My Journal and Diary
Friday, January 12th, 2018
Turn to God

Deep waters, coming up to my neck, my feet stuck in mire, unable to move - this gives me a panicky feeling just thinking about it!
Then I imagine not being able to find a good foothold, tired, thirsty, barely able to see, and now my enemies are plotting, and accusing me of things I haven't done!
It's a pretty bleak picture.
When we feel stressed and worried, we should take the example of David, and turn to God. We don't have to have our life all together, or to be perfectly holy in order for God to help us! As it says in verse 5, God knows our folly, and the wrongs we've done are not hidden from him. He will rescue us, he will bring us his peace.
So put your trust in God! There's no better time than right now. Don't wait a moment longer.