My Journal and Diary
Friday, May 1st, 2020
The Stresses, The Blessings

It was so wonderful to get out in the canoe last week with my family to record the footage in this video. Finally the ice has receded, the sun gets warm enough some days to lay on the ground and soak in the rays. I leaned up against a tree, closed my eyes, and basked in the glory of spring! My son Seth even risked a polar plunge from the cliff of one island! (He's 18, and just a little crazy).
Spending time in nature with my family is one my favourite things to do! It may be one benefit of being isolated from friends, since there is so little else to do! We all seem to be spending more time together, enjoying one another, and slowing our lives down to a pace that seems somehow, "more human."
I realized that not everyone finds themselves in an idyllic situation. I have heard of those who are hungry, depending on food banks, and many people are without work and pay, even though the bills keep coming. Some have needed to shut down their businesses for good, others are separated from their loved ones, maybe permanently!
If you're in that situation, I pray that this Psalm will meet you in your grief today. Perhaps no other psalm has a more profound sense of sorrow than this one. The soul of the singer pours itself out in unrestrained abandonment to overwhelming and terrible grief. David is facing persecution, and so prays to his God for deliverance.
Maybe you will find this scripture helpful. Look to the ending, and take solace in the triumphant conclusion! "Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and everything in them! For God WILL save Zion, and the descendants of His servants shall inherit it, and those who love His name shall dwell in it!"