My Journal and Diary
Saturday, June 18th, 2022
Personal and Family Update

Good morning!
I thought I'd interrupt this regularly scheduled program to let you know some things happening in my personal life.
The biggest news is that my 18 year old daughter, Grace, has been quite sick for the last three weeks. We have been to the doctor a lot, there have been tests, needles, and pills, but we still don't really know what's going on. She's been sleeping about 20 hours a day for three weeks, and it's not mono.
Thursday she thought she'd try to go to school (for the first time in a very long time), and feinted within the first hour. She banged her head on the floor and so we took her to the emergency department at the hospital to find out if she has a concussion.
It was a very busy day in the hospital that day. We waited for 7 hours before being seen by a doctor, and then 11 hours until all the tests were run. We still don't know what's going on, but we're hoping it's related to dehydration and not something more serious. We've been booked into an appointment with the cardiologist next week (which unfortunately falls on her graduation day).
The less serious news:
- My friend and I have put a new steel roof on the front porch of our house,
- Joanne's parents are driving from Saskatchewan to visit next week, (2000 miles / 3000 km)
- My oldest son has a graduation for his master's degree next week
- We're nearly done with the main structure and lead vocals of the Philippians album!
That likely covers most of it! I'd love to hear from you, so please let me know how you're doing, what's new, and maybe how I can pray for you!
God bless,
p.s.: here's a link to a painting my daughter Rose did for my Strengthened song: