My Journal and Diary
Saturday, May 9th, 2020
Something Old, Something New

From time to time, I consider the irony that the Psalms themselves, our historic source for sung worship, tell us to sing a new song! Think of it: as we sing the Psalms, we're in effect disobeying that command!
That said, I'm obviously not advocating that we stop singing OLD songs, and I believe that is the crux of the matter. Yes, we should sing new songs, but we should also include the Psalms in our worship.
My church is guilty of mostly ignoring the Psalms, and I'm in charge of worship there! We introduce a new song about once every month or two, but rarely include the Psalms as musical worship in our services.
You may be surprised to hear ME say that, of all people! Here I am, composing music for the Psalms, and failing to sing them with my congregation!
My wife and I are trying to rectify that. When we left the liturgical congregation of St. Paul's Anglican, and joined an evangelical congregation, this group of believers had not made it a practice to sing the Psalms. I felt awkward and perhaps slightly vain in making them sing my versions on Sunday.
However, over the last number of weeks we've been adding one Psalm-song each Sunday. We're encouraging our congregation to commit this Psalm to memory.
How are you using the Psalms in your worship?