My Journal and Diary
Sunday, October 27th, 2024

Hello brothers, hello sisters.
This is the last Galatians song I'll be releasing for a little while. I need to take a bit of a break, and my Christmas album is coming out November 1st.
The angelic voice you're hearing here is Caroline Bootland, who is on the worship team at my church. She lives just a block from my house, and so we were able to be in the same room while recording-- not something that happens usually on this project!
She felt too shy to be on camera, so I have been struggling with an idea for a lyric video to use with this song. I found this footage and heavily modified it to fit with the timing of the song. Yes, it's copyrighted, so I may be asked to take it down. I reached out to the YouTube channel which posted it, but I doubt they'll get back to me. At least the video is a placeholder for this song until I find out either way.
It's not really a perfect fit, because in this video you watch the story of Abraham being given a promise of as many descendants as there are stars in the sky, or grains of sand on the ground... right through to his son being born to him in old age, and then leading him up the hill for the sacrifice. But in Galatians, Paul is telling us about the way the law came after Abraham's faith, and that even without the law, faith made Abraham righteous in God's eyes... it's a bit of a fit, but maybe a bit of a stretch.
In any case, I find the video moving to watch. The acting and videography is quite good! If you're interested in watching the source, the link is here:
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - Genesis on YouTube
I want to just say again how appreciative I am of you. Thanks for watching and listening to my creative endeavours, and for your encouragement all along the way! I pray that everything I do brings glory to God, and God alone!
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