My Journal and Diary
Friday, May 22nd, 2020
Comes the Morning

If you're a patron, you may have read my note a few days ago about my visit to the hospital's emergency room. The doctors there checked me over, did a CT scan, a chest X-ray, and scheduled an appointment for me with the stroke clinic. They haven't figured it all out yet, but they saw a bone growth behind my nose, and so an MRI is being arranged. Apparently, it doesn't look "sinister."
I agree, it's certainly not sinister. Even though the doctor may have been using sinister as a medical term, I am confident that my life is safely in God's hands. Yes, I am concerned about what my future holds, but at some point, each of us comes to term with our own mortality.
When Heman the Ezrahite penned today's Psalm 88, I can see he was also faced with his own death. He says his soul is full of troubles, his life is near to Sheol (or the grave), that he is cut off from God, forsaken among the dead! He feels like he is in dark regions, overwhelmed with despair. He goes on and on for 18 verses, recounting his hopelessness.
Unlike so many Psalms, this one does not end with a hopeful phrase. Perhaps you too can relate! So much is crumbling around us in our world right now. It's hard to see God when the air is so full of smoke!
But I have hope, and you should too! Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning! I look forward to that eternal morning when we all will celebrate in peace together, forever!
I am sure that this issue with my body is nothing to be concerned about, but even if it is, I trust that God will lead me, preserve me, and save me.