My Journal and Diary
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
Next Galatians Song

Meet David Klob, who has joined me from Calgary to sing on the next Galatians song!
David is a music director and worship leader at FAC (First Alliance Church) in Calgary. They have some amazing worship songs that you're going to want to check out. Here's a link to one of their recent albums called Fill the Room.
David is singing on Galatians 3:6-10, "All Nations Will Be Blessed." In this song, Paul reminds us that the Old Testament scriptures outline faith as being the defining characteristic of those who are children of God. This faith in non-Jewish people is affirm in the Old Testament where it says that all the nations of the earth will be blessed through Abraham!
Thank you, Lord! Thanks for sending Jesus, and making it possible for us to be part of the family of God!