My Journal and Diary
Friday, March 30th, 2018
Ending Well - When All Goes Poorly
I entitled this “But I Will Trust in You,” because it is the last line of the Psalm; but up until that line, the writer complains to God about many concerns. He has concerns, such as the oppression and fraud in the city, the evil ones who would destroy what is good. The psalmist writes that he wishes he could fly away like a dove, and rest in the branches of the wilderness, away from all that is wrong with the world.
But he will trust in God.
He'd love to hurry away to some place safe, away from the raging storm.
We can all relate, right? We live in a corrupt world, where lies are truth, and truth are lies. We are faced, each day, with dishonesty and even backstabbing. Our own friends, with whom we worship, can be the ones who try to destroy us.
Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never permit the righteous to be moved. But you O God, will cast them down to the lowest pit, the bloodthirsty and treacherous will not live out even HALF their days... but I will TRUST IN YOU.