Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary


January February March April May June July September October November December


Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Wait for the Rain

Way back in 1989 I put together ten songs using a Roland U20, a crappy Suzuki acoustic guitar, and a couple of Shure microphones, I went on the road with my college singing group, and sold nearly all of the cassettes!

It seems like ancient history now. The quality of the song-writing and the production isn't very good, but just for fun I decided to upload these songs and give them away for free.

So if you're a nostalgic type, and you remember that little 'Wait for the Rain' cassette, feel free to download the mp3s or just listen to it online at my site, JasonSilver.com.



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Saturday, November 21st, 2009

ChristmaSongs Is Here!

I have finally finished my ChristmaSongs CD, and have begun releasing it in various places! So exciting!

It's made up of timeless Christmas carols with contemporary, but tastefully conservative arrangements. This makes the recording a really pleasant listening experience. I know you're going to love this CD!

You can listen to Christmas Songs on this site, and buy it by either sending me money with PayPal to "bookings at jasonsilver.com", or by buying it through one of the music download sites out there.

It will be a few weeks before the songs are available on iTunes, but you can buy it in person from me after this Tuesday, or through this web site now.

The prices are as follows:

  • The first five CDs, numbered 1 through 5, and signed, are $50 each
  • The remaining 20 CDs, numbered 6 through 25, also signed, are $25 each
  • Individual songs, for download only, are .99 cents each
  • The complete CD, for download only, is $9.99

Thanks for your support! I hope this album makes your Christmas even more meaningful this year, and for years to come.


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Friday, November 20th, 2009

I Love to Play Requests

One thing that I've always enjoyed doing is to wow people by playing them their favourite song by ear. Basically, how it works is I have this weird memory for melody and chord progressions (I can never remember lyrics tho!) and I just sit and play.

On Sunday at 2-ish I'm performing in the little town of Camden East (Bruce Cockburne lives in Camden East BTW), at a place called the "Bookstore Cafe." It's this really awesome two story stone building-- a former hotel I think. It's packed full of miscellaneous antique-ish curiosities like albums, paintings, toys, books, dishes, musical instruments, that kind of thing.

The front room has a nice place to sit down, where you can eat a butter tart, croissant, or bowl of homemade soup, and listen to live music.

I hope I can play your favourite song, so if you're coming, be sure to make a request. I'll also be pre-selling my Christmas CD which sounds absolutely amazing! You're going to love this collection of old carols!

See you there!


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Friday, October 9th, 2009

Agtron.com - New Site Completed

Today I launched a web site for a company called Agtron. Agtron creates electronic monitors and devices for agriculture. Thinks like grain-loss monitors, shaft-speed detectors, etc.

This site makes use of my Google Docs database application, automatically updating the site as new items are added to the database.

It uses the database for things like 'news,' 'dealers,' 'oem,' user 'testimonials,' and more.

Using an application like this to update a web site does more than simplify the process of updating content. It gives the site administrator the option to share document viewing and editing, as well as give site users added functionality for searching the database, filtering results, and customizing a user's interface.

If you're interested in having your site modified, overhauled, or just enhanced somewhat, consider contacting me. Use the contact form on this page and I'll get you all the details

I think the site looks pretty fantastic!


Tags:webdesign 0 likes


Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

A Couple New Scripts

This weekend I designed a new web site for Dundas Women's Softball Association. In the process I wrote a couple of new scripts which I hope will be of use to other people for their sites.

The first script is a modification of the ESC database/shopping cart. You see, the great thing about this shopping cart is that it is so completely flexible and customizable-- it can be used with any column names, and the data actually comes from Google Docs. You simply create a spreadsheet in Google Docs, fill in the fields, and viola! A searchable database is created on your site.... editable anytime through Google Docs.

So I made their baseball game schedule a spreadsheet on Google Docs, and now ESC shows that schedule dynamically on their site. You can click on any team name to see all the dates and times that team is playing.

I also wrote a little short script which calculates the standings of the teams automatically based on how many wins each team has had.

The other script I wrote is really cool: it's a "Meeting-Minutes" application. It shows all the minutes from all meetings as a list by date down the right side. Clicking on a date will display those minutes in a browser... it's also instantly searchable, so you can quickly find the results of a decision from years ago.

At some point in the next day or two I'll put the Meeting-Minutes script up for sale on Intelliscript.net. I'll likely sell if for $10.00. If you want it, and don't see it there, shoot me an email and I'll hook you up.


Tags:webdesign perl_scripts 0 likes


Saturday, July 25th, 2009

For Real Fans ... :-D

I read a newsletter for independent musicians recently, which had some good ideas to increase artist's exposure.

If you like my music, and agree that more people need to hear it, I've got a favour to ask:

Could you please...

  1. go to CDBaby and review my music?
  2. go to iTunes and review my music?
  3. go to Amazon.com and review my music?
  4. make iMixes at iTunes.com and include my music in them?
  5. make Amazon Listmania! lists, and include my music on them.

These are five simple things that can help with exposure... if you want to help, this would be a wonderful contribution!

Jason Silver

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Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Light of the Moon

I was looking for inspiration yesterday to write another song for my new CD. I decided to look for a random article on Wikipedia, just to see if it sparked any ideas.

Well, one of the article highlights on the first page was an entry about the French folk song, Au Clair de la Lune. I suddenly thought it would be really neat to rework that melody and to kind of 'loosely translate' those lyrics into something more modern.

I also slightly modified the chords under the melody, crafting a really tasty little ballad. I'm excited about it, and I am looking forward to recording this one. I'm not sure if it will make the CD, but I hope so.

Light of the Moon
Copyright 2009 Jason Silver. All Rights Reserved

Standing in the moonlight, calling for his friend
Want to speak a moment, time together spend
"Dark is all around me and I can't see the light,
"Open up your door please, come into the night."

From the upstairs window, I make my reply:
"I can't come to see you, I have said good night.
"Find another neighbour; try the girl next door
"I just heard her moving 'cross her kitchen floor."

Underneath the moonlight, I hear her surprise,
"Who is that now knocking, under evening skies?"
Answered he, so softly "This may be enough,"
"Open up your door, girl, for the god of love."

In the secret moonlight, little can be seen
Nature celebrating, in a midnight dream.
From my higher window, this is what I saw:
Closed the door behind them, curtains then were drawn.


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Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Away for So Long

This is a story we can all relate to-- and it was written to fit a message on the "Prodigal Son" for church last Sunday.

I hope to put it on my next CD.

Away For So Long - Jason Silver

I've been away for so long
Can hardly remember my little town
The sun dies, and I close my eyes
Pictures of home fade in my mind

Anymore- I wonder what I've got to lose
Better to serve in your home.

Sometimes when I'm all alone
Reflect on the arrogant side to my soul:
"Give me it all if you please,"
And then I came back, to fall on my knees

Anymore- Wonder what I've got to lose
Might as well make my way home... home... home....

Home is here
I've found the place I belong
No more fear
That you'll guess the things I've done wrong
You threw a party the day I returned; You were
Waiting with arms wide face all concerned
I'm back in the family, love reaffirmed
Now I am...
I am home.

I made the bed where I lie
Accepting the consequence; not asking why
I've lived life, and I've had a ball
Nothing to show; though I've seen it all

I am yours, and I have got nothing to lose
I'm better of living at home... home... home...

Copyright 6/21/2009 - Jason Silver Ink.
Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

New Web Site - Haliburton Cottage Rental, Farquhar Lake

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to design a web site for a cottage on Farquhar Lake, in Haliburton.

This cottage is in the Haliburton Highlands, and is a year round getaway. Go check it out! :)


Tags:webdesign 0 likes


Friday, May 15th, 2009

New Song - Home - Played on YouTube

A couple of nights ago I wrote a new song called "Home," which I wrote to be the title song from my next CD.

Here's a video from YouTube of me trying to play it... hope you enjoy!


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Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Help Write Lyrics for a New Song

Tonight I wrote a bit of a melody and recorded it as a quick video on Facebook.

I'm inviting fine people, like yourself, to submit lyric suggestions on the wall for this song. If this sounds fun to you, head on over to Jason Silver's fan page.


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Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

Pay What You Can

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Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

Studio Nearly Done

Just some meandering thoughts this evening...

Home Renovations

The addition on our home is nearing completion-- lights are in, baseboard and trim is done, things are mostly painted, bathroom fixtures are almost finished. The last big job is the carpet in the studio.

I am so excited to move into it! Right now my guitars are in their cases, piled around the basement... keyboards are leaning up against walls in various rooms of the house.

I find it hard to be creative without having a place to escape to. I wanted it to have happened long ago, but it wasn't meant to be; however, as soon as I can get into the studio I'm going to write a song a day like I did last year. If I can get twenty or thirty songs out, hopefully a dozen or so will be worthy of the new CD.

Playing Out

Since moving from Hamilton, I've found it a lot more challenging to find gigs to play. I've had a number of phone calls from people interested in putting a band together, or inviting me to play with them. Nothing has come of it though. Either they're all talk, or I'm not yet in the "vibe" for Kingston and I'm doing something to turn people off.

One real bright light lately was the men's chorus we put together at church. I wrote a semi-complicated arrangement for men of "Shout to the Lord," and it went over really well. We did three songs on Sunday, for which I played piano, and sang the "alto" part. It was really fulfilling. I also played low whistle and penny whistle. Such a lot of fun.

Kijiji.ca doesn't seem to be as much of a thing in Kingston either. I can't believe how long my ad stays on the first page here! :) That might be part of the reason why I haven't had a lot of responses for gigs, since Kijiji is my primary mode of advertisement at this point.

Music Lessons

Speaking of advertisement, there have been about a dozen responses to me giving music lessons, but nothing firmed up yet. People seem interested, but we haven't scheduled anything. Should I be doing something to "close" the deal?

Well, that's what is going on in my life lately. What about you? Feel free to comment and bring me up to date. :)


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Monday, March 23rd, 2009

Music Lessons

I've decided to begin holding music lessons. I was hoping you could help me get the "word out."

Could you please forward this email to all your contacts who you think would benefit? Maybe someone you know is interested in learning to play an instrument, to improvise, or in improving their ability?

Here are some of the lessons I am offering:

  1. Playing Piano by Ear - improvisation, solos, jazz, rock piano, ballads, etc.
  2. Acoustic Guitar - playing rhythm guitar, finger picking, chording and more
  3. Setting Up a Recording Studio - Using computers to set up a recording studio, tuning vocals, multitracking, wave editing, mastering, etc.
  4. Irish Penny Whistle - bending notes, fingering techniques, etc.
  5. Playing Lead guitar - soloing, improvisation, melody
  6. Writing Songs that Work - lyrics, melodies, chords, hooks
  7. Drumming 101 - Everything you need to know to play drums almost anywhere.
  8. Arranging for Instruments - For people who want to write down arrangements on computer software for brass, strings, and more
  9. Band Leader Training - Got a band? How to get your team to play better together, how to lead them more effectively
  10. Midi Synthesizers and Sequencing - How to get your computer to play back your arrangements

I hope to teach every evening if I get enough students. But to start, on Saturday, April 4th, I will be holding special half-price, introduction classes in my home. Please let everyone know!

People can call me (613-344-1717) after 5, or email me (jasonsilver@crookedbush.com) if they are interested.

Thanks very much!

Tags:music 0 likes
Friday, March 20th, 2009

50% Off My Music

Guess what!?

I'm selling my music downloads on AmieStreet.com, and to help promote me and their site, they’re giving you a 50% discount to download my songs!

All you have to do is click on the link below to get a 50% discount off my music – and there’s tens of thousands of other great independent artists on the site to check out, too.


Just click the link and you'll be all set!


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Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

New Music Store

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Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

There is No Better Place

 There Is No Better Place

by Jason Silver
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Moonlight spills upon her face
Bringing shadows to this place
I love

Music from the forest green
The random harmonies sing

To me; moving me closer to you
Haunting, the river is crying out for love
Windy, the trees sweep their branches
To the sky
And in my mind there is no better place.

Hidden on the rocky shore
Hear us singing out for more again
Waiting to feel the warming fire
As we shiver with desire, you look

To me; moving me closer to you
Haunting, the river is crying out for love
Windy, the trees sweep their branches
To the sky
And in my mind there is no better place.


Hope comes to me, moving me closer to you
Haunting, the river is crying out for love
Windy, the trees sweep their branches
To the sky
And in my mind there is no better place.

Copyright 2009 Silver Ink. All Rights Reserved. International copyright secured.

Tags:music song_bios 0 likes
Thursday, February 19th, 2009

The Dark Ages and Other History

I have been reading so much history lately... culminating in the completion of the Jack Absolute series and The French Executioner also by C.C. Humphreys, then The Year of the Zinc Penny by Rick DeMarinis.

The French Executioner was the story of Anne Boleyn's executioner, as he makes a journey to fulfill her last request. It's a real page turner, with chapter after chapter of adventure and mystery.

The Year of the Zinc Penny is a nostalgic-type book, in which the narrator recounts a period in his childhood in which he learns about life, love, death, and war. It's set in the early 1940s. I loved it. The writing style was somewhat choppy, but it represented the narrator well... and was extremely easy to read. I consumed this in about 4 hours. Highly recommend!


Tags:books 0 likes
Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Catch Up On My Reading List

It's been a long time since I've done any posting about what I'm reading... I figured tonight was as good a time as any to try to recall some of the tomes I've been consuming.

I read the entire King Arthur series by Jack Whyte. That was really wonderful. If they weren't so long and thick I'd read 'em all again. He's an amazing story-teller, and somehow manages to tie everything all in together by the last book so you realize it had to all be planned out from the start. I highly recommend these books if you're interested in the historical fiction genre, and if you like to actually learn something when you read. The tidbits of history, geography, language-- not to mention sociology, weaponry, and mythology-- that came out made my visit to "Camelod" a remarkable experience.

The book titles are as follows:

  • The Skystone
  • The Singing Sword
  • The Eagles' Brood
  • The Saxon Shore
  • The Sorcerer Part 1: The Fort at River's Bend
  • The Sorcerer Part 2: Metamorphosis
  • Clothar the Frank (titled The Lance Thrower outside of Canada)
  • The Eagle

After reading this series, I took a genre break to read a couple of recommendations from my dad. First, was "The Empress" by Karen Miller. This was a really entertaining page-turner as well. It covered the life of a young slave girl in a fascinating culture. She eventually became the high-empress, which sounds predictable but wasn't at all. There are a couple more books in this series, and I'll be keeping my eye open for them.

I simultaneously read C.S. Hornblower, The Happy Return, which was just okay.

I then started another book called "The Birthgrave," by Tanith Lee. I actually have another couple of chapters to read in this one-- it started off really strong but just doesn't hold me like some books do. Still, I will eventually make time to finish it because the storry is pretty neat.

Part of the reason I stopped in the middle was because I found another middle-ages historical-fiction book at the Sydenham library. Vagabond (The Grail Quest, Book 2) by Bernard Cornwell doesn't seem to be as well-researched to me as Jack Whyte's stuff, but great nevertheless. It's too bad I started with book 2. I always seem to do that!

And now I've just picked up Ken Follett's "World Without End," which continues from "Pillars of the Earth." I pretty excited to be starting this one, since I loved Pillars.

So that's what I've been reading lately! What have you been reading?


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Monday, January 26th, 2009

Music Farming and Husbandry

After the service today at church, I sneaked over to the piano and played a few tunes. It was really a great release of all the musical tension that's been building in me.

We're in the middle of a big renovation on our recently purchase house-- we're building a master bedroom with en suite, upstairs laundry, and -- get this -- a music studio! I Cannot Wait For It To Be Finished.

At the moment, most of my instruments are all leaning up against the walls in the dining room. Three electric guitars, Fender Amp, an acoustic guitar, a bass, a Korg Trinity Keyboard, and an electric piano. The drum set, the bass amp, and a couple of other keyboards are down in the cellar.

I am so excited about hefting all these instruments up the stairs to the new studio and getting back into a regular song-writing routine. I know I've got to start writing before then if I'm going to get my CD done when I want it, but part of me doesn't want to start writing until everything is just "right."

But that's not going to work. I don't have the time.

Tonight, I sat down at the acoustic piano and messed around with some improvisations. I was amazed at how the ideas were there, just waiting to come out. That's what I'd been hoping for. I've been buying up as many CDs at second-hand stores as I can, and listening to new stuff non-stop. (I've done a few downloads too-- shh!) I probably listen to music about 10 hours a day. All day at work it's playing in my headphones; that's 8 hours. Then in the car, both ways is another hour. I get home and listen to an hour or two...

My theory is that if I let the creative earth lay fallow as long as I can stand it, and if I regularly pour on the fertilizer, nurture the ground, and plant seeds of new-ideas, then when it comes time to harvest there will be fruit aplenty.


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Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Thinking Through the 2009 CD

I've been soaking in ideas over the last couple of months, absorbing the emotion of my next CD. Things are coming more into focus all the time.

I've decided that this CD will be a celebration of country living, here in south eastern Ontario.


For some reason, being a Canadian is different here, compared to living in the city. It's a puzzle I ponder all the time.

Maybe it's because I'm constantly face-to-face with a lovely rural landscape? Morning and evening I drive by fields and forests. I never tire of seeing an old stone farm house set back from the road, its welcoming red door a bright spot on the snowy countryside.

I love that moment when I drive around a corner, just in time to see the sun sparkle across a frozen field.

It's beautiful here in the country.

My last three CDs have been about romance, and love, loss, pain. It will be a contrasting subject matter, to be sure. But I hope the inspiration I feel now will make its way into poetry and melody.

If I get it right, listening to this CD will help everyone recapture the mystery and majesty of what it means to be a rural Canadian.


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