My Journal and Diary
Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
Should I Just Stop?
As I see more and more people cancelling their memberships, I am getting a sense that what I'm doing isn't quite enough to hold that value to people. I'm worried that I've broken something here. More and more, posts are going without comments or likes on Patreon, and video views on YouTube are dropping off as well. I'm wondering what your thoughts are, dear reader. I'm wondering if you may think I've lost my way in what I'm doing.
Today, our morning devotional was about the true mark of success. It reminded me that when we look to the world for approval, or think of views and likes and shares as an indication of success, we get further away from the truth of what God asks of us. In fact, maybe those indicators show us that we are further from what God wants.
It was so timely, because I've been questioning these things already. Am I getting further away from my Lord's purpose for me?
What do you think? Should I start giving all of my music away for free? Maybe I should close down this Patreon account. Maybe I should be drastic in my faith in God's provision? Maybe I should stop working on scripture songs? Maybe I should keep writing but give them all away?
I can be so single-minded, and even stubborn to accomplish a purpose. Initially I felt confident that I should put scripture to music. I was sure that this was a creative outlet that had an important purpose. I was talented to do it, and had a vision that got me out of bed in the mornings.
But in the past, one of the common issues I have had is pushing things beyond the point of completion. I don't always see the sign that it's time to stop.
If you're still reading this far, then maybe you're one of the people who God wants to speak through. I would love to hear from you. Do you have an opinion? Do you sense God's purpose and will? What do you think I should do?