My Journal and Diary
Friday, March 13th, 2020
Responding to Fear with Faith

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), has been dominating the news for a few weeks now, and is probably on everyone's mind. I'm slightly amazed by the varied, and often fearful responses we've seen.
For example, I've heard of individuals lashing out in fear, doing and saying unkind things to others because they are afraid that they might become infected. I've heard of racism directed to people because they are Chinese! This is not how we should behave.
How should we react as Christians? What would God have us do, and how would Jesus behave? Should we protect ourselves and our families from becoming infected, or should we attempt to care for the sick just as Jesus cared for those who had communicable diseases like leprosy?
This is an easy answer: we should be motivated by love, not by fear. We should consider our own needs as secondary to the needs of others.
It was reported a few days ago that Pope Francis is telling priests to get out and comfort the sick, even while Italy is urging her citizens to stay home. I believe Pope Francis is modeling Christ here. We live in a world that is predominantly motivated by fear, and so this decision is in sharp contrast. Of course, Christians should be directed by love, compassion, and faith.
Listen to the words of Psalm 145: The Lord is near to all who call on him in truth! He hears their cry and saves them! He is just in all his ways, he watches over all who love him! Wouldn't it be amazing if, as described in verse 4, the next generation of humanity looks back to remember the work of God through his people?
As brothers and sisters of Christ, let's be the hands of Jesus, embracing those who are unwell. Let's reach out to those who need our touch.
You may think it is foolish to do so, but I would rather be foolish in sharing God's generous love, than to miss an opportunity to be Jesus to my neighbour.