Jason Silver

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My Journal and Diary


January February March April May June July August September October November December


Thursday, December 5th, 2019

Beauty in the Broken

YouTube video cover for What Child Is This
 What Child Is This

I find it fascinating that there can be beauty in broken things, in decaying things. I'm drawn to the texture of a weathered board; the grain raised against the blast of heat and cold; parts scoured away by the wind of ages. When I'm driving around, I like to take note of worn out places, that I might return later to capture my feelings with a camera.

Maybe I'm drawn to these spots because within them lies an echo of an eternal truth: that in weakness, and brokenness, God is glorified.

To look at things through God's eyes has been called the "Upside Down World," and I think that is a wonderful term. We would naturally expect the strongest to be first, and weakest last, but that's not how Jesus described God's kingdom! Jesus says, how blessed are the poor in spirit!

The birth of our savior in a lowly stable is another example of the upside down world! How strange that God would lower himself to be a human baby, swaddled in rags, put to sleep on a bed of hay, with the unpleasant smell of farm animals all around! What child is this?

Yes, there is a beauty in the stark contrast of seemingly contradicting ideas. Imagine that something broken, even broken and defeated on a cross, can rise again to be the saviour of the world!

I invite you to look carefully at the broken and decaying parts in your world. Perhaps there's a beauty to be found there, as the Spirit of God breathes new life and new vision into your soul? Perhaps you have not yet considered how the your life would appear in an upside down world?

What are you waiting for? Whether you're a peasant, a king, or anything in between, the Lord Jesus awaits you to kneel before him, and to place him on your throne.




Friday, November 29th, 2019

Do We Love War or Peace?

YouTube video cover for They Are For War
 They Are For War

I know it sounds extreme, but sometimes it feels like we live in a world that hates peace.

We hear on the news all the time, of demonstrations and fighting between corrupt government officials and desperate citizens who long for their freedoms.

At the time of this writing, protests are happening in a lot of different places: Hong Kong, Iraq, Paris, Lebanon, Spain/Catalan, Chile, Bolivia, and Ecuador. There may be more.

I feel compassion for citizens stuck in a corrupt, unfair country. I cannot imagine the stress one might face from struggling with extreme poverty, while also watching your elected officials enjoying more than they need. The Internet has made it easy to compare ourselves to not just our nearby neighbours, but also those from wealthier countries.

Though I support the right to protest, the Psalm today should remind us that there are those who hate peace, and who "are for war," as it says in verse seven. We can rail against our government officials, but we should really be crying out to the Lord. He will deliver us from lying lips and deceitful tongues.

So often we think that the world's problems may be solved by good government. Many times we decide to put our trust in political systems. It's hard for us to really grasp that when hearts are hardened toward God, all these earthly systems are prone to selfishness and corruption.

It's only when we put our trust in God, and allow ourselves to be changed by Him, that we will see our world transformed.

As we come upon the season of Advent, pray for new birth in this world. Pray that hearts will turn to the only One who can save.


Friday, November 22nd, 2019

The Bread of Anxious Toil

YouTube video cover for Unless the Lord Builds the House
 Unless the Lord Builds the House

How do we measure success in 2019?

Many individuals are considered blest if they have a large home, an expensive automobile, take multiple vacations and holidays, and earn a large pay cheque. Many people believe happiness is connected to their bank account. Most think that they'll be happier if they could only wield more power, influence, and fame.

So it's quite a contrast to read Psalm 127, where Solomon (or possibly David, to Solomon), sings about the pointlessness of staying up late, and rising early, trying to get ahead, and stay ahead.

I love the metaphor in verse 2, "eating the bread of anxious toil." That's a kind of bread I'd rather not eat! Not only is anxiety terribly uncomfortable, but stress has been linked to many illnesses. As Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?"

If wealth and plenty are not a sign of blessing, then what is? According to this scripture, family is the point. The "fruit of the womb," is what brings happiness. I know that this goes against the grain. So many people think that having children is too expensive! One, or maybe two children is the norm. As a father of four, I can say with authority and honesty, that each additional child has brought us more happiness and satisfaction than money could ever buy! We may not have all the boats and cottages and European vacations that some people have acquired, but blessings many times over.

If children are like arrows in the hand of a warrior, then our quiver is full, as it says in verses 4 and 5!

For those of you reading this, who are still young, and have lots of time to build a family, let me entreat you to put God first! Don't labour in vain, but let The Lord build your house!


Friday, November 15th, 2019

Join The Throng

YouTube video cover for Israel As His Possession
 Israel As His Possession

When reading about Psalm 135 this week, I discovered that nearly every verse of this Psalm quotes from other passages all over the Hebrew scriptures! And so, I stopped to reflect on why the writer would want to do this?

Usually, when one references other writings, it's done in order to give authority to the thing you're claiming. One might be trying to show that they are not the first to have said such a thing, and that their conclusions are supported by all the important writers on the subject.

So what is the psalmist trying to prove here? It's nothing alarming, but nevertheless, it's so important and true: he's telling us to praise the Lord, as well as giving us the reasons to do so!

The first reason is obvious: we praise the Lord because he is GOOD.

If there was no other reason, this alone would be enough. Think about it. Who else is REALLY good? While we may make claims about ourselves, that we are "basically good people," we all should realize that our goodness doesn't compare to that of a perfect Being. Since there is only One who is truly Good, then we should definitely praise Him!

The second reason to praise God is because it is PLEASANT to do so!

This should never be the primary reason to worship God. If it was, then our focus wouldn't be on God at all, but rather on self-gratification! Instead, pleasure is a wonderful by-product of being in His presence. We find ourselves restored and healed, touched to our core, and blest by an encounter with the Supernatural Being himself!

The third reason to praise God is because he has CHOSEN us as his people!

At the time of the writing of this Psalm, God had chosen Jacob and his offspring as his own people, but ever since Jesus came and made us his brothers and sisters, we are all "grafted in," heirs, and members of the family of God!

After giving us these three reasons to praise God, the writer continues referencing other scriptures, by listing examples of God's great works: God does what he pleases, in all the heaven, earth, and seas; He is in charge of the weather: clouds, lightning, rain, and wind; He accomplished great signs and wonders; and He took power over the earthly evil empires that would thwart His will, and that would subdue his own children!

In comparison to God, all the other objects of our attention are nothing. They have no power. They are without mouths, eyes, ears, or even breath! To desire them more than God, or trust them instead of God, is to make yourself just as impotent and unreal as they are!

So, in conclusion: all of you who come from the houses of Israel, Aaron, Levi, or anyone else who fears God, join in the great chorus of worship, and bless the Lord!




Friday, November 8th, 2019

No Freedoms Without Constraint

YouTube video cover for Meditate

I decided to make Psalm 119, verse 97, into the refrain of this song: "Oh, how I love your law! It is my meditation all day long."

At first glance, we might not think of "the law" as being something to love. Laws restrict our freedoms, and they prevent us from doing whatever we want without consequence. Perhaps once we consider a world without laws, in other words, a world of "lawlessness," then we can allow a begrudging appreciation. Laws keep us safe, at least when other people obey them.

However, there are some individuals I know, maybe even myself included, who bristle when they're told they may not do something. "Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do," they might ask. They sometimes exclaim, "this is a free country, I'll do what I want, thank you very much!"

Recently I was speaking with a friend about this very topic. We were musing over the idea of freedoms. At one point I blurted out, rather more by instinct than careful reason, "Well, we cannot have freedoms without constraints, anyway."

When I consider that now, I believe I was right. If we were to choose our own freedom over the freedoms of those around us, then these others would no longer be free. There is a word for this "freedom without limits:" it's called anarchy.

Another example: watch how children prosper when given clear boundaries, or how they suffer when left to make their own rules. It is within the constraints of limitation that we can experience freedoms. Few would argue that anarchy is freedom at all.

Our father God knew that his children would need clear laws on how they should live and love. In his boundless wisdom, he has given us laws to make us more loving, selfless, forgiving, honest, trustworthy, and faithful. In fact, as I keep his laws, I become more and more like him!

So yes, Father, I DO love your law!


Friday, November 1st, 2019

Time to Consider

YouTube video cover for Wealth and Death
 Wealth and Death

Autumn is a melancholy time of year. If you've been watching my weekly videos, you will have noticed the lovely colours of leaves growing a darker red and gold each week. But with this beauty comes an ever-increasing sense of finality. Things are essentially preparing for death. Animals store nuts in caches, pile on body fat before their winter sleep, trees withdraw their support for their leaves, which fall sadly to the ground. Annuals wither, stung by the shock of frost; perennials, too, left with only the hope to return in spring. The sky is constantly overcast, cold rains fall, the distant woods look like dark bones on the horizon.

It's also a time when, depending on your tradition, you remember the saints who came before you, or if you're outside of the faith, perhaps you fear Halloween's ghouls of death.

It seems an appropriate time to consider our own lives. It seems proper to stop and contemplate the way we're living. There is no better time to weigh our values against the truth of eternity.

In Psalm 49, those ancient musicians known as the Sons of Korah, sing about this very thing. They refer to it as a riddle: Why is it, they ask, that wealth is dispensed the way it is? Why do the affluent often believe that their riches can save them, or that it somehow sets them apart from the poor?

This Psalm reminds us that we are very much like the animals: our bodies will die, and spend the rest of eternity rotting away in the grave. Our wealth cannot save us from this inevitability.

The pull to earn more money, to acquire more belongings, to achieve higher status, to win coveted fame, and to keep more for oneself: this desire is very strong. However true wealth should be measured carefully, sensibly. We should examine our investments not by what we have, but by what we do, by who we are, by how we love.

A person's greed for wealth will be the root of their downfall. This Psalm teaches us that the purpose of one's life on earth is to enhance spiritual development and to prepare for the world to come.

Let me be direct: where does your treasure lay? Are you storing it up on earth, where moth and rust destroy, or where thieves break in and steal, or rather, are you saving it away in heaven, where it is a credit to you forever?





Friday, October 25th, 2019

Study Works

YouTube video cover for God's Wonderful Works
 God's Wonderful Works

When I read through Psalm 111 again today, trying to find some inspiration for my little 'devotional,' my eyes and my mind stumbled for a moment on the word "studied." Do you see it in verse 2?

2 Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.

It made me consider for a moment, what it means to study, and how unusual it seemed to me, for one to connect study with delight.

Oh, how I hated studying. If you're like me, the word conjures up memories of school. I remember it as an onerous, time-consuming, drudgery! It's associated with exams; with all-night cramming; and even a falling heart when I see my grade.

So how can study be a delight? Well, it's not that unusual to be obsessed with some topic or another. I remember a time when I was really interested in the Star Trek franchise! As a young man, I studied the associated lore with glee! In my delight, I collected the memorabilia, played the games, read the ship manuals, and stayed up all night recording episodes with the VCR.

What are you passionate about? Do you have a similar moment in your life when you studied a favourite topic?

Sadly, I hesitate to say that my passion of studying the works of the Lord matches my study of the works of James T Kirk, or Jean-Luc Picard!

Let's change our perspective on that right now! There is so much to delight in with regards to the works of the Lord! As the Psalmist reminds us, we can delight in God's provision, God's promises and most importantly, God's redemption of we, his people!

Holy, and awesome is his name!

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Animal Land

YouTube video cover for Spring

I've been listening to C.S. Lewis' book, "Surprised By Joy," lately. One of the captivating aspects of this biography, is listening to him speak of his childhood fantasy world, which he called "Animal Land." When he was a boy, he created characters and stories made up of talking animals, reminiscent of his later Narnia stories.

There's something about the personification of nature that is wonderfully captivating for children. With adulthood comes a foggy forgetfulness about the mystery of the these worlds. However, the poet of Psalm 114 imagines a humanized nature-response to the redemption of Israel! Let's go over that.

The story of redemption referred to in this Psalm, is that of the Israelites finding their way out of Egypt. They escape, only to be stopped by the waters of the Red Sea, with Pharaoh's army at their backs. God intervenes, the waters part, and they cross to the other side.

Forty years later, with Egypt and slavery behind them, the next generation of wanderers finally approach the boundary to the Promised Land. The Jordan River blocks their access to this destination of prosperity. Just as crossing the Red Sea changed Israel’s standing from slavery to freedom, passing through the Jordan into the Promised Land, transformed Israel from a wandering horde, into an established nation.

Just as before, God's power over nature is clear as they cross the swollen river and find new life.

I love the way the psalmist personifies these waters! He says that the sea flees, that the Jordan River turns around, and then goes the other way! Even the surrounding mountains and hills skip with joy! He even describes the earth as trembling at the presence of the Lord!

How like a Tolkien or Lewis story this could be!

Also, consider this: all creation is responding to that first redemption! Just imagine how much more all of creation celebrates with joy when, through Christ, some new individual finds freedom from slavery, and passes into the promised land of God's love and life!




Friday, October 11th, 2019

God Blesses Us, Despite Ourselves

YouTube video cover for As For Me
 As For Me

It takes some courage to come before God the way David does in Psalm 17. He makes claims about his own innocence that make me wonder how self-aware David could possibly be. If he is anything like most people, if he's anything like me, then how can he say that his lips are free of deceit? How can he honestly tell God that there's no wickedness in him, or that his mouth doesn't "transgress?" He says he's held fast to God's paths, and that his feet haven't slipped. Except we know that's not true.

If there's one thing that everyone knows, it's that people make mistakes. David's mistakes are well documented, so he's no exception. For example, he committed adultery, and then had the husband murdered. That's kind of path-slipping, is it not?

Nevertheless, God seems to have heard David's plea, and did in fact, rescue him from Saul. So what's going on here? Is God blind? Is he playing favourites? Is he somehow fooled by David's brazen claims?

I think this is a perfect example of the grace of God. Whether or not we recognize our own weaknesses, and certainly whether or not we deserve rescuing, God is waiting for us to cry out to him for help.

So why don't more people ask for God's help? I can think of a few reasons. For example, maybe they are preoccupied with solving their own problems, and never even consider involving God. Or maybe they lack the faith to come before the God of the Universe in the first place.

David has been called a man after God's own heart. I suspect it's this character which David demonstrates which gives him such a position before God. Some of these characteristics might be his humility, his reverence for God, his implicit trust in God's good nature, his love and devotion for God, his regular worship of God, his faithfulness and obedience to God's ways, and his repentant heart.

God wants to rescue you from your painful situation too, so ask him. And while you're praying, ask for a heart like David's. Ask that God make you into a humble, reverent, trusting, loving, devoted worshipper who is faithful, obedient, and repentant.




Friday, October 4th, 2019

Gated Community

YouTube video cover for His Steadfast Love Endures Forever
 His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

Have you ever thought about the term, "the gate of the Lord," or "the gates of righteousness?"

It's mentioned in this Psalm, and I find it a curious expression. In ancient times, cities were protected by gates, and perhaps this word-picture is used to describe an entrance to the very city of God!

In any case, gates are typically used to keep things in, or to keep things out. In this instance, apparently the righteous are able to enter, and presumably the unrighteous may not.

Thinking about righteousness, I had an emotional conversation with someone very close to me last week. When we get together, there is often tension and frustration, because we have such different ways of looking at the world. This person has turned away from organized religion and Christianity in particular, because of the guilt they feel, and the sense that they could never be good enough for God.

Of course, none of us can be good enough for God, and that is the whole point of Jesus' death! He received punishment for our sins, so that we could be declared "not guilty!" To feel guilt as one tries to follow Jesus, is to miss the point altogether!

Like my dear friend, the psalmist, (probably David), seems to be aware of his own guilt. He realizes that he would not normally be admitted through the gates of righteousness, but that they've been opened to him anyway! He says in verse 21, that he thanks God for hearing his request, and for becoming his salvation!

I love the nuance of that phrase. "Becoming" his salvation, not just giving him salvation.

In Matthew, chapter 21, Jesus himself refers to this scripture, as if describing the impact he would have on the world! He was rejected, and through his death, he became the cornerstone upon which the whole system is aligned. He quite literally, became our salvation.

That sends chills right up and down my spine! This scripture is a powerful prophecy, written and sung hundreds of years before Jesus walked this earth! And we're meant to notice: reference to this Psalm is found in many places throughout the Bible, including Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, Ephesians, and 1st Peter!

Would you like to enter the gates of righteousness? You simply need to ask that God become your salvation! Let your guilt go, don't worry about being "good enough." Just accept Jesus' sacrifice, the sacrifice he made for you.





Friday, September 27th, 2019

Oh Autumn!

YouTube video cover for Let the People Praise You
 Let the People Praise You

It was a beautiful September morning last Saturday when I recorded this video. We parked the car on an abandoned portion of road, and slipped the canoe gently into the waters. An early fog hung heavily beneath the awakening sun. Birds flew up from the reeds, metres away, calling angrily at us for disturbing their morning peace.

Our peace, however, was just beginning.

The radiant reds and golden yellows of early autumn reminded us that a season was over, and a new one coming. As beams of light forked through the morning mist, I felt nostalgia for the lost days of summer. At the same time, I felt a wary foreboding for frigid days ahead. "Winter is coming."

But this season, autumn, is my favourite of all.

It seems to be true for many people. What is it about the final days of summer that warm the heart? The evenings are cold, and often accompanied by a crackling fire, which is cozy in itself. Perhaps the smells of baking: of apple pie, pumpkin, nutmeg, cinnamon, and fresh bread all play a part, reminding me of childhood at home. Autumn is also a time of harvest; of thanksgiving, and prayers around the table; of love, grandparents, and readying the home for winter. Even animals seem to be gathering what they can, preparing for the long cold wait.

Oh Autumn! I see the trees giving up their leaves, the flowers losing their petals. Though these are their last days, they are often in their most glorious state! I take in their bold swansong colours and agree with the psalmist today: the earth has yielded its increase! God has blessed us!

Friday, September 20th, 2019

Celebration of Judgment?

YouTube video cover for Make a Joyful Noise
 Make a Joyful Noise

No one likes to be judged, and so much so that it's become a kind of saying: "don't judge me, man."

We resist the idea that our actions might be wrong; that we could have chosen a purer moral alternative; but we also doubt whether there's anyone able to stand in judgement of us, because, we say, "nobody's perfect."

Nobody, except God of course.

Not believing in God seems like a great trick, a slight-of-hand to avoid perfection's judgement. In other words, we'd rather think there's no one to judge us, anyway.

But if we're honest, and if we take a close look at our depression, our anger, our frustration with ourselves, we are our own worst judge! We ourselves hold up an ideal of perfection. We imagine ourselves as better husbands, or mothers, or friends. We have a shape outlined in our subconscious that looks very much like a perfect being. This shape always says the right thing, is honest and truthful, loving and fair. This shape criticizes us for falling short.

I believe that this shape is a shadow of God imprinted on our hearts.

But we don't take it far enough. We understand our own shortcomings, but that shape is petty and mean. We haven't truly considered what a loving judge who has the whole picture, all the details, all the pain, and all the disappointments tallied and included in the ultimate judgement.

Many of us have a harsh mental image when we think of God as a judge. We laugh about ducking lightning bolts, but at the root of it, we believe God to be a critical being, who stands on the outside, and compares our behaviour against His ideal.

It's hard to imagine a judge like the one the psalmist is describing. He says this judge is a cause of celebration! He calls out to the seas to roar, and the waters to clap their hands! He wants the sounds of trumpets to join with the earth to make a joyful noise! Even the hills are to sing because of the perfection of God, because of this judge, whom we are resisting!

It does seem kind of crazy to celebrate a judge in this way! The stereotype of judge is a stern-faced, no-nonsense critic, who holds life and death, prison or freedom, over the heads of those who miss the mark.

Of course, the celebration called for can only be acceptable if this judge is righteous and fair. Of course he is! He is coming to judge the world with equity! He knows your hearts, so turn to him! He is the source of compassion! He is described as love himself! What better judge, than the God of mercy and grace!

Come to him, all you who are weary, and heavy-laden. He will give you rest!




Friday, September 13th, 2019

Thoughts on Voice

YouTube video cover for My Redeemer
 My Redeemer

Have you ever walked up to a tree, put your hand on it's bark, and wondered about that tree's consciousness? If so, you may be not too far off from reality. Science is discovering that plants communicate with each other, by releasing odorous chemicals, which can warn of insect invasions, drought, or disease.

When I find really old trees, I wish they had some way of communicating with me. I'd love to know how the world seemed, when they were just young saplings.

David didn't know the science of plant talk, but he also noticed that creation seems to be "pouring forth" speech. He acknowledges that it's not a sound we can hear, there are no words, and yet a voice goes out through all of the earth, revealing knowledge.

This led me to really think about the sort of knowledge that creation could share with me. What was David hearing? Do other creatures of the earth have a more intimate awareness of God? Could a tree, a termite, a tapir or a tarantula tell us about the right way to live, or something about the heart of God?

I've come to think of this "sound," as a communication based on observation. It's up to me to see and sense this voice from God, in the world around me.

My dog doesn't seem to worry about much, and I have observed other animals going about their lives with a kind of relaxed pleasure. I've mentioned before, the time I watched a squirrel bathing in the warm sunlight, just perched on a tree, eyes closed, face to the sun.

Thinking about the voice of creation, I can't help but consider my own voice. Am I joining the choir of worship, testifying to the Great Love that permeates everything, or am I a discordant clash, in aural disagreement with the melodies of creation?

As David says at the end of this Psalm, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer!"

Amen! That is surely what I long for.

Friday, September 6th, 2019

The Gifts He Has Given

YouTube video cover for See, I Have Longed for Your Precepts
 See, I Have Longed for Your Precepts

I've observed something funny in my children: they love to point out when their siblings break the rules, but they're not so keen on keeping these rules themselves. It's true for everybody, I think. We like laws when they keep other people in check, as long as own our freedoms remain intact.

It's a common type of hypocrisy. For example, we might complain when other people are speeding, but not even notice it when we ourselves break the speed limit.

While a law-abiding community is a good thing, laws also contribute toward legalism and pride. Sometimes we feel arrogant and confident about our moral uprightness. Maybe we pat ourselves on the back, and look down upon those who struggle to obey. We might congratulate ourselves that we are good people, insinuating that others are not.

If that's true, then we aren't looking at ourselves very closely. We blur over the ways in which we fail to keep all of the law, and focus only on how well we're doing in the areas that are convenient to us.

I think it's important to admit that in our core being, we resist the directives of God. By nature, we want to choose our own path. We are rebels at heart.

Once we learn to embrace the idea of forgiveness, when we understand that we're not saved by keeping any of God's laws, when we see that our hearts are deceitful, and that we are no better than our neighbours, then we can find ourselves actually longing to know the law and keep it- not because it saves us, but because it's the best way to live.

I'm kind of curious what laws the writer of this Psalm is referring to. Was it the 613 Jewish laws in the Talmud and Torah? He seems to understand, in verses 36 and 37, that the ultimate purpose of the law is to become selfless and moderate. He maybe intuited what Jesus said about all of the law and prophets being summed up in two commandments: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind," and "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

If we remember that all we have comes from him, then we must agree that even our passion to know him is a gift he has given. It takes a transformed heart, changed by the power of God himself, for someone to even seek God. It takes the Holy Spirit, entering a person's ego like a spark of life, to alter their very character so that they can sing, along with this Psalmist, "See, I have longed for your precepts!"





Friday, August 30th, 2019

Abundantly Alive

YouTube video cover for That I May Live
 That I May Live

What exactly does it mean "to live?" Is it simply breathing, existing? Biologists might say that something is alive if it respirates, grows, reproduces, etc, but there is a more nuanced definition of living, one that most of us understand intuitively.

I've overheard people say things like, "that's not living!" when referring to handling a mundane job, coping with an angry spouse, or even surviving uncomfortable weather. We all understand that to simply be alive is not necessarily the same as really LIVING. Even Jesus, when he walked the earth, told his students that he was here to bring fuller life to people: that they might live life more "abundantly."

Abundant life sounds pretty good! Who doesn't want more than they need? But it might not be what you're thinking.

In verse 144 of Psalm 119, the Psalmist asks God for understanding, so that he might live. I suspect he's not talking about simply breathing. He says that God's "words, laws, decrees, promises, precepts, commandments, and judgements" all contribute to his understanding, and he wants even more understanding, "that he may live."

If you're like me- (I admit, I'm a bit of a rebel), commandments, laws, and judgements don't seem to be connected to abundant life. In my idealism, I imagine a life without any restrictions or constraints to be as close to idyllic as possible.

But without any constraints, that blissful life soon descends into chaos and anarchy. The careful structure in our society is a tentative balance we need to live at peace with one another.

But what about living at peace with yourself? What about living at peace with the ideals of perfection that torment you? What about living at peace with the Lawmaker Himself?

The key is in seeking His wisdom and understanding, to remember his rules and not forget them, to even structure your life around and through them!

In the end it comes down to sacrifice: how much are you willing to give up? Are you willing to be consumed with zeal for the ways of God?



Friday, August 23rd, 2019

On the Path

YouTube video cover for All Your Commandments
 All Your Commandments

Sometimes I find myself using a metaphor without even realizing it. For example, I might say something like, "stay on the straight and narrow," or refer to my life as a "journey." This section of Psalm 119 also uses the pathway to describe the preferred choices one can make in life.

In today's video, I filmed a route that crosses through our village, which is called the "Cataraqui Trail." It is a former railway line between Kingston and Smiths Falls, Ontario. It's a beautiful walk, which I find relaxing and peaceful.

Years ago, when the engineers first laid out the route for this railway line, they carefully noted the landscape through which it must pass. Because locomotives are not able to navigate sharp corners or climb steep grades, planning the route must have been a time-consuming and challenging task! The railway line needs to visit specific towns and cities, be as direct as possible, avoid hilly terrain, span deep valleys, cross rivers, lakes, and swamps.

In a similar way, the ultimate Engineer, the God of all creation, has mapped out the ideal route to take through life. He didn't stop there, but also has walked it before us, and asks us to follow Him on this path to salvation. He knows our limitations. He understands that we face mountains of difficulty in life, valleys of sorrow, and many times encounter sharp corners which can take us by surprise.

Where are you on this path? Are you trying to find your own way, or walking in the law of the Lord? Perhaps it's time to consider whether your life has "jumped off the rails," if you need to "reorient" yourself to the truths of God?

I invite you now, to reaffirm your decision to follow in the ways of the Lord.


Friday, August 16th, 2019

Suffering and Fulfillment

YouTube video cover for Thy Word Is a Light Unto My Path
 Thy Word Is a Light Unto My Path

Have you ever encountered a person who believes that true Christians should never suffer? Have you met someone who claims a "prosperity gospel," regularly praying for self, wealth, and health?

On Facebook, I often see posts by supposed Christian people claiming that their financial desires will be met if they only type "Amen" in the comment box. Others are less obvious, praying only that their needs will be met.

Of course, an absence of suffering is nothing like true Christianity, for we are modeling our lives after Jesus, the "suffering servant!"

Perhaps it's scripture like Psalm 112 which have brought some individuals to this doubtful place? Verses that say, "Happy are those who fear the lord," and "wealth and riches are in their houses," seem like compelling proof that this prosperity doctrine is true.

It's important to remember that even if we accumulate piles of gold and silver, we cannot take it with us to the afterlife. As it says in verse 9 of this psalm, we are righteous when we have distributed freely, and have given to the poor. What we receive, we should give away!

If you're tempted to focus on your own needs when you pray, maybe I can challenge you with this. Perhaps you can view your life as blessed, when you are more like Jesus, when you become a participant in his suffering. Maybe then you'll find yourself blest with a different kind of wealth and riches, rising in darkness as a light for the upright! Deal generously and lend, and conduct your affairs with justice, and then you will become gracious, merciful, and righteous!


Friday, August 9th, 2019

King of Kings

YouTube video cover for Give the King Your Justice O God
 Give the King Your Justice O God

There has been a lot going on lately about elections and leadership in the United States. Much of what we see seems to be based on fear. Remember Donald Trump's promise of a giant wall? Well, he wasn't the only one! Since 2014, Big walls were planned, or already built in countries like Greece, Spain, Hungary, Belize, Turkey, Costa Rica, Estonia, India, Iraq, Ukraine, Lebanon, and many more.

Fear is a serious matter. Some say fear is the absence of faith. In fear, we protect ourselves from pain, or remove ourselves from challenging conversations. We may avoid conflict, or withdraw from difficult relationships. Essentially, fear causes us to take things into our own hands.

Obviously, this is not the way of God.

During elections, I like to remind myself that it won't be human leaders who solve our world's problems. There is a better king, as described in Psalm 72.

This King promises to bring prosperity, to defend the cause of the poor, to act justly and righteously! This King promotes peace, compassion, and provides deliverance! He is our Redeemer!

Let's embrace faith! Let's invite the Holy Spirit to rain down upon us, and cleanse the fear from our hearts! Let's recognize this rightful King as our true leader, and follow in His ways!


Friday, August 2nd, 2019

Getting Away

YouTube video cover for Faithful

When I am close to nature, I feel close to God. I love feeling close to God, and so I spend as much time in nature as I can.

When I do, there are so many things to take pleasure in: limestone and granite poking out of the ground like the bones of the earth; crystal-clear lakes lapping the shoreline; loons, lamenting with eerie cries; cattails casting fluff to the breeze, to seed another generation; wind whipping my hair as I survey the endless skies; secret streams, sliding toward some unseen destination.

Taking in this beauty is like seeing the heart of God, the master creator.

Only a few believe in God anymore. The cities swell, the villages shrink, and I wonder if apathy toward the spiritual has anything to do with humanity's separation from nature. The wonder of the wild has been supplanted by the temptation of technology.

The human's faith in God is not a hinge upon which God's faithfulness to us swings. He is loyal and true when we are treacherous and false. He is always seeking us, revealing himself, waiting for a moment to break through our distractions. My immaturity and selfish ambition doesn't hinder God from using me to bless others. In fact, my weakness is the very thing through which God is best glorified.

The next time you have the opportunity to get away from the buildings, bustle, and busyness of your life, look for Him in the beauty of the earth. Recall the times He's faithfully cared for your needs, and worship Him for all He has done for you!

You are His child, His own. He loves you with a fierce and loyal love. He will never leave you, nor forsake you!

He is faithful.




Friday, July 26th, 2019


YouTube video cover for Sing to the Lord
 Sing to the Lord

I really love to sing; there's something so freeing about singing. It feels like the singing voice is somehow connected to a primordial, ancient wire, deep within my chest. I feel a connection to something bigger than I am, something older than I am, something true, and right, and good.

I'm sure it's partly to do with the sudden increase of oxygen as I breathe deeply to belt out my praise. It may have something to do with the psychology of group participation, since my brothers and sisters next to me are experiencing many of the same emotions. Whatever the physiological reasons, as I vocalize, it's almost as if something awakens within me.

I suspect that singing might be our true species vocalization- before words, even. I imagine our earliest ancestors joining in song as they stare into the fire, slowly becoming aware of the beauty and the complexity of the world around them.

So how appropriate, then, to sing to the Lord! Is there any better use of our vocal cords? The expression of our intellect and our emotions, our mind and our heart; the use of our tongue to glorify our great God, to tell of his glory, to testify to those around us that he is greatly to be praised, and revered above all "gods;" there is nothing more natural, nothing more beneficial.

It's one more important reason to go to church. Like a log on a fire, burning alone, the hermit-Christian will find his spiritual flame flickering, perhaps even extinguishing altogether. We must gather together, to share the flame of faith, to be part of the great, unified conflagration of spiritual awakening!

So sing along with Psalm 96 today! Open your mouth, sing out your praise! Ascribe to the Lord glory, and strength; tell the nations that the Lord is king!


Friday, July 19th, 2019

Follow the Way

YouTube video cover for Do Not Remember My Sins
 Do Not Remember My Sins

I love coming upon a path in a unexpected place!

I'll be weaving through the woods, for example, ducking under branches, tripping over obstacles, when I finally notice a track. Even if this track is made by animals, it represents the tried-and-true way through the forest. It has seen enough traffic to be visible, wearing down the vegetation, and it's a safe route. If I walk this path, then at the very least, I can avoid the pitfalls one encounters when blazing their own trail.

In Psalm 25, David uses the path as a metaphor, to describe the ideal behaviour for a person who wants to live in a "right" way. God's law is like a map to a meaningful life. The routes are written down for us to find our way through an often difficult and tragic life.

The people who came before us, passed these pathways down to us; first as spoken words, inspired by God, and then when writing was invented, encoded for all generations to come.

"All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness,
for those who keep his covenant and his decrees."

God's scripture is like a guide. We don't have to make our own roads, nor should we. Just because a road is old, that doesn't make it irrelevant, in fact, the opposite is true!

Follow the way!

Friday, July 12th, 2019

Married to Christ

YouTube video cover for Queen of Gold
 Queen of Gold

It sounds sappy, but the best day of my life was when I married my sweetheart, Joanne.

Some of you may be rolling your eyes, I understand. But that day marked the beginning of a new life for us both. We decided, each of us, to try to put the other at the top of our priorities. We embarked upon a journey of personal self-sacrifice. As a result, we have over 25 years experience together, in which we have supported one another through joys and sorrows, pains and pleasures, moments of despair, and moments of elation! We have four wonderful and interesting children, photo albums full of memories, and we look forward to a blessed future.

So you can see why I honour the day of our wedding! It was truly a holy day!

Speaking of holy, the wedding is an appropriate metaphor we see throughout scripture. Ancient writers describe the coming messiah as the bridegroom, and his people, the bride, who wait expectantly for his arrival.

Like a marriage, the God-relationship requires commitment, even when things are tough. Joanne and I have let each other down numerous times, failing to live up to the ideal. Our commitment to God also requires fidelity, honesty, vulnerability, and truthfulness.

Classical Jewish scholars have long agreed that Psalm 45 refers to the Jewish messiah. As Christians we believe that this messiah has come, in the person of Jesus, himself a Jew descended from the line of David! This holy Groom inserts himself into our lives and he 'husbands' us toward character and truth. We, in turn, receive him. We submit to his love and direction, and so bear the fruit of this holy union: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control!

In each of the Gospels, the writers describe Jesus as this messianic bridegroom, and the church as his bride. The book of Hebrews actually quotes from Psalms 45, and Revelation is full of bridegroom/bride references!

Even if it sounds sappy, I am eager to be pursued by my bridegroom, Jesus Christ! I welcome him into my life and home, and want nothing more than to serve him eagerly, and passionately.

Who's with me?



Friday, July 5th, 2019

Refusing To Be Comforted

YouTube video cover for I Cry Aloud to God
 I Cry Aloud to God

In this video, you may notice a discomforting juxtaposition between energetic music, paired with dark images.

I went with this combination because it is a real tension for believers. On one hand, as people of faith, we push ourselves to find comfort in God. We know we should sing, even on the darkest day. We do not want to be brooders, sorrowing and disheartened.

Yet, as this psalmist says, sometimes we refuse to be comforted. Perhaps the comfort is superficial, a distraction from the pain and brokenness we feel. Sometimes we refuse to be comforted because we are afraid to forget, even for a moment, the troubling circumstances which hold us in their grip.

I've said it before: the antidote for suffering is to stop focusing on one's own pain, and to instead focus on the deeds of God. Remember, as the psalmist does: the deeds of the Lord, the wonders of old, his work, his holiness, his greatness displayed among his people!

I try to set up memory mile-markers, as touch-stones for my own life. I can look back at these moments, because I demarcated the times God rescued me. As one person put it, never doubt in the darkness what God has clearly shown in the light. If you fail to note those times of grace, how will you recall them?

Has God shown himself to you? Perhaps you should write down those "mercy moments" in which he made himself known. Use it as a reference every time you cry aloud to God.




Friday, June 28th, 2019

Sad Songs Say So Much?

YouTube video cover for The Hand of the Lord
 The Hand of the Lord

I asked my wife, Joanne today, "Do you have any ideas for a blog to write to go with this week's Psalm?"

After she listened through it, she said, "You know, you and I are drawn more to the melancholy, sad songs. We like the worship that pulls us up from despair when we feel hopeless. We sing out with songs like, 'I am a sinner, if it's not one thing, it's another.' But when I hear this kind of exuberant praise song with bouncy music, I have a hard time relating to it."

For a moment, I didn't know what to say. I was thinking, "Okay, that's no help."

But then she continued, "This is exactly the kind of song we need to sing, even if we don't feel it! God deserves our praise!"

As always, Joanne nailed it. It's so true. A few weeks ago we realized that nearly all of the worship songs in our congregation's repertoire were slow. We decided to set a goal to change that, and to start introducing songs which worship our God in a celebratory way!

Even if we don't feel like singing, and even if we're in a difficult period of time, God is no less deserving. And many times, when we go through the motions of praise and celebration, we take command of a downcast attitude and find our feelings following our lead!

Not just that, but It's good for us to look for things to be thankful for. It's good for us to develop a discipline of praise, and to remember that God is always bigger than our problems.

None of this is simple, it's certainly not easy. I'm still on a journey myself, but I know where I'm headed! I'm getting my eyes off myself, I'm looking up at the beauty of this world, I'm finding things to be thankful for!

Want to join me?

Friday, June 21st, 2019

Where Have All the Faithful Gone?

YouTube video cover for Evil Times
 Evil Times

Where have the faithful gone? Are there any remaining among humankind, who are godly?

This is the question King David asks at the beginning of his song, and then he starts describing examples of this godlessness. I want you to note something: all of his examples involve speech!

He says these ungodly lie to one other, and they flatter with “double hearts,” in other words, dishonest motivation. They are boasters, and try to convince people with their wagging tongues. They believe these tongues are all they need to “prevail.”

An out-of-control tongue can cause great trouble. If in doubt, consider a few of these verses from Proverbs:

• Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues. (Proverbs 10:19)
• The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit. (Proverbs 15:4)
• The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil. (Proverbs 15:28)
• Whoever would foster love covers over an offense, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. (Proverbs 17:9)
• Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity. (Proverbs 21:23)
• Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down. (Proverbs 26:20)

There are dozens of examples!

When I was a young man, I thought of flattery as a good thing. By flattering a person, I could make them feel good about themselves, and possibly put myself in that person's “good graces.”

The truth about flattery, which I eventually realized, is that it's a type of deceit, since the recipient can't trust a flatterer's motivations. Maybe it's just a nice compliment, or maybe someone is looking to ingratiate themselves to you.

In the second half of the song, David contrasts the evil words of the wicked, with the pure promises of the Lord. He likens them to the purest of silver; something of great value!

What can we conclude from this? It matters what we say! We are to reflect the love, truth, and kindness of the Father in our speech! We are representing Him!




Friday, June 14th, 2019

Endless Zoom

YouTube video cover for Beneath the Shadow of Your Wings
 Beneath the Shadow of Your Wings

If you've seen a few of my lyric videos, you've probably noticed by now how much I love the outdoors! Trees, lakes, valleys and hills provoke a sense of well-being in my soul.

Now that I'm videoing with a higher quality camera, I'm often amazed at the complexity of detail one can see, when zooming in closely. The texture of tree bark, the soft velvet of a flower petal, the intricate design, so evident in everything. It's easy to pass by these common views and never even notice.

The reason I mention this is because this irreducible complexity seems to exist in scripture too! As one reads and studies God's holy word, new layers and details come into view. What I may have glossed over at one time, suddenly has new texture and detail I didn't notice before!

Take, for example, Psalm 61. One layer might be found in the phrase, “shelter of your wings.” We may be familiar with the picture of a mother-hen protecting her chicks, but another reference David could be referring to, are the cherubim wings of the mercy seat on the ark of the covenant. Maybe also, the wings surrounding the interior of God's holy tabernacle.

What a metaphor! We are truly safe when we align our lives with worship and adoration! When we are in God, immersing ourselves in holy worship, we are then beneath the shelter, and protection, of His wings!

There is no place I would rather be. Father, gather me and my brothers and sisters together, as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings!

God is certainly a source of safety! Living our lives aligned by his rules and directives provides one level of protection, as does make one's life oriented toward worship.

Friday, June 7th, 2019

Is God Even Listening?

YouTube video cover for Justice for the Orphan and the Oppressed
 Justice for the Orphan and the Oppressed

Is God even paying attention?

I mean, look at what happens under God's very nose: the poor are persecuted, the helpless are ambushed, the innocent are killed! The wicked person brazenly does whatever they want, and essentially, they taunt God.

If God is watching, how can he let these things happen?

I'm not being heretical here; these are the thoughts from the writer of Psalm 10. He says it's like God is hiding in times of trouble.

Harsh words. Does it make you feel uneasy when someone puts doubt into words? For a lot of people, thinking such things is a lack of faith.

I believe that it takes MORE faith to acknowledge doubt and continue to believe, than it does to ignore nagging uncertainty and pretend your faith is unshakeable. How will you know it's unshakeable if you don't put it to the test?

Throughout this Psalm, the writer seems to complain of the evildoers but also the God who doesn't seem to be noticing. It's not a question of whether the psalmist has faith or not, because in the end, he expresses confidence in God's judgement.

He chooses to believe that God will hear, and that God will do right for the helpless. He chooses to believe that God will continue to act the way he has in history. He acknowledges that the LORD is truly King forever, and in the end, he will see justice is done.

Do you agree?



Friday, May 31st, 2019

Don't Wait

YouTube video cover for You Alone Are God
 You Alone Are God

Are you needy?

Sometimes I meet people who present themselves as highly successful, amazing, individuals. They seem preoccupied with how wonderful they are, and I often ponder how they can be so self-deceived.

I suspect that part of the reason people want to come across as amazing, is that they want others to like them. Perhaps they think that if they talk about all of their successes and abilities, then others will be impressed.

The opposite is usually true.

I do understand how demeaning it can seem to confess of one's own insignificance. To be unremarkable seems like a step away from being unworthy, and no one wants to be unworthy, especially before God.

Yet, in David's Prayer, from Psalm 86, he appeals to God by saying, “For I am poor and needy...” It's the first of several reasons he proposes to God for why God should help him.

Why does David think that confessing his own inabilities, and admitting his own weakness, should cause God to hear and answer him? It's because David knows that God is full of love and compassion. He knows that God is, in fact, moved by David's neediness. He's correct! A proud and haughty heart is despised by the Lord.

Many of us are afraid that if we don't deserve God's care, we won't receive it. The actual truth is that we could never deserve it, for we are incredibly unworthy. All of us.

We think we must somehow induce God to forgive us, through tears, promises of better behaviour, religious observances; in fact, God is ready to forgive us now, and we need only admit our weakness.

Don't wait to repent, and to ask for forgiveness. Time doesn't make God more forgiving. It isn't possible! He is ready to forgive you now. Admit to your weakness, own up to your faults, tell him you are poor and needy, and the God of compassion will hear!

Friday, May 24th, 2019

Humble Self Appraisal

YouTube video cover for Happy In the Land
 Happy In the Land

Do you have any enemies?

It's kind of weird to think about; when I think of the word “enemy,” I imagine some silhouetted figure, hiding in the shadows, waiting to take me down.

Stop for a moment, and recall those who might seem to be against you. The Psalms make mention of enemies quite a bit, so I think it's a worthy consideration. Maybe you know of people who gossip about you behind your back, or accuse you of things you don't do. Maybe their war against you is more subtle than the stranger in the alleyway. Perhaps they're kind to your face, but slander you to others.

In the early days of Christianity, believers in the Messiah were persecuted as well. The people of the Roman Empire accused Christians of all kinds of deviant behaviour:

· They were accused of hostility to the emperors and conspiracy against the state.
· They were accused of incest.
· They were accused of cannibalism (eating the Lord's supper).
· They were accused of being atheists.
· They were accused of being “haters of humanity.”
· They were accused of being the reason why problems plagued the empire.

Of course, none of these things were true. Christians were good citizens and prayed for the emperor, they lived pure moral lives, and never practiced anything like cannibalism! They were certainly not atheists! Haters of humanity? Christians loved others, and showed it all the time. They made the empire better, not worse.

These lies were commonly held and believed, and Christians were persecuted because of them. The apologists of the early church did what they could to tell the truth, but it was a losing public-relations battle.

There are many mistruths and much disinformation held about Christians, even today. Christians are accused of being child molesters, truth deniers, violence lovers, overbearing and domineering, angry and obstinate.

Yes, we sin, and yes, we fall short of God's ideal for us, but like David, in verse 4, we can say, “O Lord, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you.”

Let's join as brothers and sisters for humanity, to consider the poor, to maintain integrity, and to live as God would have us live!


Source: https://enduringword.com/bible-commentary/psalm-41/



Friday, May 17th, 2019


YouTube video cover for In Awe of You
 In Awe of You

Stuck - completely stuck in the mud. It didn't matter if I went in forward or reverse, my car wouldn't move.

I was going to be late, and there was nothing to be done. I called out in desperation to my God: give ear to my words, O Lord!

Unfortunately, it didn't matter how passionately I cried out, He would not give my wheels any more traction. I put it all on the line, I used every ounce of faith, I recalled scripture about moving mountains and mustard seeds, but to no avail.

We've all been in a similar situation; probably a lot more serious than being late for work. It doesn't matter how desperately we cry out to God, sometimes He just doesn't seem to be listening. In order to save some semblance of faith, we tell ourselves that our prayers must be outside of God's will, or that he has different timing. It's either that, or question his existence, right?

Eventually I found a neighbour who used a tractor to tow me back onto the road, but that event has remained with me for 30 years. Since God didn't come through in the way I thought he needed to, how would I re-evaluate prayer and faith? There must be something to learn in this, right? What part of my assumptions were wrong?

I don't think it helps to say that God had some other purpose in mind, or that I wasn't praying in his will, or that I didn't have enough faith, or the timing was wrong. I think we have to be honest about our disappointment with God, and decide whether or not our faith is dependent on how he answers our prayers.

I've come to look at it from a parent's point of view. Children are constantly asking for things, they are continually pushing against the limits, crying for this or that, and my job as a parent is to provide boundaries, and to be a gatekeeper for their fleshly desires. Even though they think they need everything they ask for; even though they're pushing against the rules they encounter, they actually thrive when there's a hard boundary in place.

It's not good for children when they can control their guardians. As an outsider looking at pushover parents, I'm tempted to lose respect for the one who is supposed to be the adult. In the same way, we would not benefit from, nor respect a God who we can control.

So when I'm stuck in the metaphorical mud, and God doesn't seem to be listening, I remind myself of this. Sometimes he answers, and it's strong and clear. Other times, maybe even most times, there doesn't seem to be an answer.

Can you accept that?



Friday, May 10th, 2019

Set Apart

YouTube video cover for Holy Is He
 Holy Is He

Holiness: it's not a word we use in everyday conversation. Some people might not even really understand what it means, other than an adjective for profanity! But in this Psalm, it's definitely a keyword of importance, and I think it's worth unpacking its meaning.

In English, if someone says something is holy, the common definition is pure, sacred, righteous or pious. But this isn't the correct Biblical definition at all.

The original Hebrew word, “qadosh” is more accurately defined as “set apart for a special purpose.” Israel was qadosh because they were separated from the other nations as servants of Elohiym. The furnishings in the tabernacle were also qadosh, as they were not to be used for anything except for the work in the tabernacle. While we may not think of ourselves as “holy,” we are in fact set apart from the world to be Elohiym's servants and his representatives.

I thought about how Psalm 99, and the Bible in general, state that God is Qadosh (holy), and it made me wonder how he is set apart “for a special purpose.” To say that seems like we “use” God for special purposes, which doesn't seem right. But then I found an article which said simply, that he is set apart from us! Maybe it's similar to a King being set apart from his subjects. Our Holy King must be approached with reverence and respect.

But despite being “wholly other,” he's not removed from us. He has inserted himself right into our midst, moving among us and drawing us to himself. His “Holy” Spirit is the means by which he communicates intimately with us.

Knowing this about God's holiness, let's reevaluate Psalm 99!

If you were to divide it into three sections, verses 1 to 3 seem to be about the Holy Presence of God; verses 4 and 5 are the Holy Strength of God; and verses 6 and 7, the Holy Revelation of God.

Think about what makes God's presence set apart: His presence makes people tremble; he is exalted above all people; he has a great and awesome name!

Think about what makes God's strength set apart: He is a mighty king; he loves justice, and executes it fairly among us!

Think about what makes his revelation set apart: he calls common, everyday people – people who make mistakes and need to be corrected – to be his priests, and when these individuals cry to him, he answers! How different, how set apart that is from any other God!

We can agree with the psalm-writers response of worship! Verse 8 and 9 tell us to worship our Holy God, for he is forgiving and an avenger of wrongs!

Come, let us worship at his feet!



Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

What Are We In Bondage To?

YouTube video cover for Refuge In Him
 Refuge In Him

Have you ever encountered a person who is afraid to welcome religion into their life for fear of losing freedom?

I think it's pretty common. Most people think of Christianity as based on rules, and I can understand why. I see it modeled in terrible stereotypes on television, and most of us can recall a bad experience with a zealous “Christian” relative.

It looks like people have felt this way about religion for thousands of years! Take the first three verses of Psalm 2 as an example:

1 Why do the nations conspire,
and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and his anointed, saying,
3 ‘Let us burst their bonds asunder,
and cast their cords from us.’

These verses describe how the various people of the earth plot and plan to escape what they perceive as the restrictions that God puts upon them. They see God as a “bondage-bringer,” and this very attitude is evidence of their spiritual deficit. God is, in fact, a bondage breaker!

How little time we spend thinking of the things we're in bondage to: our worries and fears, our phobias, our anger, our pet-annoyances, grievances, and discomforts. We're slaves to our addictions, our bad habits, our controlling natures; our childhood traumas, pains, and disappointments.

Imagine having these chains broken for once and for all! It's not only possible, it's reality, proven over and over again by anyone who has taken up their cross and found help in God.

Happy are all who take refuge in him.



Friday, April 26th, 2019

Of What Are We Proud?

YouTube video cover for Day of Trouble
 Day of Trouble

Down a dead-end road, past a tiny hamlet, in an area where hardly anyone comes, stands a building with dry, gray walls. The antique rail fences around it seem to fend off encroaching modernity.

In situations like this, when I come upon a bit of a mystery, I can't help but weave a story in my mind. Whether or not this building was ever a home, I try to imagine the circumstances which might cause it to be abandoned. What sort of trouble did these people come upon? Did a mother or father find themselves in a difficult situation, in need of protection, but without a place to turn?

As the camera pans over the flaking skin of this building, the words of Psalm 20 seem to echo in a type of irony: May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary, from the very city of Zion!

One trite response might be that these people could not have called upon God, or they would never have found themselves in such a situation. But let's be honest: misfortune awaits us all, whether we are godly or ungodly. In fact, at times it would appear that those who orient their lives around God are more likely to suffer such circumstances.

Life is tragedy! If you haven't experienced it yet, just wait a little while. And when you do, keep your trust in God, and the principles of truth. Yes, some people take pride in earthly strength, the metaphorical chariots and horses, but these will collapse and fail! Instead of taking pride in these things, take pride in God's name, and you will stand upright, even as life falls to ruin around you.


Friday, April 19th, 2019

Kingdom Eternal

YouTube video cover for Bless the Lord
 Bless the Lord

In the 1870s, a group of vigilante farmers from nearby Verona, who were upset about their flooded fields and ruined crops, crept down late one night and blew up the Petworth dam.

Today, the village is nearly a ghost town, and only a few ruins remain from the heyday of Petworth's rein.

When I view these kingdoms of men in decay, stones fallen to the ground, trees growing through foundations, it makes me wonder why we find beauty in these types of structures? What about ruins is so appealing?

Could it be that these structures awaken within us a sense of the impermanence of the physical? It has become an archetype of literature today: this awareness that humanity is here for a brief moment. Our time is fleeting, our kingdoms are temporary, while God's kingdom is eternal!

I'm struck by the obvious contrast to the never-ending Kingdom of God!

His kingdom truly is forever! For all time, all the works of his hands, all the angels and hosts of heaven, will bless him! Let's add our voice to the cacophony of praise!

Bless the Lord, O my soul.


Friday, April 12th, 2019

Water and Spirit

YouTube video cover for Praises To Your Name
 Praises To Your Name

As our icy winter melts away this year, many of the beautiful waterfalls in our area are even more stunning than usual. The roar of these torrents is something amazing to experience! As you can see in this video, the water has surpassed its boundaries, swamped the nearest trees, and rushed out to make new paths.

I would imagine it to be very difficult to constrain water. Blocking one route would just force the water to find a different way, and then perhaps cause even more destruction. It MUST flow, almost as if it has a life and power of its own!

There are a lot of verses in the Psalms that compare rushing waters, torrents and floods to the mighty power of God, and one can certainly see why! The rush of the river cleans everything in its path, it scrubs away even at the rocks it encounters and even breaks up the ice! All the while, it brings life to the many types of creatures who drink and grow near it!

As I stood on the outcrops overlooking this power, I focused on planting my feet, and I was careful not to fall over the edge. Sometimes the swirling water almost made me dizzy, so that I would lose my balance and sway a bit from side to side!

Aren't these wonderful metaphors for the power of the Holy Spirit? God is terrifying, and indescribably powerful! Everything in his way must be scrubbed clean or destroyed! And yet the life that He brings is undeniable!

“How awesome are your deeds, O God! Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you!”


Thursday, April 4th, 2019

Rise Again in Peace

YouTube video cover for Not Afraid
 Not Afraid

David was a man after “God's own heart.” Even from a young age, David depended upon his God to protect him. In faith, David, the shepherd, could fight off wild animals to protect the sheep, and recognized the role God played in giving him victory.

David the young boy-soldier, boldly confronted the Philistines without armour, confident in his success, because he knew God would help him.

So in verse 2, when his enemies taunt him that there is no “no help for him in God,” this is the ultimate of insult. The fact that David included it in his song may be a window into his heart: perhaps he himself feared it could be true.

I can't imagine what it would be like to have my own son rise up against me, as Absalom did against David. At this time, many were siding with Absalom, and even David's advisor, Ahithophel, had turned his back on him.

But despite all of this, I love how David says, “though ten thousand rise against me, I will not be afraid.” His lack of fear wasn't because of some self-confidence in his own abilities, but simply because of his faith in God to deliver him, as he had so many times before.

David could sleep, and rise again the next day, because he trusted God. There's something beautiful about being able to continue on in life, simply because one trusts God.

This is how I would like to encourage you. When you feel discouraged, disheartened, threatened even, rest in full peace, and wake, ready to serve your God. Let God be your protection, and trust his love.



Friday, March 29th, 2019

Liquid Prayers

YouTube video cover for Save My Life
 Save My Life

I read a quote today by Biblical scholar Charles Spurgeon, where he referred to tears as ‘liquid prayers.’ It's an interesting way to think of it. This Psalm mentions tears a lot. David poetically describes how he floods his bed with tears, and his couch with weeping. Further on, he says that God has heard the sound of his weeping.

It's not that our loving Father in heaven is impressed with displays of emotion, but rather, he loves passionate hearts! David wasn”t afraid to cry before the LORD, and God honored the voice of his weeping.

As is so often the case in David's Psalms, he acknowledges that God's anger against him is his own fault. We don't know what David feels guilty about, but he calls upon God for mercy.

The fact of the matter is that none of us can be good enough for God's pleasure. If we're honest with ourselves and with God, we too should soberly acknowledge our need for grace, and the absense of our own righteousness.

God saves us from ourselves, not because we deserve it, but because he loves us. Let us all orient ourselves around our real need for God, and call to him to save us! When we're in despair, even the product of our own making, God wants to help us!

Call on him, and see how he can make beauty out of chaos!

Friday, March 22nd, 2019

Revival? Revive Us!

YouTube video cover for Grant Us Your Salvation
 Grant Us Your Salvation

Ah, revival. There have been moments in history where entire cultures came back to God at once. During John and Charles Wesley's era, for example, or via revivalists like Charles Finney. Even recently, we saw Billy Graham awaken the hearts of people all over the world.

It's like a pendulum swing as culture turns their back on God, then returns to him. The ancient Israelites are a great example of this back and forth, back and forth.

Nowadays, we Christians find ourselves in this situation. Churches all over the country have closed their doors, and those which remain open are dismally empty.

“Will you be angry with us forever?” This question resonates with me. What will be the impact of our culture's decision to turn from God? When will he put away his indignation, and when will he bring revival back to our land?

The ‘fear’ of God, the respect and awe which causes a person to approach Him with humilty and reverence, well this is something sadly missing today.

Let's join together, let's turn our hearts back to God! When we do, we'll see peace come upon our land! We'll see our land become prosperous and good!

Let's unite in purpose! Let's become the church again! Not full of judgement, anger, selfishness, seeking after wealth, but instead seeking first his kingdom. Then the Lord will give what is good and the land will yeild its increase.


Friday, March 15th, 2019

A Creature in Creation

YouTube video cover for Better Is One Day in Your Courts
 Better Is One Day in Your Courts

This Psalm is used often in different religious traditions for the dedication of a temple, cathedral, or church. It makes sense: the author sings about the loveliness of God's house, and how he'd rather be there than anywhere else!

As I considered this, it got me to thinking: wouldn't it be different for Christians, since Jesus came to dwell in our bodies, making us living temples of his Holy Spirit?

Well, for one thing, we don't need to go to a special building to meet with God. He lives within us, and we can find him in the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ!

That's great news for me, because there's something supernatural about standing alone in the woods, with running water nearby maybe; the tall pines and oak trees like pillars in a temple of the forest. Everywhere you look, new life springs up, finding protection in the cracks of rocks, surviving on the life-giving water in such plentiful supply.

I still love worshipping with others at church, of course! However, there's something very meaningful to me in getting away from the hubbub, technology everywhere, and to acquaint myself with what it means to be a creature in creation.

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Come and Hear!

YouTube video cover for Come and Hear
 Come and Hear

One of the things I love about this portion of scripture, is the honest way the author acknoledges how life can be terrible! We're caught
“in the net,” as he says, and we are given unreasonably heavy burdens on our backs! God lets people ride right over us, and we're forced through tests.
Our integrity is determined in a crucible much like the way one purifies and tests silver, by melting it down.

This is tough stuff!

Despite this honest look at life, at the very beginning of verse eight, we're encouraged to bless God. We should praise him, and loudly! He has kept us alive, and throughout it all, in each of these challenges, God has kept us from slipping.

If you've come through difficult experiences, and you acknowledge that your survival of the challenge was in large part because of God's provisional hand, then you know exactly what I mean. You just want to sing out, “Come and hear, all you who fear our God, and I will tell what he has done! I cried aloud to him, and he heard my prayer!”

Life can be tragic”” actually, that might not even be a truthful statement. It might be more truthful to say life IS tragic. I have friends who are struggling with some of the worst things we humans are asked to deal with. Children with mental health issues, spouses who betray our trust, abusive situations, the list goes on.

But God has TRULY listened, and he has given heed to the words of our prayer!

Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer!


Friday, March 1st, 2019


YouTube video cover for With My Whole Heart
 With My Whole Heart

In this Psalm, David sings about praising God with his “whole heart,” and that might make you stop and think for a moment— how is it significant to think of our heart as being wholly involved in the worship of our God?

It's something we should think about: whether or not we're praising God as much as we can, in as many ways as we can.

Since I'm a musician, I tend to think of music as the primary way to worship, but that is just plain wrong. In this Psalm, David describes an important, and often neglected way to praise Him: to tell of all His marvellous works. As one article put it, “simply remembering and telling the great things God has done is a wonderful way to praise Him!”

David doesn't stop there! After recalling how God had saved his people, and destroyed their enemies, he goes on to recount aspects of God's personality. He celebrates that God is a stronghold for the oppressed, and a fortress in times of trouble. He thanks God that He has not forsaken those who seek Him. He affirms that God hears the cry of the afflicted, and lifts us all up from the gates of death!

This whole Psalm could read like instructions for how to praise the Lord. Let's join where we're all sitting right now, and soak in the truth of this Psalm: let's worship Him!



Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Take Ownership

YouTube video cover for I Trust
 I Trust

From what I have discovered in a commentary, David wrote this Psalm as a response to some terrible actions carried out by a guy named Doeg, ‘the Edomite.’ Because Saul's own soldiers would not, he instead asked Doeg to murder priests and others in the tabernacle of the Lord. This amounted to a total of 85 priests, and untold women and children from the priestly village! The story is described in 1 Samuel, chapters 21 and 22.

Perhaps David was sarcastically speaking, when in the first line he refers to Doeg as “O ‘mighty’ man,” since it doesn't take much bravery nor strength to kill priests, women, children, infants, cattle, donkeys and sheep!

I'm impressed with the last line of 1 Samuel 22, where David takes the responsibility upon himself. He said he knew that Doeg would betray him to Saul: “That day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, I knew he would be sure to tell Saul. I am responsible for the death of your whole family. Stay with me; don”t be afraid. The man who wants to kill you is trying to kill me too. You will be safe with me.”

I think I've known a few people who loved evil more than good. I've had the misfortune of working with people who wove their speech in such a way that destruction was the result. Each of us should make an effort to connect with our inner motivations, and to govern our tongue accordingly.

I also understand that each of us is responsible for the evil around us. I am culpable, even complicit, for not standing up, saying something, taking charge and responsibility, and initiating the change.

Join with me, take ownership of the state of our world, bathe it in prayer, and also take action to initiate change within your own reach.


Friday, February 15th, 2019


YouTube video cover for Forsaken Me
 Forsaken Me

“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” A famous question we all recall from Jesus, as he hung upon the cross.

But how many realize it's a quote from Psalm 22?

You see, Jesus wasn't just bemoaning the loss of intimate connection between himself and his Father God, he was also directing we, his followers, to see the prophecies hidden in the lines of Psalm 22!

In verse six, the psalmist claims he was “scorned by others, and despised by the people,” which certainly lines up with the crucifixion.

In verse seven, the writer of Psalm 22 claims that “All who see me mock at me; they make mouths at me, they shake their heads;”

He goes on in verse 8 to say that doubters said, in summary, if he is who he says he is, let God rescue him!

There are many other examples, but perhaps the most revealing is verse 18. “They divide my clothes among themselves, and for my clothing they cast lots.” Imagine how bizarre this line would be to the ancient Jews before Jesus fulfilled and named it as a prophecy!

Although I have broken Psalm 22 into two songs, I am so moved by the final verse, thirty, which proclaims the hope and purpose of Jesus' life and death! It says, “Posterity will serve him; future generations will be told about the Lord, and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, saying that he has done it.”

Indeed! He has done it! Our Lord has broken the chain of death, and given hope for all people now and always! Our sins are forgiven, and we can live in right relationship with God!


Friday, February 8th, 2019


YouTube video cover for Praise Is Due to You
 Praise Is Due to You

When I lead worship at my church, I regularly remind people that God is DUE praise. He DESERVES it. It is so much his due, that Jesus tells us that the rocks and trees will cry out in praise if we do not.

That would be a pretty unfortunate state-of-affairs if those who are made in the very image of God were outdone by an inanimate rock!

Sometimes I like to rethink verses in my own words:

• You deserve praise and our commitment to you.
• All life will someday come and praise you.
• Why? When we're drowning in sin, you forgive us.
• It makes everyone happy when you choose us, and bring us into your presence!
• One place where we'll actually feel deeply satisfied, is in your holy place.
• You save us in amazing ways!
• It doesn't matter how far away we are on earth, you rescue us.
• Think about how strong someone would have to be to build mountains, to silence crashing waves, or to hear over noisy people!
• Everywhere you go, people stop in awe because of you and your deeds!
• You replenish everything constantly, with life-giving water!
• Even our food comes from you - actually all we have is from your goodness!
• All of nature is expressing joy because of you! Their beauty is like a shout of joy, attesting to your provision!

How's that?



Friday, January 25th, 2019

The Terrifying Voice of the Lord

YouTube video cover for Ascribe to the Lord
 Ascribe to the Lord

In Psalm 29, the author wants all readers to see the terrifying power in the natural world as best attributed to the Lord himself!

He lists thunder, and flashes of lightning, the sound of mighty water, great powerful winds which snap off even the strongest trees. He takes note of floods and earthquakes, and reminds us all that God is enthroned over it all.

In our modern sensibilities, we may not think of thunder as the voice of the Lord, or lightning strikes and earthquakes as an indication of his anger. But though these natural events may not be a sign of God's indignation and justice, they certainly are a sign of his glory!

Perhaps that's the point this Psalm-writer is wanting us to see.

If you've ever been caught in a great cataclysm of nature, you will recall your own feelings of insignificance. I've seen videos of houses floating down a river in a flood, or buildings and bridges swaying in an earthquake. I've been caught in hailstorms and drenching downpours, and I realize how tentatively we sit upon this earth.

As the Psalmist concludes, over it all, God sits enthroned, and gives us strength and peace in the midst of it.

That may be the greatest wonder of them all! Somehow, the mighty creator of all things is able to fill our souls with peace.


Friday, January 4th, 2019

Seen and Not Heard? Waiting Silently Before Him

YouTube video cover for My Soul Waits in Silence
 My Soul Waits in Silence

When I was a kid, there were times when I was expected to wait silently. I was asked to be patient, and not get pushy or demanding or whiny. It was hard as a child, and it's still a difficult thing to do!

Now try putting yourself in the position of this Psalm-writer, who says his soul waits silently on God! This is not easy! Who else finds waiting a really hard thing to do?

I think the key to patience when waiting on God is hidden in verse 5, which says “...for my hope is from him.” He can wait in silence because he has HOPE! That's how we wait. (Note too that he says even the hope comes FROM God).

A couple of weeks ago our pastor reminded us that hope is not the same as wishful thinking. We wish for things we don't often expect to happen, like wishing we had a million dollars!

Though we tend to use the word “hope” interchangeably with “wish,” there is a big difference between the words: hope has a sense of EXPECTATION!

I hope Christ returns, and that means I await it with expectation.

He is my rock: stable and sure.
He is my salvation: the one who rescues me from myself!
He is my fortress: he protects me from harm!

Even in the midst of waiting with expectation, we all struggle with disappointment and pain, and the Psalm-writer encourages us to pour out our heart before him!

I hope this is encouraging to you! God is the source of all hope and power, and love, so wait silently before him, in expectation!


Tuesday, January 1st, 2019

A Spiritual Fort

YouTube video cover for No Good Apart From You
 No Good Apart From You

When I was a kid, I loved to build forts. You probably did too: drape a blanket over the coffee table, or nail some boards to a tree. I also liked to draw castles on graph paper, complete with secret passages, unconquerable defences, integrated escape routes, and more.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I think I was acting out some ancestral instinct to find a place of protection.

Again we see this word, ‘refuge’, which is so often used in the Psalms. I looked up the definition, which is very much like a fort! It's defined as a place to hide, and a place to be protected from one's enemies. When you have refuge, you are safe from pursuit, from danger, or from trouble. A refuge is a type of shelter from whatever may assail you.

It might not make sense to the casual observer why someone would seek refuge in God. God can't be seen, or touched, and some might even say it seems foolhardy to put one's safety in the hands of something so intangible.

And yet, if you speak with someone who stands on this faith, you'll hear the same thing: God is indeed a protector! As David notes in Psalm 16, God blesses us in innumerable ways when we put our trust in Him!

Look at verse 2: David says, "Apart from you I have NO good thing!" That's quite the statement. Can you say that everything good in your life is directly a consequence of God? I know I can. My wife, my children, my talents, the things I like and enjoy, the things that make me who I am; each of them are a blessing from the Lord.

Oh God, you are my refuge! Apart from you I have no good thing!
