, or hiding from them, bring them into the light, and let God use these failures as a way to shine through you! He will make all things new! He will make YOU new.

For those of us who see our own faults, and find them as stumbling blocks to faith, I hope my testimony today will help you to see things from a different perspective. Pour your life out for God. Give everything to Him. Don't just look at your failures as an ugly mess, but rather as a starting point for the Father to make you more like Jesus.

I will end with this favourite scripture from Romans 8, verse 28: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."


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Monday, July 22nd, 2024

I Screwed Up

Hey friends,

You may have noticed that two videos were released at the same time on Saturday! Now I'm beginning to realise why this week felt more stressful than others!

I released the "Seeds" video on Saturday, yes, but a week ago I spent some extra time putting together a new Ephesians video, because those songs haven't really been noticed much on YouTube. I scheduled it to go in the middle of the new Galatians songs releases, and then promptly forgot all about it!

I'm not sure whether that was a blessing or a nuisance to you, but I hope that both videos were helpful in your personal faith and devotion.

For this coming Saturday my friend Stephanie Reddicopp has chosen to not participate in a video. I'm not sure yet what I'll do instead, so I appreciate any ideas you have, or if you could pray for God to give me some leading.


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Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Seeds - Making the Video

YouTube video cover for Seeds

This week, rather than another "Read Along" psalm video, I made a video to go with last week's released song, "Seeds" from Isaiah 61:8-11.

I tried doing my own stop-motion-animation using a whiteboard, but I'm just not a good enough artist for that, so instead my wife and I made a new flower bed along our back porch, and then I put the gimbal and camera on a skateboard, and ran it slowly along the porch so the earth background could scroll along.

Before this, initially I was trying to find footage I could use. I wanted something like a time-lapse of a seed germinating, but there just wasn't anything that looked professional enough to work for me and I didn't have time to make my own.

I'm quite happy with how this turned out! I think the flower blooms at the end, although a bit cheesy, are a nice touch.

But I want to know what you think!

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Saturday, July 13th, 2024

The Canadian Bible Society

I have some interesting news! I was asked yesterday to lead worship for a gathering of pastors in the Kingston, Ontario region. The gathering is sponsored by the Canadian Bible Society.

The way it came about is kind of curious. I have been interacting with a singer for an upcoming Galatians song, named Martine Kelsey. She mentioned to me that her husband, Justin Kelsey is the event coordinator for the society, and would be contacting me about leading worship.

How cool is that?

So please pray for me as I lead the group in worship. Perhaps there will also be an opportunity to encourage pastors to make use of my material in their worship and devotion!

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Saturday, July 6th, 2024

July Update

I hope you've been enjoying these Celtic-inspired scripture songs I've been releasing for the last number of months. I've been having fun making them, and also have been blessed as I work with various Christian artists in Canada.

I'm coming near the end of my list of volunteers. There are other Canadian Christian artists, but for many of them, it has been difficult to get responses from them. Some others just aren't interested, unfortunately. (If you know of any, please let me know!)

Is it okay to say this? Here goes: there's something a little weird about the mindset of the average Canadian. We tend to prefer the glossy professionalism created in the United States rather than the understated, and sometimes amateur product from our home country. We have so many talented musicians here, but not a lot of demand in our own country. My biggest audience is outside Canada, actually, and I think this might be true for most Canadian musicians I know.

As for why it's been challenging to find people to participate, I guess it's understandable. We are all pulled in so many different directions nowadays, Nevertheless, it makes me sad that there are so few Canadian Christian musicians; not just those who are available but also those I can find. I thought there would be a lot more!

Seriously though, if you come upon this post, and you happen to know a Canadian Christian musician trying to make a living through their talent, forward me their name! I'd love to work with them!

If you'd like to hear music from a few of the Canadian artists I know, I put together a playlist on Spotify. It's right here:





Saturday, June 22nd, 2024

Joanne Returning and Other News!

Today I'm driving to Ottawa to pick up my lovely wife who has been in Saskatchewan for 10 days. She's been caring for her parents, and especially helping her dad recover from his knee surgery a week ago.

It's hard when Joanne leaves for a time to visit family, but it's important that she does. I feel a bit aimless, just going about my day in a kind of monotony when she's away. With her home, life is so much more full and entertaining. She finds interesting things to watch on television, and she pushes me to get out of my studio to get active. We go for a bike ride together, or a meandering walk, or to do some work in the yard.

I've been playing around with the idea of leaving tonight to head toward Ottawa instead of tomorrow morning. I thought I'd maybe camp somewhere along the way. She's not as much of a fan of camping, but it's something I quite like, so why not? If only I could get the girls to come along!

On music news, I've had a vocalist cancel for an upcoming song (meant to be released in only 3 weeks!) This has been quite stressful, as it's already hard to find singers, never-mind one for only three weeks away! I also need to put time into redoing the artwork.

Fortunately, I've found a woman named Becka Mahar who has agreed. She has a very pretty voice, and I think it will suit the song well. We're cutting the timeline close, as I won't receive any tracks from her until next week! Ugh, God help me. :)

Also, in one week Jon McLurg and I will be releasing an amazingly fun and upbeat song. We've got to figure out a location for the music video before then. That's something to keep in prayer. I wish I could just make music and not make videos, but then nobody seems to listen to the song, so it's a necessary evil, I guess.

Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for your support if you're a patron, and if you're not, then maybe you would consider helping! I also really appreciate your prayers to cover all of the attacks I've been under lately.

Thank you, and God bless!


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Saturday, June 15th, 2024

Spiritual Warfare

Hello my friends,

Lately it seems like I'm being pelted with spiritual sticks and stones. I've struggled more than usual this week to keep my chin up, to keep my eyes focused on Christ, and to even feel optimistic in the face of it all.

I say this with the hope that sharing my personal difficulties with both encourage those who are also struggling (is that a thing?) and encourage those who are in a good place to pray for me, or even say a few nice things to me.

I think it started on Tuesday.

My wife went to Saskatchewan to be with her mom and dad during and after her dad's knee replacement surgery. I'm home alone with our daughters, and fending for myself. Yes, I'm a big baby.

Then Tuesday night a raccoon got into the chicken run and killed two hens. I discovered their eviscerated bodies on the roof of the hen house (!) while closing up the coop for the night.

Then I found that one of the websites I've created (ServiceBuilder.net), wasn't working properly for some people in the United States. The service I hire to send text messages on ServiceBuilder's behalf was very slow to return messages, and not helpful in solving the problem.

Then I started thinking about an upcoming worship music festival at which I've been asked to play (Worship in the Wild). I started questioning whether or not it's even something I want to be part of. It became another point of worry and concern for me.

Then today another site I developed for the Canadian Biomaterials Society (biomaterials.ca) started receiving thousands of brute-force attacks, sending command after command to the server in an attempt to find a weakness in my coding.

Finally, as I worked with the video for this week (tomorrow's release), and considered some of the other songs I'm planning, I've started to wonder if I should even still be doing this. It seems like nobody really cares about my work, except maybe my wife and my mother. Should it matter to me anyway? How do I just do it all for an audience of One?

As I lay all of these cares out here, I feel a bit silly. It's not all that bad, really. So many people have it worse. I have a roof over my head, people who love me, something to occupy my time. I have salvation through Grace, which is the greatest of gifts!

How do I begin to let these things go and give them to God? How do I stop wallowing?

If anyone has an idea, I'd love to hear from you!



Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Podcast List

It struck me the other day that I have been on a few podcasts, but hadn't mentioned it on my blog, so I thought I'd list them below:


Saturday, June 1st, 2024

Make Us Slaves

YouTube video cover for

Today the newest song from the Galatians collection comes out, and it features a lovely young lady with a sweet pure voice. Her name is Kirsten Pfeifer, and I'm sure she'd love to have you follow her and for you to hear her other music.

This newest song is from Galatians 2:1-5 and it's the story of Paul going back to Jerusalem to talk to the church leaders about his missionary efforts among the Gentiles.

However, they are set on forcing the new believers to obey the law, and to become what he calls slaves to it!

It's such an interesting tension even for us today. How much of what we do is keeping the rules from the Old Testament, and how much of what we do is based on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus?

It's a whole other topic, for another day, but let's just say there's tension there. On one hand, we should make an effort to do God's will, but on the other hand, we shouldn't be slaves to these rules, as God wants us to be free in Jesus.

I hope you love this new song, and will share it with your friends, and put it on repeat, and help me spread the word!

God bless you,



Friday, May 24th, 2024

Recording with Rhys

I have a co-op student this semester, a young fellow named Rhys who wants to be a worship leader and a musician someday. He has been helping me in the office with some of the day-to-day activities of my scripture song ministry. He does things like create video canvases for Spotify, enter and sync all of my song lyrics into Musixmatch (the service which provides lyrics to many of the music stream sites), and more.

He even held the camera for one of my recent walking and singing music videos! He's been a lot of help.

As part of my work with him, I wanted to show him how to write and record songs. Today we wrapped up recording his first worship song, called "Together We Believe." I can't wait until it's released and you can hear it! It's a very nice song, and I think it will be wonderful to use it in church congregations. When he gets the song uploaded to Spotify and Apple Music, I'll be sure to share a link so you can follow him and enjoy his work too!

In a day-and-age when so many teenagers are obsessed with gender-identity, wokeness, and selfcenteredness, it's refreshing to hear of a young person who wants to follow God, and dedicate his life to God's purposes! I'm blessed just to have the opportunity to work with him!

Thanks God, for you are still at work among us!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2024

Podcasts and Articles

It struck me the other day that I have been on a few podcasts, but hadn't mentioned it on my blog, so I thought I'd list them below:

Thanks! I hope you enjoy, and that they give you an insight into my ministry!


Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024


I was asked to be interviewed in a podcast called "Kingdom Vocal Vibes" a few weeks ago, and it was released today. Here's the link, should you be interested:

Episode 33 of Kingdom Vocal Vibes

The person who interviewed me, Cindy O'Neil, lives in a city about an hour away from me. Her podcast is quite good, so I invite you to follow her as well.

God bless!

Friday, May 17th, 2024

Newsletter Idea

Hi friends,

I really wish I was better at making posts here on my blog!

Today I was thinking about the people like you, who have shown interest in these worship songs, and how I can stay in better touch with them all.

I have been collecting email addresses for a number of years, and I wondered today if I should create an automated update newsletter that goes out once a week-- maybe Monday mornings at 9, or something like that?

I'd love to hear your thoughts.... are you getting too much email already?

I do this for other websites I've designed for other people... the script I would write would gather all the things that are changed on the site, and summarize them automatically, putting excerpts in an email to send out.

I could include things like new songs written and uploaded to the site this week, new mp3s recorded and uploaded to the site, links to new videos, new posts to my blog, and other changes.

I don't have a comments section here anymore, but I'd still love to hear from you about what you think of this. Shoot me an email and tell me if it's a bad idea!

God bless!

Saturday, May 4th, 2024

Set Me Apart

YouTube video cover for Set Me Apart For His Work
 Set Me Apart For His Work
The definition of holiness might not be what you think it is. When we consider someone or something as holy, we might think of it as being somehow elevated above other things. We might think that means it is somehow better, higher, more perfect, more untouchable. In fact, when something is holy, that means it is set apart from everyday things, for a special purpose. When we say we want to be holy, we're really saying we want to be used for God's purposes, not for our own! In this song, 'Set Me Apart For His Work,' from Galatians 1:11-16, the chorus is as follows:
But God had special plans for me And set me apart For his work even before I was born He called me through his grace And showed his son to me So that I might tell the Good News About him to those who are not Jewish
I hope that you can sing along with the apostle Paul, recognizing that God does have special plans for you! You have been set apart for him&emdash;in other words, made holy by him, so that you might do his work of loving your neighbour, sharing peace, hope, love, and joy with those who need it most! 0 likes


Saturday, April 27th, 2024


Good afternoon brothers and sisters!

I'm not sure if you've heard of Telegram, but I recently watched an interview with its founder, and I decided I should try installing it and using it.

My sister has been on Telegram for a long time, but I never really gave it a go until now, and I'm glad I have.

The owner seems to be a big advocate of freedom and free speech, and this seems to be an unfortunate rarity nowadays.

If you use Telegram, maybe you'd like to find me there. My username is Jason Silver

...and I've created a singing scripture channel as well. Sing Scripture

I hope to meet you over there!

Friday, April 26th, 2024

Recording Studio Work

Hi friends!

I've been working with Chris Coleman, a friend I met back in 1999 who has a recording studio and a lot of connections with great artists. He's asked me to record some for him, and I've laid down various keyboard, guitar, bass, and drum tracks to help him out.

The project I've been working on with him is for indigenous artists way up in northern Canada. Currently I'm recording parts for a Christian woman, and it's been so interesting and fun to hear her singing praises to God in her native language!

The experience got me thinking about whether I should open my recording studio to more people who are interested in recording their music. I'm not sure whether there is much of a market for it, with so many able to record from their own homes nowadays, but perhaps I can offer a new level of professionalism for them.

I'm sure it is an asset that I play a lot of instruments, and have experience with arranging and distributing music.

Saturday, April 20th, 2024

Galatians 1:11-16

YouTube video cover for

Hello dear friends! Galatians 1:10 came out at midnight last night, and the next release in two weeks is Galatians 1:11-16. Since you're such wonderful and loyal friends, I'm sharing it early with you here!

I hope this project has been helpful and a blessing in your spiritual walk! It's been rewarding for me to work with these other Christian artists. We're a varied bunch of amateurs, all trying to find our way as ministers of the Gospel, and worship leaders. If you're interested in reading more about the woman who sang with me on Galatians 1:10, visit the song page, and then follow her on her social media links from there.

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Between the Grooves Podcast

I was interviewed in a podcast which was released today.

Between the Grooves - Jason Silver

My family says I sound fine, but I feel a little embarrassed by how I come across. I'm not the most eloquent speaker... but I hope you enjoy it, and that maybe it helps you get to know me a little bit better.

I wasn't sure what to expect, I guess radio is geared to a more shallow listening experience. In any case, take a listen, and please leave a comment about what you thought.

Saturday, April 13th, 2024

Happy Saturday

CD Cover for The One I'm Trying to Please
 The One I'm Trying to Please

Hey there, my dear friends! I hope your day has been good so far!

I don't have any breaking news to announce, but I wanted to check in to let you know the state of the Galatians project so far.

As you've likely seen from previous posts and videos, the first two tracks are released now. The third comes out next Saturday, featuring Andrea Vestby. I've attached it to this message.

I've been working on the next five songs, and lining up vocalists to be featured with me on these pieces. Please pray for me, that God will soften the hearts of those I'm asking to participate. Some people are enthusiastic, but most are reluctant, unfortunately.

Thanks for your support! Please help me spread the news about this work!




Thursday, March 14th, 2024


Hey everyone! I've added a new link to my menu, where I'm making some merchandise available. The website I use for merchandise is called TeeSpring, and when you buy items there, I get a small percentage. It's a win-win! You get to tell people about your faith and commitment to scripture, and I benefit from your support at the same time! If you have an idea for a cool logo or scripture verse on a shirt, please let me know and I'll set it up! 0 likes
Saturday, March 9th, 2024

Family Is Home & Other News

Yesterday I drove to Ottawa to pick up my wife and daughter from the airport. They've been in Saskatchewan for the last week, visiting Joanne's parents.

If you know me, you'll realize that when my wife is away and I'm forced to be a bachelor, things kind of fall apart. It isn't as bad as it used to be, but let's just say that I miss the regular meals Joanne prepares! She brings stability, happiness, contentedness, hominess, and joy to this house!

Grace stayed behind at her grandparents, in an attempt to resolve the health issues she's experienced over the last few years. We're hoping that a change of environment might help with her disautonomia and POTS issues. If you think to pray for her, it's much appreciated.

The song I co-wrote with Cynthia Lok has just released (yesterday), and the video comes out tomorrow. Please watch and share and put it on repeat even 😂.

Also, I've completed the basic recordings up to track 7 of the new Galatians album, and have recieved vocals from a few other people who are going to sing with me too. Please pray that this is a blessing to all, and helps to further the Kingdom of God.

Thanks for your support and prayers. God bless you!


Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

Galatians Album Is Underway

I'm excited to announce the the Galatians album is well underway!

This past year I was able to meet a many Christian Canadian musicians through the Gospel Music Association. So far the following people have either sung on tracks with me or have agreed to do so in the future!

Already Have Sung

  • Nathan Keys
  • David Bracken
  • Jennifer Lynn
  • Kearstin Pfeifer
    • Matt LeFait
    • The Arctic

    Have Agreed to Sing

  • Jake Fretz
  • Joseph Tennant
  • Elio Alcindor
  • K-Anthony
  • Damara Melissa
  • Amy Sullivan
  • Stirling John

I'm so excited to launch the first one song from Galatians, which I expect to be March 25th if all goes well! I think I have mentioned before that this entire album will have a kind of Celtic sound with penny whistles, pipes, bodhran, and fiddles!

Thanks to my patrons for their wonderful support!

Friday, March 1st, 2024

Sneak Preview of the Hebrews 4 Video

YouTube video cover for

Hello dear friends! Thanks especially to those patrons who helped to make this a reality! The song I shared recently by Cynthia Lok and I needed a video, and so we both sang into the camera; she from Vancouver, me from north of Kingston, 4622 kilometres apart! But the Internet makes such things possible, and so we have a video!

I hope you like it! My hope and prayer is that not only do Cynthia and I get closer to a place where we are making income from our music, but also that God is glorified and more people come to know His love and mercy!

Thanks for your part in this adventure!




Thursday, February 1st, 2024

The Plans I Have For You

YouTube video cover for The Plans I Have For You
 The Plans I Have For You

This particular scripture has been so meaningful to me. Way back in the 90's a woman in our church shared these verses with me during a time of personal turmoil. The church I was serving was no longer in need of my service there, and it was very upsetting.

Through these simple words, I was reminded—even convinced—that despite the storms around us and the disruption of status quo and 'comfort,' God has a plan that will take us closer to his will.

Jeremiah 29:11-14:

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.[a] I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

I hope God speaks his truth to you in this as well!



Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Galatians: Paul's Letter to the Celts

Hey friends! I've finally begun recording my Galatians album in the studio. I've lost some patrons lately, so I've chosen to do it myself again, but if I can raise some money, I'll hire a local studio (the one who recorded the Philippians album), to mix and master it.

If you feel led to share my work with your friends, and encourage them to help, even $1 a month, that would be terrific. If you can think of any other ways to help, I welcome it!

God bless!


Friday, January 12th, 2024

Video for Plans I Have For You

YouTube video cover for

Hello brothers and sisters in the Lord!

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this video, which barring any challenges, will go live in February.

As always, I want to be careful that my videos aren't offensive, while also being beautiful and artistic, somehow attractive to those outside of the faith to know more about the God we love and serve.

This particular scripture has been so meaningful to me. Way back in the 90s a woman in our church shared these verses with me during a time of turmoil. The church is was serving was no longer in need of my work there, and it was very upsetting. Through these simple words, I was reminded--even convinced--that despite the storms around us and the disruption of status quo and 'comfort,' God has a plan that will take us closer to his will.

I hope God speaks his truth to you in this as well!

Yours in Jesus,

Friday, January 5th, 2024

Plans I Have For You

CD Cover for The Plans I Have For You
 The Plans I Have For You

It was back in 2018 or 2019 when I wrote this song and recorded it as a "Piano Hands" on YouTube. Today I decided I'd record it in my studio, and share it with you all here!

I hope you enjoy it!

It's a new year, and God has blessed us all so abundantly. Thank you for your gift to our ministry (I say our, because you're part of it!)