Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Monday, December 23rd, 2024

New Vocalist Collaboration

On Thursday night I met with a new vocalist over Zoom. Her name is Londa Larmond, and I'm hoping that she will be joining me on my next Galatians song!

She doesn't have her own mic or studio set up, so if we work together, I will have to pay for her studio time. I would love to include her, so pray that God will provide the finances to hire the studio. As it says in Psalm 50, God owns the cattle on a thousand hills! He is more than able to meet our needs!

Please take some time to follow her on social media, listen to her music on your favourite streaming platform, leave a comment wherever it's possible, and generally support her in her ministry! It's so important that we brothers and sisters in Christ care for one another, carry each other's burdens, and pray for one another. It's one of the many benefits of being part of the family of God! We are not along on this earthly journey!

You can find her in the following places:

She's got an amazing, soulful voice. One leader in the Canadian music industry told me recently that she may be the best female vocalist in Canada! What an honour it is that she agreed to be involved in my little project!