My Journal and Diary
Friday, August 2nd, 2019
Getting Away

When I am close to nature, I feel close to God. I love feeling close to God, and so I spend as much time in nature as I can.
When I do, there are so many things to take pleasure in: limestone and granite poking out of the ground like the bones of the earth; crystal-clear lakes lapping the shoreline; loons, lamenting with eerie cries; cattails casting fluff to the breeze, to seed another generation; wind whipping my hair as I survey the endless skies; secret streams, sliding toward some unseen destination.
Taking in this beauty is like seeing the heart of God, the master creator.
Only a few believe in God anymore. The cities swell, the villages shrink, and I wonder if apathy toward the spiritual has anything to do with humanity's separation from nature. The wonder of the wild has been supplanted by the temptation of technology.
The human's faith in God is not a hinge upon which God's faithfulness to us swings. He is loyal and true when we are treacherous and false. He is always seeking us, revealing himself, waiting for a moment to break through our distractions. My immaturity and selfish ambition doesn't hinder God from using me to bless others. In fact, my weakness is the very thing through which God is best glorified.
The next time you have the opportunity to get away from the buildings, bustle, and busyness of your life, look for Him in the beauty of the earth. Recall the times He's faithfully cared for your needs, and worship Him for all He has done for you!
You are His child, His own. He loves you with a fierce and loyal love. He will never leave you, nor forsake you!
He is faithful.