Jason Silver

Web Development by CrookedBush.com Inc.

My Journal and Diary



Friday, October 27th, 2017

Tears in a Bottle

 Mere Mortals

Are you ever afraid?

Who isn't, right? Fear can wear lots of different masks, whether it's jealousy, worry, obsessive compulsive behaviour, social anxiety, and many other negative emotions.

At their root is that old enemy, fear, and we all face it.

But God is so completely deserving of our trust. Just try to imagine a being entirely full of perfect love! Such a being would be entirely trustworthy and safe, right? God.

We can all identify with this Psalmist, talking about enemies trampling over him, people fighting with him. He complains of evil thoughts against him, people trying to take him out, to betray him and hurt him!

But God keeps his “tears in a bottle,” knowing every cry, tracking it all, and vindicating and saving him from destruction!

Do not despair, God is FOR us! There is no reason to be afraid.
